[HTN2003] HD 97048 1 , the SIMBAD biblio

2003A&A...400..575H - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 400, 575-583 (2003/3-3)

Mid-IR observations of small stellar clusters surrounding Herbig AeBe stars.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present TIMMI2 observations at 10µm of 12 fields centered on known Herbig AeBe (HAeBe) stars. We detected sources (in addition to the HAeBe star) in five fields, three of which are associated with early B stars. Using complementary near-IR and optical data, we estimate that the detected sources are young, embedded (AV∼5-24mag), intermediate-mass objects (∼1.5-3.5M). In four objects the 10µm emission can be accounted for by a circumstellar disk, while in 2 cases (possibly 3) there is evidence that the objects are still in an earlier stage of evolution (Class I). These results confirm the association of the early B Herbig stars with rather rich clusters, as well as their very young age. If our estimates of the stellar parameters are confirmed, this would be the largest sample so far of embedded, intermediate-mass objects available for further studies.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: formation - stars: pre-main sequence - infrared: stars - open clusters and associations: general - circumstellar matter

Nomenclature: Table 2: [HTN2003] MWC 297 N (Nos 1-2), [HTN2003] V921 Sco N (Nos 1-4), [HTN2003] LSS 3027B N (No. 1), [HTN2003] VY Mon N (Nos 1-2), [HTN2003] HD 97048 N (Nos 1-2).

CDS comments: T.2: LSS 3027B = [ST89] LSS 3027 B in SIMBAD

Simbad objects: 26

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