[TF2005] 10 , the SIMBAD biblio

2005PASP..117..967T - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 117, 967-971 (2005/September-0)

The stars surrounding WR 55.


Abstract (from CDS):

Photoelectric UBV photometry is presented for stars in a field closely adjacent to the Wolf-Rayet star WR 55 (WN7) in a search for a possible parent cluster. There is a group of at least eight stars ∼7' south-southeast of the WR star forming a newly discovered, sparsely populated open cluster (designated C1331-622), but the stars are only 819±26 pc distant, less than a quarter of the predicted distance to WR 55.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Stars: Wolf-Rayet - ISM: Dust, Extinction - open clusters and associations: individual (C1331-622)

Nomenclature: Table 1, Fig.1: [TF2005] NN (Nos 1-16).

Simbad objects: 25

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