M 8 , the SIMBAD biblio

M 8 , the SIMBAD biblio (616 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.02CEST13:45:06

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Title First 3 Authors
1850CDT..1784..227M 111 ~ Catalogue des nebuleuses et des amas d'etoiles. MESSIER C.
1894AstAp..13..791B 61 T                   2 4 1 Photograph of
M8, and the Trifid nebula.
1895ApJ.....2..161C 3 2 The visible spectrum of the Trifid nebula. CAMPBELL W.W.
1895ApJ.....2..351B 9 0 Celestial photographs with a "magic lantern" lens. BARNARD E.E.
1920ApJ....51....4D 7 16 Bright nebulae and star clusters in Sagittarius and Scutum photographed with the 60-inch reflector. DUNCAN J.C.
1922ApJ....56..162H 112 131 A general study of diffuse galactic nebulae. HUBBLE E.P.
1922ApJ....56..400H 62 99 The source of luminosity in galactic nebulae. HUBBLE E.
1931PASP...43..255T 7 23 The distance of the Orion nebula. TRUMPLER R.J.
1947ApJ...105..255B 4 6 208 Small dark nebulae. BOK B.J. and REILLY E.F.
1952ApJ...115...89S 20 23 The nearest H II regions. SHARPLESS S. and OSTERBROCK D.
1954Natur.174..176H 25 22 Radio observations of ionized hydrogen nebulae and other discrete sources at a wavelength of 9.4 cm. HADDOCK F.T., MAYER C.H. and SLOANAKER R.M.
1956AuJPh...9...74P 51 18 Cosmic radio sources observed at 600 Mc/s. PIDDINGTON J.H. and TRENT G.H.
1957ApJ...125..654H 66 T                   1 34 35 Emission-line stars in the vicinity of Messier 8, Messier 20 and Simeis 188. HERBIG G.H.
1957ApJ...125..823V 66 T                   1 4 ~ Two bright knots in the gaseous nebula
M 8.
1957ApJ...126..302V 66 T                   1 140 26 Halpha emission stars and planetary nebulae in the vicinity of
M 8 and M 20, and in Vela in longitude range 230 to 241 along the galactic equator.
1958BAN....14..215W viz 94 473 A survey of the continuous radiation from the galactic system at a frequency of 1390 Mc/s . WESTERHOUT G.
1959ApJS....4..257S viz 341 890 A catalogue of HII regions. SHARPLESS S.
1960PASP...72..331W 116 99 A survey of galactic radiation at 960 MC/S. WILSON R.W. and BOLTON J.G.
1960IzKry..23....3P 3 10 The electron temperature, density and mass of NGC 6523. PRONYK V.I.
1960PASJ...12..203M 59 4 On the radio emission from HII clouds. MORIYAMA F.
1961MNRAS.123..113L 61 32 A radio survey of the galactic plane at a frequency of 408 MHz. I. The discrete sources. LARGE M.I., MATHEWSON D.S. and HASLAM C.G.T.
1961PASP...73..206W 70 T                   1 2 58 On the star Herschel 36 near
M 8.
1963AJ.....68..181W 125 40 Catalogue of radio sources in the Galactic plane. WILSON R.W.
1963ApJ...137..747H 59 92 Dimensions of diffuse and planetary nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud. HENIZE K.G. and WESTERLUND B.E.
1963ZA.....56..257B 77 32 Die raumliche Verteilung von 55 H II-Regionen in der Milchstrasse. BECKER W. and FENKART R.
1965ApJ...142.1398C 1 23 238 An interferometer investigation of the 21-centimeter hydrogen-line absorption. CLARK B.G.
1965MNRAS.129..447M 62 15 Observations of the radio emission from the galactic plane at a frequency of 610 Mc/s. MORAN M.
1965VeSon...7....1G 326 1 Einige Beziehungen der RW-Aurigae-Sterne zur interstellaren Materie. GOETZ W.
1965VA......6..149P 1 7 88 The diffuse emission nebulae. POTTASCH S.R.
1965VA......6..173P 13 0 Determination of electron temperature in diffuse nebulae. POTTASCH S.R.
1966ApJ...143..743O 1 6 67 Photoelectric spectrophotometry of gaseous nebulae. III. Scattered light in three bright HII regions. O'DELL C.R., HUBBARD W.B. and PEIMBERT M.
1966ApJ...145...21C 194 62 Radio-source fringe visibilities with an interferometer of 21500-wavelength base line. CLARK B.G. and HOGG D.E.
1967ApJ...147..471M 5 21 741 Galactic H II regions. I. Observations of their continuum radiation at the frequency 5 GHz. MEZGER P.G. and HENDERSON A.P.
1967ApJ...147..490M 2 14 174 Galactic H II regions. II. Observations of their hydrogen 109 alpha recombination-line radiation at the frequency 5009 MHz. MEZGER P.G. and HOGLUND B.
1967ApJ...150..435D 59 119 Observations of the hydrogen recombination line 158a in galactic H II regions. DIETER N.H.
1968ApJ...151..473M 92 147 Radial velocities and kinematics of galactic H II regions. MILLER J.S.
1968ApJ...153..743G 77 76 Interstellar reddening for H II regions and Lyman visual colors of their exciting stars. GEBEL W.L.
1968ApJS...15..131G 43 221 OH absorption in the galaxy. GOSS W.M.
1968AuJPh..21..369K 88 82 A catalogue of galactic radio sources. KESTEVEN M.J.L.
1969A&A.....1..153L 5 22 Sur la temperature electronique des regions H II. LOUISE R. and MONNET G.
1969ApJ...158..629M 101 179 The effective temperatures of the O stars. MORTON D.C.
1970A&A.....6..261C 8 28 Observations of radio recombination lines at lambda = 18 cm. CHURCHWELL E. and EDRICH J.
1970A&A.....7..322G 40 11 Comparaison des vitesses radiales de regions H II obtenues en optique et en radio. GEORGELIN Y.P.
