ESO 12-12 , the SIMBAD biblio

ESO 12-12 , the SIMBAD biblio (18 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.02CEST13:50:52

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Title First 3 Authors
1985MAUTx...4....1C viz 4985 15 Southern Galaxy Catalogue. CORWIN H.G., DE VAUCOULEURS A. and DE VAUCOULEURS G.
1989A&AS...80..299P viz 919 149 An extragalactic database. I. The catalogue of principal galaxies. PATUREL G., FOUQUE P., BOTTINELLI L., et al.
1989ESOLV.C......0L viz 14       D               15447 ~ The surface photometry catalogue of the ESO-Uppsala galaxies. LAUBERTS A. and VALENTIJN E.A.
1991ApJS...75..935D 1921 138 Southern Sky Redshift Survey: The catalog DA COSTA L.N., PELLEGRINI P.S., DAVIS M., et al.
1994ApJS...93..425M 331 20 Galaxy properties in different environments. I. The sample. MAIA M.A.G., PASTORIZA M.G., BICA E., et al.
1995ApJS...96...39B viz 4553 226 The catalog of southern ringed galaxies. BUTA R.
2000MNRAS.317...55S viz 14       D               1 16418 457 The PSCz catalogue. SAUNDERS W., SUTHERLAND W.J., MADDOX S.J., et al.
2003A&A...412...45P viz 15       D               1 956205 750 HYPERLEDA. I. Identification and designation of galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2004MNRAS.350.1195M viz 15       D               1 4325 495 The HIPASS catalogue - I. Data presentation. MEYER M.J., ZWAAN M.A., WEBSTER R.L., et al.
2005MNRAS.361...34D viz 15       D               1 4323 182 The HIPASS catalogue - III. Optical counterparts and isolated dark galaxies. DOYLE M.T., DRINKWATER M.J., ROHDE D.J., et al.
2009MNRAS.398..109W viz 15       D               1 50356 37 The imperial IRAS-FSC redshift catalogue. WANG L. and ROWAN-ROBINSON M.
2009MNRAS.399..683J viz 15       D               1 124640 796 The 6dF galaxy survey: final redshift release (DR3) and southern large-scale structures. JONES D.H., READ M.A., SAUNDERS W., et al.
2011MNRAS.416.2840L viz 15       D               1 72554 178 The 2M++ galaxy redshift catalogue. LAVAUX G. and HUDSON M.J.
2012ApJS..199...26H viz 15       D               1 48924 517 The 2MASS Redshift Survey - Description and data release. HUCHRA J.P., MACRI L.M., MASTERS K.L., et al.
2015AJ....149..171T viz 16       D               1 49218 119 Galaxy groups: a 2MASS catalog. TULLY R.B.
2016A&A...588A..14T viz 16       D               2 84076 35 Friends-of-friends galaxy group finder with membership refinement. TEMPEL E., KIPPER R., TAMM A., et al.
2018A&A...618A..81T viz 16       D               1 50418 14 Bayesian group finder based on marked point processes. Method and feasibility study using the 2MRS data set. TEMPEL E., KRUUSE M., KIPPER R., et al.
2021ApJ...914..121A viz 17       D               1 43539 20 The NANOGrav 11 yr data set: limits on supermassive black hole binaries in galaxies within 500 Mpc. ARZOUMANIAN Z., BAKER P.T., BRAZIER A., et al.

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