[DB2002b] G251.67+0.15 , the SIMBAD biblio

[DB2002b] G251.67+0.15 , the SIMBAD biblio (11 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.02CEST13:27:17

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Title First 3 Authors
1983ApL....23..119Z 38 56 Cometary globules in the Gum-Vela complex. ZEALEY W.J., NINKOV Z., RICE E., et al.
1986A&AS...63...27H viz 1095 135 A catalogue of southern dark clouds. HARTLEY M., MANCHESTER R.N., SMITH R.M., et al.
1992JApA...13..217S 49 25 Kinematics of the Cometary Globules in the Gum Nebula. SRIDHARAN T.K.
1993MNRAS.262..812B 57 15 Enhanced star formation in the cometary globules of the Gum nebula. BHATT H.C.
1995MNRAS.276.1052B 260 86 Studies of star formation in isolated small dark clouds - I. A catalogue of southern Bok globules : optical and IRAS properties. BOURKE T.L., HYLAND A.R. and ROBINSON G.
1995MNRAS.276.1067B 206 78 Studies of star formation in isolated small dark clouds - II. A southern ammonia survey. BOURKE T.L., HYLAND A.R., ROBINSON G., et al.
2000PASA...17...92O viz 1093 19 Catalogue of J = 1-0 CO emission towards southern dark clouds. OTRUPCEK R.E., HARTLEY M. and WANG J.-S.
2001MNRAS.325.1213W 48 26 Kinematics of the Gum nebula region. WOERMANN B., GAYLARD M.J. and OTRUPCEK R.
2002A&A...383..631D viz 15       D               3330 41 A catalogue of dust clouds in the Galaxy. DUTRA C.M. and BICA E.
2003A&A...399..141M viz 2072 71 Merged catalogue of reflection nebulae. MAGAKIAN T.Y.
2009MNRAS.393..959C 91       D         F     2 76 3 Kinematics of the young stellar objects associated with the cometary globules in the Gum nebula. CHOUDHURY R. and BHATT H.C.

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