1970A&AS....1..319A 85 307 Surveys of the galactic plane at 1.414, 2.695 and 5.000 GHz. ALTENHOFF W.J., DOWNES D., GOAD L., et al.
1970ApJ...159..817G 5 22 Infrared studies of galactic nebulae - I - NGC 6523, 6572, and BD +30 3639. GILLETT F.C. and STEIN W.A.
1970ApJ...160..507A 33 29 The interstellar extinction of stars in HII regions. ANDERSON C.M.
1970QJRAS..11..199O 38 23 Abundances of the elements in gaseous nebulae. OSTERBROCK D.E.
1970VA.....12..367E 451 74 Stellar kinematics and evolution. EGGEN O.J.
1971ApJ...164L..23H 2 8 110 100-micron map of the Galactic-Center region. HOFFMANN W.F., FREDERICK C.L. and EMERY R.J.
1971ApJ...170L..89H viz 159 135 100-micron survey of the galactic plane. HOFFMANN W.F., FREDERICK C.L. and EMERY R.J.
1971PASAu...2...14H 24 1 Galactic infrared astronomy. HYLAND A.R.
1972ApJ...178..667F 9 25 Studies of small H II regions. I. Infrared photometry of Sharpless 138, 152, and 270. FROGEL J.A. and PERSSON S.E.
1972ApJS...24...49R 1 42 309 III. 21 centimeter absorption measurements on 41 galactic sources north of declination -48. RADHAKRISHNAN V., GOSS W.M., MURRAY J.D., et al.
1972MNRAS.159..129P 14 50 Observations of recombination lines at decimetre wavelengths. PEDLAR A. and DAVIES R.D.
1972AuJPh..25..539D 58 69 Classification of supernova remnants and HII regions from their recombination line emission. DICKEL J.R. and MILNE D.K.
1973ApJ...179L.111W 67 T                   1 3 15 The infrared sources in
M 8.
1973ApJ...182L..11G 67 T                   1 2 8 HCN radio emission from the hourglass region of
M 8.
1973ApJ...182..497J 20 19 Infrared nebular luminosity versus stellar luminosity in five H II regions. JOHNSON H.M.
1973ApJ...183..851B 68 T                   1 3 27 Structure of the HII regions
M 8 and M 20. I. Kinematics.
1973ApJ...184...93B 67 T                   1 4 17 Structure of the HII regions
M 8 and M 20. II. Electron densities.
1973PASP...85..586J 77 7 Luminous stars in the cores of H II regions. JOHNSON H.M.
1974A&A....31..431F 22 44 A survey of fine structure in galactic HII regions. FELLI M., TOFANI G. and D'ADDARIO L.R.
1974A&A....32..121D 67 T                   1 7 12 Photoelectric photometry of gaseous nebulae. II. The temperature and ionization structure of
M 8 and M 20.
1974A&A....32..283C 19 100 Helium abundance in galactic H II regions. CHURCHWELL E., MEZGER P.G. and HUCHTMEIER W.
1974AJ.....79..938D 15 3 An OH survey of the Hoffmann 100 micron sources. DICKINSON D.F. and CHAISSON E.J.
1974ApJ...192L.149Z 6 10 360 Models of massive molecular clouds. ZUCKERMAN B. and EVANS II N.J.
1974ApJ...192..221P 1 10 76 Infrared emission from H II regions. PANAGIA N.
1976A&AS...25...25D viz 14       D               1 621 27 HII regions of the Northern Milky Way: medium large field photographic atlas and catalogue. DUBOUT-CRILLON R.
1976ApJ...203..159L 68 T                   16 79 Optical and millemeter-wave observations of the
M8 region.
1976PASAu...3...47L 42 8 The AFCRL catalogue: some southern sources studies. LONGMORE A.J. and HYLAND A.R.
1976S&T....51..363H 43 0 Deep-sky wonders. HOUSTON W.S.
1977A&A....54..335P 14 48 A survey of radio recombination lines from H I regions and Associated H II regions. PANKONIN V., THOMASSON P. and BARSUHN J.
1977AJ.....82..129D 68 T                   4 17 Infrared map of
1977ApJ...214L.115L 1 8 45 Far-infrared scans of the Galactic plane. LOW F.J., KURTZ R.F., POTEET W.M., et al.
1977ApJ...214..725E 24 10 1218 Sequential formation of subgroups in OB associations. ELMEGREEN B.G. and LADA C.J.
1978A&A....70..769I 1 22 191 H II regions and CO clouds - The blister model. ISRAEL F.P.
1978ApJ...224..417H 2 14 173 The chemical composition of galactic and extragalactic H II regions. HAWLEY S.A.
1978ApJ...224..873P 14 43 The N II/Halpha ratio in NGC 6888. PARKER R.A.R.
1978LicOB.797....1H 14 0 The chemical composition of galactic and extragalactic H II regions. HAWLEY S.A.
1979A&A....71..151D 17 19 Interaction of hot stars and the interstellar medium. IX - Morphology, excitation and kinematics of SH 2-158(NGC 7538), a bright high excitation galactic nebula. DEHARVENG L., LORTET M.C. and TESTOR G.
1979AJ.....84.1328T 68 T                   1 8 19 Far-infrared observations of the
Lagoon Nebula (M 8).
1979ApJ...232..761L 42 98 The distribution of dense HII regions in the inner galaxy. LOCKMAN F.J.
1980A&AS...40...33V 11 3 Photometrie photoelectrique de nebuleuses gazeuses diffuses dans la raie H-alpha. VIDAL J.-L.
1981A&A...102..171C 68 T                   111 31 UBV and Hbeta observations of stars towards
M 8.
1981A&AS...45..451N 77 31 The interstellar extinction law in some dusty HII regions. NECKEL T. and CHINI R.
1981ApJ...244...66B 68 T                   1 3 6 Infrared line emission from H II regions. IV. Airborne observations of NGC 7538, W 49, and
M 8.
