ACO 3545 , the SIMBAD biblio

ACO 3545 , the SIMBAD biblio (15 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.05.06CEST18:12:14

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Title First 3 Authors
1989ApJS...70....1A viz 5256 1561 A catalog of rich clusters of galaxies. ABELL G.O., CORWIN H.G.Jr and OLOWIN R.P.
1989Natur.342..251R 49 122 The distribution of galaxies in the direction of the 'great attractor'. RAYCHAUDHURY S.
1991MNRAS.252..394D 23 35 GINGA observations of the Shapley supercluster. DAY C.S.R., FABIAN A.C., EDGE A.C., et al.
1992AcA....42..253U 1 53 302 The optical gravitational lensing experiment. UDALSKI A., SZYMANSKI M., KALUZNY J., et al.
1994ApJ...424...59B 27 36 EINSTEIN X-ray observations of the core of the Shapley supercluster in northern Centaurus. BREEN J., RAYCHAUDHURY S., FORMAN W., et al.
1994MNRAS.269..301E viz 678 139 The structure of the universe traced by rich clusters of galaxies. EINASTO M., EINASTO J., TAGO E., et al.
1995ApJS...99..405C 163 22 Far-Infrared emission from Abell clusters. COX C.V., BREGMAN J.N. and SCHOMBERT J.M.
1997A&AS..123..119E viz 1121 171 The supercluster-void network. I. The supercluster catalogue and large-scale distribution. EINASTO M., TAGO E., JAANISTE J., et al.
1997A&AS..125..247Q viz 364 14 Redshift of clusters and galaxies towards the Shapley Concentration. QUINTANA H., MELNICK J., PROUST D., et al.
1999PASA...16..113D viz 346 20 New structure in the Shapley supercluster. DRINKWATER M.J., PROUST D., PARKER Q.A., et al.
2000AJ....120..511Q 108 52 The Shapley supercluster. II. Spectroscopic observations in a wide area and general morphology. QUINTANA H., CARRASCO E.R. and REISENEGGER A.
2001AJ....122.2222E viz 1468 148 Optical and X-ray clusters as tracers of the supercluster-void network. I. Superclusters of Abell and X-ray clusters. EINASTO M., EINASTO J., TAGO E., et al.
2006A&A...445..819R viz 80 13 Identification and study of systems of galaxies in the Shapley supercluster. RAGONE C.J., MURIEL H., PROUST D., et al.
2006A&A...447..133P 74 42 Structure and dynamics of the Shapley Supercluster. Velocity catalogue, general morphology and mass. PROUST D., QUINTANA H., CARRASCO E.R., et al.
2018MNRAS.481.1055H viz 41           X         1 4080 3 Shapley Supercluster Survey: mapping the filamentary network connecting the clusters. HAINES C.P., BUSARELLO G., MERLUZZI P., et al.

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