CXOU J083615.3-262433 , the SIMBAD biblio

2010ApJ...718..724K - Astrophys. J., 718, 724-738 (2010/August-1)

The diffuse and compact X-ray components of the starburst galaxy Henize 2-10.


Abstract (from CDS):

Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging spectroscopy of the starburst galaxy Henize 2-10 (He 2-10) reveals a strong nuclear point source and at least two fainter compact sources embedded within a more luminous diffuse thermal component. Spectral fits to the nuclear X-ray source imply an unabsorbed X-ray luminosity Lx>1040 erg/s for reasonable power law or blackbody models, consistent with accretion onto a >50 M black hole behind a foreground absorbing column of NH>1023/cm2. Two of these point sources have Lx= 2 - 5x1038 erg/s, comparable to luminous X-ray binaries. These compact sources constitute a small fraction (≤16%) of the total X-ray flux from He 2-10 in the 0.3-6.0 keV band and just 31% of the X-rays in the hard 1.1-6.0 keV band which is dominated by diffuse emission. Two-temperature solar-composition plasmas (kT =~ 0.2 keV and kT =~ 0.7 keV) fit the diffuse X-ray component as well as single-temperature plasmas with enhanced α/Fe ratios. Since the observed radial gradient of the X-ray surface brightness closely follows that of the Hα emission, the composition of the X-ray plasma likely reflects mixing of the ambient cool/warm interstellar medium (ISM) with an even hotter, low emission measure plasma, thereby explaining the ∼solar ISM composition. Aperture synthesis 21 cm maps show an extended neutral medium to radii of 60'' so that the warm and hot phases of the ISM, which extend to ∼30'', are enveloped within the 8x1020/cm2 contour of the cool neutral medium. This extended neutral halo may serve to inhibit a starburst-driven outflow unless it is predominantly along the line of sight. The high areal density of star formation can also be reconciled with the lack of prominent outflow signatures if He 2-10 is in the very early stages of developing a galactic wind.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: abundances - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: formation - galaxies: fundamental parameters

Simbad objects: 39

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