1982AJ.....87...98H 90 81 R associations. VI. The reddening law in dust clouds and the nature of early-type emission stars in nebulosity from a study of five associations. HERBST W., MILLER D.P., WARNER J.W., et al.
1982ApJ...263..130L 70 T                   1 3 23 The H II regions of
Messier 8.
1982ApJS...49..183B viz 409 459 Catalogue of CO radial velocities toward galactic HII regions. BLITZ L., FICH M. and STARK A.A.
1982IUE82......405W 2 ~ IUE observations of dust Albedo in nebulae. WOLF J., HELFER H.L., PIPHER J.L., et al.
1982IUE82......413H 10 ~ The peculiar UV extinction of Herschel 36. HECHT J., HELFER H.L., WOLF J., et al.
1983A&AS...51..195H 17 16 Excitation conditions in HII regions. HERTER T., HELFER H.L. and PIPHER J.L.
1983ApJ...266..623S 1 27 250 Infrared line and radio continuum emission of circumstellar ionized regions. SIMON M., FELLI M., CASSAR L., et al.
1983MNRAS.204.1203W 69 T                   5 11 IUE observations of stars in the
M8 nebula.
1983ApL....23..193H 69 T                   1 5 7 The structure of the faint nebulosity and obscuration toward
M 8, M 20, W 28.
1983Ap&SS..90..437W 69 T                   4 3 Optical observations of the interstellar absorption lines towards the
M8 nebula.
1983MmSAI..54..511C 87 4 Planetary nebulae: IUE results. CERRUTI-SOLA M. and PERINOTTO M.
1983MmSAI..54..529P 12 0 HII regions. PATRIARCHI P. and PERINOTTO M.
1983MitAG..58...87H 69 T                   1 0 Die Kinematik der HII-Region
M 8. I. Beobachtungsmaterial und Reduktion.
1984A&A...137....1C 8 28 Far-infrared survey of the galactic disc in the southern hemisphere. I. The large-scale structure. CAUX E., SERRA G., GISPERT R., et al.
1984A&A...137..117C 44 59 One-millimeter continuum observations of galactic and extragalactic sources. CHINI R., KREYSA E., MEZGER P.G., et al.
1984A&A...138..131A 39 14 On the statistics of galactic HI clouds. ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R., RADHAKRISHNAN V. and SHAVER P.A.
1984A&A...138..451E 69 T                   1 11 17 Observations of the motions of the neutral and ionized gas in
M 8 (NGC 6523).
1984ApJ...276..533L 16 3 249 4.6 micron absorption features due to solid phase CO and cyano-group molecules toward compact infrared sources. LACY J.H., BAAS F., ALLAMANDOLA L.J., et al.
1984ApJ...281..624S 47 84 Kinematics of molecular clouds.I. Velocity dispersion in the solar neighborhood.. STARK A.A.
1984ApJ...283..601O 87 112 A far-infrared survey of the Galactic Center. ODENWALD S.F. and FAZIO G.G.
1984ApJ...285..174P 70 T                   1 5 28 Abundances in galactic HII regions. III. G 25.4-0.2, G 45.5+0.06,
M 8, S 159 and DR 22.
1984ApJ...286..289P 1 15 88 Brackett-alpha line profiles of young stellar objects. PERSSON S.E., GEBALLE T.R., McGREGOR P.J., et al.
1984ApJ...286..609M 1 13 101 Spectrophotometry of compact embedded infrared sources in the 0.6-1. 0micron wavelength region. McGREGOR P.J., PERSSON S.E. and COHEN J.G.
1984ApJ...287..116K 2 30 431 Structural properties of giant H II regions in nearby galaxies. KENNICUTT R.C.
1984MNRAS.208..197L 8 22 Far-infrared photometry of selected source W 28 SNR (G 6.6.-0.1), G 7.5+0.1 and G 8.1+0.2. LIGHTFOOT J.F., DEIGHTON D.W., FURNISS I., et al.
1984AISAO..18...64P 1027 15 Catalogue of eclipsing and spectroscopic binary stars in the region of open clusters. POPOVA M. and KRAICHEVA Z.
1984Ap&SS.107..271V 19 10 Neutral hydrogen in the vicinity of galactic radio sources. I. HI envelopes around HII regions. VENGER A.P., GOSACHINSKIJ I.V., GRACHEV V.G., et al.
1984Ap&SS.107..289G 16 4 Neutral hydrogen in the vicinity of galactic radio sources. GOSACHINSKIJ I.V. and KHERSONSKIJ V.K.
1984BAAS...16..486M 3 0 Ionization correction factors for Argon, Carbon, and Neon in H II regions. MATHIS J.S.
1984Msngr..37...30Y 7 1 Line profile shapes in optical HII regions. YORKE H.W.
1984Rech...15..460L 2 0 Les etoiles magnetiques. LANDSTREET J.D.
1984S&W....23...37C 6 0 Astrographie in der Sierra Nevada. CELNIK W., RIEPE P. and WEBER H.-G.
1985A&A...145..127B 12 4 Anomalous motions of HI clouds. BASH F.N. and LEISAWITZ D.
1985AJ.....90..600B 4 10 A grism search of Messier 33 for emission-line objects. BOHANNAN B., CONTI P.S. and MASSEY P.
1985AJ.....90.2291H 26 10 Models for infrared polarization from protostellar sources. HECKERT P.A. and ZEILIK M.
1985ApJ...298..328S 3 2 31 Lunar occultation observations of M 8E-IR. SIMON M., PETERSON D.M., LONGMORE A.J., et al.
1985PASP...97.1112T 10 3 Brackett-gamma-line observations of G45.13+0.14A. TANAKA M., YAMASHITA T., SATO S., et al.
1985AN....306..311G 29 7 On the properties of very young massive infrared sources. GURTLER J., HENNING T., DORSCHNER J., et al.
