IC 633 , the SIMBAD biblio

IC 633 , the SIMBAD biblio (21 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.02CEST13:10:01

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Title First 3 Authors
1975SoByu..47....3A 598 54 The galaxies of high surface brightness. ARAKELIAN M.A.
1981AJ.....86..820K 592 9 Accurate optical positions of Arakelian galaxies. KOJOIAN G., ELLIOTT R., BICAY M.D., et al.
1986MNRAS.221..233P 523 142 A complete galaxy redshift sample - III. Methods and catalogue. PETERSON B.A., ELLIS R.S., EFSTATHIOU G., et al.
1986Ap&SS.124..407P 90 5 New galaxies with high surface brightness in the Nilson system. PETROV G.T.
1989A&AS...80..299P viz 919 149 An extragalactic database. I. The catalogue of principal galaxies. PATUREL G., FOUQUE P., BOTTINELLI L., et al.
1993A&AS..100...47G viz 4500 387 General study of group membership. II. Determination of nearby groups. GARCIA A.M.
1995MNRAS.274..769M 153 65 CCD galaxy photometry and the calibration of photographic surveys. METCALFE N., FONG R. and SHANKS T.
1996A&AS..117..467G viz 22335 19 An image database. II. Catalogue between δ=-0deg and δ=70deg. GARNIER R., PATUREL G., PETIT C., et al.
1998MNRAS.294..147M 335 29 UBVRI photometry of the Durham-AAT redshift survey. METCALFE N., RATCLIFFE A., SHANKS T., et al.
1999ApJS..125..409C viz 13438 54 Arcsecond positions of UGC galaxies. COTTON W.D., CONDON J.J. and ARBIZZANI E.
1999PASP..111..438F viz 14       D               1 19406 418 The updated Zwicky catalog (UZC). FALCO E.E., KURTZ M.J., GELLER M.J., et al.
2002AJ....123.2976R viz 8030 125 The UZC-SSRS2 group catalog. RAMELLA M., GELLER M.J., PISANI A., et al.
2003A&A...412...45P viz 15       D               1 956205 750 HYPERLEDA. I. Identification and designation of galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2009MNRAS.399..683J viz 15       D               1 124640 796 The 6dF galaxy survey: final redshift release (DR3) and southern large-scale structures. JONES D.H., READ M.A., SAUNDERS W., et al.
2012MNRAS.421.1043S viz 15       D               3 3198 151 Strongly star forming galaxies in the local Universe with nebular He II λ4686 emission. SHIRAZI M. and BRINCHMANN J.
2015ApJ...812...89M viz 16       D               1 12670 7 ECO and RESOLVE: galaxy disk growth in environmental context. MOFFETT A.J., KANNAPPAN S.J., BERLIND A.A., et al.
2017ApJ...849...20E viz 16       D               1 9926 2 The baryonic collapse efficiency of galaxy groups in the RESOLVE and ECO surveys. ECKERT K.D., KANNAPPAN S.J., LAGOS C.D.P., et al.
2018AJ....155...17C viz 16       D               1 803 ~ Infrared photometric study of Wolf-Rayet galaxies. CHEN P.S., YANG X.H., LIU J.Y., et al.
2019ApJS..244....3D viz 17       D               1 23802 ~ Circumventing the effects of projection and dust using inclination-independent infrared galaxy structure measurements: method, error analysis, and a new public catalog of near-infrared galaxy structures. DEVOUR B.M. and BELL E.F.
2020MNRAS.494.1784A viz 17       D               1 47437 9 Local AGN survey (LASr): I. Galaxy sample, infrared colour selection, and predictions for AGN within 100 Mpc. ASMUS D., GREENWELL C.L., GANDHI P., et al.
2022ApJS..258...29C viz 18       D               1 101251 ~ A Uniformly Selected, Southern-sky 6dF, Optical AGN Catalog. CHEN Y.-P., ZAW I., FARRAR G.R., et al.

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