[DB2002b] G253.60+2.94 , the SIMBAD biblio

[DB2002b] G253.60+2.94 , the SIMBAD biblio (34 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.02CEST13:53:30

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1983A&A...117..183R 1 29 252 Star formation in Bok globules and low-mass clouds. REIPURTH B.
1983ApL....23..119Z 38 56 Cometary globules in the Gum-Vela complex. ZEALEY W.J., NINKOV Z., RICE E., et al.
1986A&AS...63...27H viz 1095 135 A catalogue of southern dark clouds. HARTLEY M., MANCHESTER R.N., SMITH R.M., et al.
1988A&A...195..269S 9 15 Cometary globules in the Gum nebula. I. Infrared and optical properties of CG 22. SAHU M., POTTASCH S.R., SAHU K.C., et al.
1990A&A...233..197H 6 22 Molecular gas in cometary globules: CG 1. HARJU J., SAHU M., HENKEL C., et al.
1991A&AS...89..185L 63 19 Non violent star formation in the region of the 30 Doradus nebula. LORTET M.-C. and TESTOR G.
1992A&A...259..265S 16 8 Cometary globules in the Gum nebula. II. Low mass star formation in cometary globule 22. SAHU M. and SAHU K.C.
1992JApA...13..217S 49 25 Kinematics of the Cometary Globules in the Gum Nebula. SRIDHARAN T.K.
1993A&A...267..439R 92 T K A S   X C       34 12 Star formation in Bok globules and low-mass clouds. V. H-alpha emission stars near SA 101, CG 13 and CG 22. REIPURTH B. and PETTERSSON B.
1993MNRAS.262..812B 57 15 Enhanced star formation in the cometary globules of the Gum nebula. BHATT H.C.
1995MNRAS.276.1052B 260 86 Studies of star formation in isolated small dark clouds - I. A catalogue of southern Bok globules : optical and IRAS properties. BOURKE T.L., HYLAND A.R. and ROBINSON G.
1995MNRAS.276.1067B 206 78 Studies of star formation in isolated small dark clouds - II. A southern ammonia survey. BOURKE T.L., HYLAND A.R., ROBINSON G., et al.
1996MNRAS.279.1191S 71 T                   23 10 Magnetic fields in cometary globules - I. CG 22. SRIDHARAN T.K., BHATT H.C. and RAJAGOPAL J.
1998JApA...19...79R 10 5 Molecular gas associated with the IRAS-Vela shell. RAJAGOPAL J. and SRINIVASAN G.
1999MNRAS.308...40B 15 8 Magnetic fields in cometary globules - II. CG 30-31 complex. BHATT H.C.
1999PASJ...51..765Y 15 24 Distribution and kinematics of the molecular clouds in the Gum Nebula. YAMAGUCHI N., MIZUNO N., MORIGUCHI Y., et al.
2000PASA...17...92O viz 1093 19 Catalogue of J = 1-0 CO emission towards southern dark clouds. OTRUPCEK R.E., HARTLEY M. and WANG J.-S.
2002A&A...383..631D viz 15       D               3330 41 A catalogue of dust clouds in the Galaxy. DUTRA C.M. and BICA E.
2004MNRAS.348...83B 22 10 Magnetic fields in cometary globules - III. CG 12. BHATT H.C., MAHESWAR G. and MANOJ P.
2006AJ....132.1998Y 36 20 Submillimeter common-user bolometer array mapping of Spitzer c2d small clouds and cores. YOUNG C.H., BOURKE T.L., YOUNG K.E., et al.
2007ApJS..171..478L 48 10 AST/RO 13CO(J = 2⟶1) and 12CO(J = 4⟶3) mapping of southern Spitzer c2d small clouds and cores. LOHR A., BOURKE T.L., LANE A.P., et al.
2009MNRAS.393..959C 584       D     X C F     14 76 3 Kinematics of the young stellar objects associated with the cometary globules in the Gum nebula. CHOUDHURY R. and BHATT H.C.
2009MNRAS.398..157H 42           X         1 8 73 Radiation-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the photoionization of magnetized globules. HENNEY W.J., ARTHUR S.J., DE COLLE F., et al.
2010RMxAA..46...67K 38           X         1 37 1 Herbig-Haro objects around CG 30. KAJDIC P., REIPURTH B., RAGA A.C., et al.
2012A&A...537A...4M 209       D     X         6 78 8 Tracing the evolutionary stage of Bok globules: CCS and NH3. MARKA C., SCHREYER K., LAUNHARDT R., et al.
2012A&A...541A.154P 93       D       C       4 49 9 Absence of coreshine in the Gum/Vela region. PAGANI L., LEFEVRE C., BACMANN A., et al.
2013ApJ...766...50M 39           X         1 6 4 Effects of magnetic field and far-ultraviolet radiation on the structures of bright-rimmed clouds. MOTOYAMA K., UMEMOTO T., SHANG H., et al.
2013MNRAS.432.1502S 39           X         1 32 11 Magnetic fields in cometary globules - IV. LBN 437. SOAM A., MAHESWAR G., BHATT H.C., et al.
2014A&A...572A..20L 16       D   O           1 292 24 Dust properties inside molecular clouds from coreshine modeling and observations. LEFEVRE C., PAGANI L., JUVELA M., et al.
2015A&A...573A..34S viz 40           X         1 45 12 Magnetic field structure around cores with very low luminosity objects. SOAM A., MAHESWAR G., LEE C.W., et al.
2020ApJ...889...50Y viz 85           X         2 64 ~ Young stars near cometary globule CG 30 in the tumultuous Gum Nebula. YEP A.C. and WHITE R.J.
2022MNRAS.511.4500Y viz 18       D               1 18 1 Collision of two stellar associations in the nearby Gum Nebula. YEP A.C. and WHITE R.J.
2022MNRAS.513.2039S 45           X         1 63 ~ Magnetic fields and young stellar objects in cometary cloud L1616. SAHA P., SOAM A., BAUG T., et al.
2022A&A...662A..74G 134           X C       2 11 6 An extended scattered light disk around AT Pyx. Possible planet formation in a cometary globule. GINSKI C., GRATTON R., BOHN A., et al.

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