1985BAAS...17..557P 2 0 A disk model of M8E-IR. PETERSON D.M. and SIMON M.
1985BAAS...17..837W 69 T                   1 2 1 The
M 8 Hourglass core : a region of recent star formation ?
1985JApA....6..177A 61 30 A survey of radio recombination line emission from the galactic plane at 325 MHz. ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R.
1985JApA....6..203A 42 49 Low density ionized gas in the inner galaxy - Interpretation of recombination line observations at 325 MHz. ANANTHARAMAIAH K.R.
1985MitAG..63..139H 69 T                   1 5 0 Die kinematik der HII-Regionen
M 8 und M 42.
1985MitAG..63..140H 69 T                   1 0 H64alpha-Beobachtungen von
M 8.
1986A&A...162..248G 16 63 Absorption by solid and gaseous CO towards obscured infrared objects. GEBALLE T.R.
1986AJ.....91..870W 69 T                   1 11 30 Optical, radio, and infrared observations of compact H II regions. V. The Hourglass in
M 8.
1986ApJ...307..295L 35   K                 2 2 The infrared spectrum of M8 E: evidence for circumstellar CO. LARSON H.P., HOFMANN R. and FINK U.
1986ApJ...307..787T 51 60 Ammonia observations of regions with molecular outflows. TORRELLES J.M., HO P.T.P., MORAN J.M., et al.
1986ApJ...311..371M 57 56 Luminosities of sources associated with molecular outflows. MOZURKEWICH D., SCHWARTZ P.R. and SMITH H.A.
1986MNRAS.219p..35A 69 T                   1 5 ~ An infrared image of the Hourglass of
M 8.
1986AZh....63.1016P 6 0 Observations of diffuse and planetary nebulae with the "astron" astrophysical station. PRONIK V.I. and PETROV P.P.
1986AN....307..119H 15 4 Mass loss from very young massive stars. HENNING T.
1986Icar...65..152V 100 4 A search for the tritium hyperfine line from nearby stars. VALDES F. and FREITAS R.A.Jr
1986S&W....25...44H 2 0 Astrourlaub in der Haute Provence. HUNSCH M. and SCHRODER K.-P.
1987A&A...176...34H 113 78 Kinematics of young open clusters and the rotation curve of our Galaxy. HRON J.
1987A&A...176..338H 70 T                   1 7 8 The kinematics of H II regions. I. The velocity field of the
Lagoon nebula (M 8).
1987AJ.....94..416P 57 42 Identification of new young stellar objects associated with IRAS point sources. I. The southern galactic plane. PERSSON S.E. and CAMPBELL B.
1987ApJ...312..297G 20 54 Emission from CO band heads in young stellar objects. GEBALLE T.R. and PERSSON S.E.
1987ApJ...317..676O 7 15 Fine-scale motion in NGC 6514 and NGC 6523. O'DELL C.R., TOWNSLEY L.K. and CASTANEDA H.O.
1987ApJS...64..127K viz 46 10 A Palomar Observatory Sky Survey Atlas of selected molecular clouds. KLINGLESMITH D.A. and HOLLIS J.M.
1987MNRAS.225..329C 1 8 32 The galactic radio sources G 5.4-1.2 and G 5.27-0.90. CASWELL J.L., KESTEVEN M.J., KOMESAROFF M.M., et al.
1987AISAO..24...93A 39 1 The catalogue oh HI-line absorption profiles in the spectra of galactic radiosources; I. Integrated profiles. ALFEROVA Z.A., VENGER A.P., GOSACHINSKIJ I.V., et al.
1987BAAS...19.1056O 7 0 Turbulence in galactic HII regions. O'DELL C.R. and CASTANEDA H.O.
1987BAAS...19.1095M 4 1 High resolution infrared spectroscopy of high luminosity young stellar objects. MITCHELL G.F., ALLEN M., BEER R., et al.
1987S&T....74..465K 35 0 The spectacular O stars. KALER J.B.
1988A&A...201L..16M 3 7 The detection of a discrete outflow from the young stellar object GL 490. MITCHELL G.F., ALLEN M., BEER R., et al.
1988A&AS...76..445C 366 96 A catalogue of H2O maser sources north of delta = -30. CESARONI R., PALAGI F., FELLI M., et al.
1988ApJ...326..859H 26 25 2.0 to 2.4 micron spectroscopy of T Tauri stars. HAMANN F., SIMON M. and RIDGWAY S.T.
1988ApJ...327L..17M 3 2 25 The detection of high-velocity outflows from M8E-IR. MITCHELL G.F., ALLEN M., BEER R., et al.
1988ATsir1527....3B 10 0 Spectrophotometric studies of galactic nebulae. XXVII. NS 15 and NS 16 high-excitation planetary nebulae. BALBEKOV A.Y., GLUSHKOV Y.I. and KONDRATJEVA L.N.
1988AZh....65..167L 61 1 Diagnostics of the solar wind transonic region. LOTOVA N.A., NAGELIS Y.V., RUDNITSKIJ G.M., et al.
1988Ast....16f...6S 9 0 The chaotic material between the stars. SHORE L.A. and SHORE S.N.
1988GriO...52d...2V 6 0 Barnard's dilemma. VERSCHUUR G.L.
1988NASAR1202....1L viz 131 0 Catalog of open clusters and associated interstellar matter. LEISAWITZ D.
1988PAZh...14..817E 390 14 Young star-gaseous complexes of the galaxy. EFREMOV Y.N. and SITNIK T.G.
1989ApJ...338..403A 32 30 Hydrogen line and continuum emission in young stellar objects. II. Theoretical results and observational constraints. ALONSO-COSTA J.L. and KWAN J.
1989ApJ...339..209B 25 15 Ultraviolet extinction differences within NGC 6530. BOGGS D. and BOHM-VITENSE E.
1989ApJ...339..763S 108 111 Kinematics of molecular clouds. II. New data on nearby giant molecular clouds. STARK A.A. and BRAND J.
1989ApJ...342..272F 1 107 530 The rotation curve of the Milky Way to 2 Ro. FICH M., BLITZ L. and STARK A.A.
1989ApJS...71..469L viz 449 331 A survey of radio HII regions in the northern sky. LOCKMAN F.J.
1989MNRAS.237....1B 111 38 The evolutionary status of young stellar mass loss driving sources as derived from IRAS observations. BERRILLI F., CECCARELLI C., LISEAU R., et al.
1989PASP..101..547F 40 8 On structural patterns in HII regions. FEIBELMAN W.A.
1989BAICz..40...42A 223 18 Kinematics of star forming regions. AVEDISOVA V.S. and PALOUS J.
1989RMxAA..18...99O 8 2 The link between internal velocities in galactic HII regions and the extragalactic HII regions. O'DELL C.R.
1989S&W....28..254B 1 0 Bei der Wilhelm-Foerster-Sternwarte in Berlin. BINNEWIES S.
1990A&A...227..175P 5 3 65 The evolution of superstructures expanding in differentially rotating disks. PALOUS J., FRANCO J. and TENORIO-TAGLE G.
1990A&A...233...21L 5 11 Red giants in the Fornax dwarf elliptical galaxy. LUNDGREN K.
1990AJ.....99..622F 297 103 Fabry-Perot H-alpha observations of galactic H II regions. FICH M., TREFFERS R.R. and DAHL G.P.
1990ApJ...356..534M 14 13 Infrared and radio measurements of the density structure of compact H II regions. MEGEATH S.T., HERTER T., GULL G.E., et al.
1990ApJ...357..502M 105 T K                 1 71 21 Getting to the bottom of the
Lagoon: dust, magnetism and star formation.
1990ApJ...358..441B 105 T K                 25 4 Ultraviolet gas absorption and dust extinction toward
M 8.
1990ApJ...364..232B 64 121 Parameters of disks around young stellar objects from polarization observations. BASTIEN P. and MENARD F.
1990ApJ...365..252W 35   K                 18 17 Infrared imaging of the M 8 Hourglass. WOODWARD C.E., PIPHER J.L., HELFER H.L., et al.
1990Afz....33..395G 106 7 Radial systems of dark globules. I. GYULBUDAGYAN A.L. and AKOPYAN V.A.
1990A&ARv...2...79C 78 113 Ultracompact HII regions: the impact of newly formed massive stars on their environment. CHURCHWELL E.
1990PASJ...42..419N 170 11 Statistical characteristics of the ten-micron silicate emission in M-type stars. NOGUCHI K.
1991Ast....19g..74H 13 0 Journey to the center of the galaxy. HARRINGTON P.
1991MmSAI..62..887H 27 0 Very early stages of massive stars. HENNING T.
1991PAZh...17..932K 5 1 On wave motions and turbulence spectrum in HII regions. KRASNOBAEV K.V. and SYSOEV N.E.
1991RMxAA..22..285S 70 T                   5 12 Scattered light in
M 8.
1992ApJS...78..505P 261 167 A survey of CS j = 7 - 6 in regions of massive star formation. PLUME R., JAFFE D.T. and EVANS II N.J.
1992MNRAS.255..594S 6 6 Dust grain processing in the Orion nebula. SORRELL W.H.
1992S&W....31..692M 3 0 Der Sternentstehung auf der Spur. Teil 1 : Hintergrunde und Methoden. MAUERSBERGER R.
1993A&A...275...67B viz 289 849 The velocity field of the outer galaxy. BRAND J. and BLITZ L.
1993A&AS..101..153P viz 762 132 Classification and statistical properties of galactic H2O masers. PALAGI F., CESARONI R., COMORETTO G., et al.
1993ApJ...418..760P 107 T K                 6 42 Chemical composition of
M 8 on IUE and visual observations.
1993BAAS...25.1249T 71 T                   1 ~ Chemical composition of
M 8 based on IUE and visual observations.
1993JRASC..87....1M 71 T                   1 0 Getting to the bottom of the Lagoon. McCALL M.L.
1993RMxAA..27....9P 3 4 50 Chemical composition of galactic HII regions. PEIMBERT M.
1993S&T....86f..38L 14 0 A portrait of our galaxy. LOMBERG J.
1994ApJ...435L.145G 19 44 Ammonia downstream from HH 80 North. GIRART J.M., RODRIGUEZ L.F., ANGLADA G., et al.
1994ApJS...90..179G viz 4900 208 The Parkes-MIT-NRAO (PMN) surveys. III. Source catalog for the tropical survey (-29deg < Delta < -9.5deg). GRIFFITH M.R., WRIGHT A.E., BURKE B.F., et al.
1994ApJS...92..163S 104 123 A catalog of bright-rimmed clouds with IRAS Point Sources: candidates for star formation by radiation-driven implosion. II. The southern hemisphere. SUGITANI K. and OGURA K.
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1994PASP..106...25G 30 53 OB associations : massive stars in context. GARMANY C.D.
1994Ast....22f..63E 15 0 Glittering realms of the summer Milky Way. EICHER D.J.
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1994JBAA..104...77D 16 0 Celestron Schmidt cameras: theory and practice. DRAGESCO J.
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1995ApJ...444..739S 32 1 Socket stars: UBVRIJK radial profiles. SCHAEFER B.E.
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1995MNRAS.272..346B 1 9 58 Observations of the IR recombination line emission from massive young stellar objects. BUNN J.C., HOARE M.G. and DREW J.E.
1995Ap&SS.224..571S 171 2 Searches for bright-rimmed clouds with IRAS point sources. SUGITANI K. and OGURA K.
1995BASI...23Q.511C 4 0 Velocity field around Herschel 36 in NGC 6523. CHAKRABORTY A., ANANDARAO B.G. and BANERJEE D.P.K.
1995MNSSA..54...72. 127 0 The nomenclature of deep-sky objects.
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1996A&A...313L...5R 10 23 Iron abundance and dust in galactic H II regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
1996A&A...314..430F 416 14 Derivation of the galactic rotation curve using space velocities. FRINK S., FUCHS B., ROESER S., et al.
1996ApJ...462..347M 6 16 Effects of conduction fronts on derived compositions in H II regions. MACIEJEWSKI W., MATHIS J.S. and EDGAR R.J.
1996Ast....24f..32S 6 0 Edward Barnard's magnificent Milky Way. SHEEHAN W.
1996MmSAI..67..289G 59 1 Young open clusters as gamma-ray emitters. GIOVANNELLI F.
1996PAZh...22..471S 69 ~ Peculiar motions of OB associations and their associated molecular clouds. SITNIK T.G. and MEL'NIK A.M.
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1997AJ....114.1576C 72 T                   9 9 Kinematics of the Hourglass region in the Lagoon nebula. CHAKRABORTY A. and ANANDARAO B.G.
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1998ApJS..115..259N 1 11 60 Far-infrared [C ii] line survey observations of the Galactic Plane. NAKAGAWA T., YUI Y.Y., DOI Y., et al.
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1999A&A...349..276E 36   K                 10 6 Radial velocities of optical lines in three bright Galactic HII regions. ESTEBAN C. and PEIMBERT M.
1999A&A...351.1075R 13 27 The abundances of O, S, Cl, N, Ar, He and C in seven Galactic HII regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
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1999Ap&SS.263..193E 4 ~ Temperature fluctuations in Galactic HII regions. ESTEBAN C.
1999BASI...27..257C 9 0 Dynamics of astrophysical nebulae. CHAKRABORTY A.
1999JAVSO..27...44L 3 1 Searching for novae : CCD imagery or photography ? LILLER W.
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1999RMxAA..35...65E 1 13 66 Chemical composition and temperature fluctuations in M17. ESTEBAN C., PEIMBERT M., TORRES-PEIMBERT S., et al.
1999ARep...43..149V 3 5 The nature of M8E, one of the strongest class I methanol masers. VAL'TTS I.E.
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2000MNRAS.311..329D 78 209 Oxygen and helium abundances in Galactic HII regions - II. Abundance gradients. DEHARVENG L., PENA M., CAPLAN J., et al.
2000PASP..112..434T 248 4 Astrophysics in 1999. (Invited review). TRIMBLE V. and ASCHWANDEN M.J.
2000RMxAA..36..171C 1 8 42 Carbon and oxygen galactic abundance gradients: a comparative study of stellar yields. CARIGI L.
2000RMxAC...9..181R 4 0 Effects of the stellar component on derived physical parameters of galactic H II regions. ROBLEDO-RELLA V.
2000NewAR..44..205E 29 0 Local high-mass star-forming regions. ESTEBAN C.
2000PASA...17..179B 42 1 Beauty and astrophysics. BESSELL M.S.
2001A&A...377.1042R         O           17 30 Evidence for binarity in the bipolar planetary nebulae M 1-91. RODRIGUEZ M., CORRADI R.L.M. and MAMPASO A.
2001AJ....122.1788I 67 37 Lyman continuum extinction by dust in H II regions of galaxies. INOUE A.K.
2001ApJ...549..979K 56 143 Radio continuum and recombination line study of ultracompact H II regions with extended envelopes. KIM K.-T. and KOO B.-C.
2001ApJ...553..254O 41 27 High-resolution mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations of a massive star forming region W51 IRS 2. OKAMOTO Y.K., KATAZA H., YAMASHITA T., et al.
2001ApJ...555..613I 46 33 Effect of dust extinction on estimating the star formation rate of galaxies: Lyman continuum extinction. INOUE A.K., HIRASHITA H. and KAMAYA H.
2001ApJ...556..203O 22 11 Measurement and interpretation of deuterium-line emission in the Orion Nebula. O'DELL C.R., FERLAND G.J. and HENNEY W.J.
2001ApJ...560..792I 1 28 132 Survey observations of c-C2H4O and CH3CHO toward massive star-forming regions. IKEDA M., OHISHI M., NUMMELIN A., et al.
2001ARA&A..39...99O 1 59 247 The Orion nebula and its associated population. O'DELL C.R.
2001LAstr.115..172H 17 0 Les nebuleuses planetaires et leurs etoiles centrales. HUA C.-T. and MARTINIS J.
2001ARep...45..502P 38 5 A correlation between the distributions of pulsars and emission measures in the Galaxy. PYNZAR A.V. and SHISHOV V.I.
2001RMxAC..10...57H 15 9 Ionized photoevaporation flows in H II regions and PNe. HENNEY W.J.
2002A&A...389..556R 1         O           9 32 Iron abundance in HII regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
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2002A&A...395..803A 171 42 A search for TeV gamma-ray emission from SNRs, pulsars and unidentified GeV sources in the Galactic plane in the longitude range between -2° and 85°. AHARONIAN F.A., AKHPERJANIAN A.G., BEILICKE M., et al.
2002AJ....124.2145V 1 9 44 Investigation of the large-scale neutral hydrogen near the supernova remnant W28. VELAZQUEZ P.F., DUBNER G.M., GOSS W.M., et al.
2002ApJ...571..366M 16 16 Australia telescope compact array radio imaging of the proplyd-like objects in the giant H II region NGC 3603. MUCKE A., KORIBALSKI B.S., MOFFAT A.F.J., et al.
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2002ApJ...581..241E 1 33 112 Optical recombination lines of heavy elements in giant extragalactic H II regions. ESTEBAN C., PEIMBERT M., TORRES-PEIMBERT S., et al.
2002MNRAS.333..202A 9 9 The massive double-lined O-type binary HD 165052. ARIAS J.I., MORRELL N.I., BARBA R.H., et al.
2002KFNT...18a..55P 28 ~ On the oxygen abundances in HII regions of the Galaxy. PILYUGIN L.S., FERRINI F. and SHKVARUN R.V.
2002S&T...103d..32F 115 0 Urban astronomy : observing the Messier objects from the city. FLANDERS T.
2002S&T...104a..38C 13 0 The brightest red dwarf. CROSWELL K.
2002RMxAC..12...31R 6 1 Scattered light in galactic H II regions. ROBLEDO-RELLA V.
2002RMxAC..12...33R 8 0 Iron abundance in galactic H II regions. RODRIGUEZ M.
2002RMxAC..12...56E 13 31 Are temperature fluctuations out there ? ESTEBAN C.
2002RMxAC..12..234C 4 3 PN-carbon yields and the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. CARIGI L.
2002RMxAC..14...47P 8 5 The temperature structure in ionized nebulae and the chemical evolution of galaxies. PEIMBERT M. and PEIMBERT A.
2002PASA...19..260B 73 T                   19 5 Molecular hydrogen in the
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2003A&A...401..557P 30 27 On the oxygen abundance in our Galaxy. PILYUGIN L.S., FERRINI F. and SHKVARUN R.V.
2003A&A...404..223B viz 277 191 New infrared star clusters in the Northern and Equatorial Milky Way with 2MASS. BICA E., DUTRA C.M., SOARES J., et al.
2003A&A...404..969D 47 14 Determination of temperature of the ionizing stars of HII regions. DORS O.L.Jr and COPETTI M.V.F.
2003ApJ...587L.105S 38 54 Numerous proplyd candidates in the harsh environment of the Carina nebula. SMITH N., BALLY J. and MORSE J.A.
2003ApJ...588..344D 139 12 A method for simultaneous determination of AVand R and applications. DUCATI J.R., RIBEIRO D. and REMBOLD S.B.
2003ApJ...593..874T 130 196 10 MK gas in M17 and the Rosette nebula: X-ray flows in galactic H II regions. TOWNSLEY L.K., FEIGELSON E.D., MONTMERLE T., et al.
2003ApJ...595..247R viz 24 53 Very Large Telescope echelle spectrophotometry of the planetary nebula NGC 5307 and temperature variations. RUIZ M.T., PEIMBERT A., PEIMBERT M., et al.
2003ApJ...596..362K 31 21 Molecular counterparts of ultracompact H II regions with extended envelopes. KIM K.-T. and KOO B.-C.
2003MNRAS.338..687T 1 31 148 Heavy elements in Galactic and Magellanic Cloud HII regions: recombination-line versus forbidden-line abundances. TSAMIS Y.G., BARLOW M.J., LIU X.-W., et al.
2003MNRAS.339..825C 16 12 Planetary nebula carbon yields and the chemical evolution of the Galactic disc. CARIGI L.
2003MNRAS.340..362R 17 33 Temperature variations from Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy of the Orion Nebula. RUBIN R.H., MARTIN P.G., DUFOUR R.J., et al.
2003ARA&A..41...57L 5 148 2488 Embedded clusters in molecular clouds. LADA C.J. and LADA E.A.
2003ANS...324a..17B 15 ~ Spatially resolved Very Large Array 74 MHz observations toward the Galactic Center. BROGAN C.L., NORD M., KASSIM N., et al.
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2003RMxAC..15..190T 10 3 Chandra observations of M 17, the Omega Nebula. TOWNSLEY L., BROOS P., CHU Y.-H., et al.
2003RMxAC..16..113P 12 5 Chemical abundances of extragalactic H II regions. PEIMBERT M. and PEIMBERT A.
2004A&A...415..627T 123 34 A Compact Array imaging survey of southern bright-rimmed clouds. THOMPSON M.A., URQUHART J.S. and WHITE G.J.
2004A&A...426..119M viz 67 50 The Giant Molecular Cloud associated with RCW 106. A 1.2 mm continuum mapping study. MOOKERJEA B., KRAMER C., NIELBOCK M., et al.
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2004AJ....127.2826B 41 20 Optical imaging and spectroscopy of the H II region G353.2+0.9 in NGC 6357 and its relation to Pismis 24. BOHIGAS J., TAPIA M., ROTH M., et al.
2004ApJ...608..781D viz 896 34 A deep Chandra X-ray observation of the rich young cluster NGC 6530. I. The X-ray source catalog and the cluster population. DAMIANI F., FLACCOMIO E., MICELA G., et al.
2004ApJS..153..501G 1 16 87 Chemical abundances of the galactic H II region NGC 3576 derived from very large telescope echelle spectrophotometry. GARCIA-ROJAS J., ESTEBAN C., PEIMBERT M., et al.
2004MNRAS.349.1428S 19 42 Revised masses of dust and gas of SCUBA Local Universe Survey far-infrared bright galaxies based on a recent CO survey. SEAQUIST E., YAO L., DUNNE L., et al.
2004MNRAS.353..991K 155 10 On the highly reddened members in six young galactic star clusters - a multiwavelength study. KUMAR B., SAGAR R., SANWAL B.B., et al.
2004MNRAS.355..229E 6 13 265 A reappraisal of the chemical composition of the Orion nebula based on Very Large Telescope echelle spectrophotometry. ESTEBAN C., PEIMBERT M., GARCIA-ROJAS J., et al.
2004MNRAS.355..899C 96 41 MSX mid-infrared imaging of massive star birth environments - II. Giant HII regions. CONTI P.S. and CROWTHER P.A.
2004AAS...205.5706L 5 0 The abundance of interstellar fluorine. LAUROESCH J.T., YORK D.G., TRURAN J.W., et al.
2005A&A...430..941P viz 1418 65 The star formation region NGC 6530: Distance, ages and initial mass function. PRISINZANO L., DAMIANI F., MICELA G., et al.
2005A&A...434..987A viz         O           16 8 Infrared portrait of the nearby massive star-forming region IRAS 09002-4732. APAI D., LINZ H., HENNING T., et al.
2005A&A...440..121B viz         O           89 81 VLT K-band spectroscopy of massive stars deeply embedded in IRAS sources with UCHII colours. BIK A., KAPER L., HANSON M.M., et al.
2005AJ....129.1350S 67 42 Chandra X-ray imaging of the interacting starburst galaxy system NGC 7714/7715: tidal ultraluminous X-ray sources, emergent wind, and resolved H II regions. SMITH B.J., STRUCK C. and NOWAK M.A.
2005AJ....130.1171Y 18 10 Hubble space telescope and United Kingdom infrared telescope observations of the center of the Trifid nebula: evidence for the photoevaporation of a proplyd and a protostellar condensation. YUSEF-ZADEH F., BIRETTA J. and GEBALLE T.R.
2005ApJ...618L..95E 3 15 147 Carbon and oxygen galactic gradients: observational values from H II region recombination lines. ESTEBAN C., GARCIA-ROJAS J., PEIMBERT M., et al.
2005ApJ...623..213C 3 12 125 Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen galactic gradients: a solution to the carbon enrichment problem. CARIGI L., PEIMBERT M., ESTEBAN C., et al.
2005ApJ...625..864Z 93 278 Search for CO outflows toward a sample of 69 high-mass protostellar candidates. II. Outflow properties. ZHANG Q., HUNTER T.R., BRAND J., et al.
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2005ApJ...626L..23L 4 9 121 Evidence of a weak galactic center magnetic field from diffuse low-frequency nonthermal radio emission. LAROSA T.N., BROGAN C.L., SHORE S.N., et al.
2005MNRAS.359..809C 7 4 94 Star formation in unbound giant molecular clouds: the origin of OB associations? CLARK P.C., BONNELL I.A., ZINNECKER H., et al.
2005MNRAS.362..301G viz 18 52 Deep echelle spectrophotometry of S 311, a Galactic HII region located outside the solar circle. GARCIA-ROJAS J., ESTEBAN C., PEIMBERT A., et al.
2005BASI...33..117A 5 0 Imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometric studies of velocity fields in gaseous nebulae. ANANDARAO B.G.
2005MNSSA..64..129S 19 0 Deepsky delights. STREICHER M.
2005RMxAC..23....9P 25 17 Oxygen recombination line abundances in gaseous nebulae. PEIMBERT A. and PEIMBERT M.
2006A&A...447..221B viz 9 7 134 Search for massive protostar candidates in the southern hemisphere. II. Dust continuum emission. BELTRAN M.T., BRAND J., CESARONI R., et al.
2006A&A...453.1003T viz 417 88 A SCUBA imaging survey of ultracompact HII regions. The environments of massive star formation. THOMPSON M.A., HATCHELL J., WALSH A.J., et al.
2006A&A...455..131P 10 16 3D spectroscopy with VLT/GIRAFFE. III. Mapping electron densities in distant galaxies. PUECH M., FLORES H., HAMMER F., et al.
2006A&A...455..561B         O           35 67 VLT K-band spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects in (ultra-)compact HII regions. BIK A., KAPER L. and WATERS L.B.F.M.
2006A&A...457..237Z 49 27 Pulsating pre-main sequence stars in IC 4996 and NGC 6530. ZWINTZ K. and WEISS W.W.
2006AJ....131.2580D 68 21 Cloud fragmentation and proplyd-like features in H II regions imaged by the Hubble space telescope. DE MARCO O., O'DELL C.R., GELFOND P., et al.
2006ApJ...644..990R viz 2 8 43 High-mass star formation. II. The mass function of submillimeter clumps in M17. REID M.A. and WILSON C.D.
2006ApJ...649..299G 12 17 High-resolution infrared imaging of Herschel 36 SE: a showcase for the influence of massive stars in cluster environments. GOTO M., STECKLUM B., LINZ H., et al.
2006ApJS..165..338Q viz 149 58 Radio recombination lines in galactic H II regions. QUIREZA C., ROOD R.T., BALSER D.S., et al.
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2006ApJ...650..970R 1 13 36 High-mass star formation. III. The functional form of the submillimeter clump mass function. REID M.A. and WILSON C.D.
2006BASI...34..111O 20 5 Star formation associated with H II regions. OGURA K.
2006RMxAC..26...66A 74 T                   2 0 The pre-main sequence population of NGC 6530 in
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2006A&A...459..477D 1 11 28 The rich young cluster NGC 6530: a combined X-ray-optical-infrared study. DAMIANI F., PRISINZANO L., MICELA G., et al.
2006ApJ...653.1226Q viz 15       D               156 129 The electron temperature gradient in the galactic disk. QUIREZA C., ROOD R.T., BANIA T.M., et al.
2007ApJ...655..285S 51 22 The abundance of interstellar fluorine and its implications. SNOW T.P., DESTREE J.D. and JENSEN A.G.
2007A&A...462..123P viz 338 11 VLT/Flames observations of the star forming region NGC 6530. PRISINZANO L., DAMIANI F., MICELA G., et al.
2007MNRAS.374.1253A 75 T                   58 16 Pre-main-sequence stars in the
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2007A&A...462L..37G 6 5 Probing the close environment of massive young stars with spectro-astrometry. GRAVE J.M.C. and KUMAR M.S.N.
2007ApJ...656..168L viz 1 32 127 The localized chemical pollution in NGC 5253 revisited: results from deep echelle spectrophotometry. LOPEZ-SANCHEZ A.R., ESTEBAN C., GARCIA-ROJAS J., et al.
2006ChJAA...6..435Z viz 367 10 Membership and segregation effects in the young open cluster NGC 6530. ZHAO J.-L., CHEN L. and WEN W.
2007MNRAS.377..945S 37           X         1 38 21 An XMM-Newton view of the young open cluster NGC 6231 - III. Optically faint X-ray sources. SANA H., RAUW G., SUNG H., et al.
2007RMxAA..43....3G 76 T                   16 40 The chemical composition of the galactic H II regions
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