NGC 7820 , the SIMBAD biblio

NGC 7820 , the SIMBAD biblio (23 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.02CEST13:59:06

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1983ApJS...52...89H viz 2405 825 A survey of galaxy redshifts. IV. The data. HUCHRA J., DAVIS M., LATHAM D., et al.
1989A&AS...80..299P viz 919 149 An extragalactic database. I. The catalogue of principal galaxies. PATUREL G., FOUQUE P., BOTTINELLI L., et al.
1989AJ.....97.1319C 643 25 On the relationship between radio emission and optical properties in early-type galaxies. CALVANI M., FASANO G. and FRANCESCHINI A.
1993ApJS...88..383L 579 102 H I 21 centimeter observations and I-band CCD surface photometry of spiral galaxies behind the Virgo cluster and toward its antipode. LU N.Y., HOFFMAN G.L., GROFF T., et al.
1996A&AS..117..467G viz 22335 19 An image database. II. Catalogue between δ=-0deg and δ=70deg. GARNIER R., PATUREL G., PETIT C., et al.
1999ApJS..121..287H viz 14       D               1 4290 204 The CfA redshift survey: data for the South Galactic Cap. HUCHRA J.P., VOGELEY M.S. and GELLER M.J.
1999ApJS..125..409C viz 13438 54 Arcsecond positions of UGC galaxies. COTTON W.D., CONDON J.J. and ARBIZZANI E.
1999PASP..111..438F viz 14       D               1 19406 418 The updated Zwicky catalog (UZC). FALCO E.E., KURTZ M.J., GELLER M.J., et al.
2000ApJ...543..178G viz 6317 128 Nearby optical galaxies: selection of the sample and identification of groups. GIURICIN G., MARINONI C., CERIANI L., et al.
2003A&A...405....5B viz 1917 62 A new catalogue of ISM content of normal galaxies. BETTONI D., GALLETTA G. and GARCIA-BURILLO S.
2003A&A...412...45P viz 15       D               1 956205 750 HYPERLEDA. I. Identification and designation of galaxies. PATUREL G., PETIT C., PRUGNIEL P., et al.
2005ApJS..160..149S viz 15       D               9541 372 A digital archive of H I 21 centimeter line spectra of optically targeted galaxies. SPRINGOB C.M., HAYNES M.P., GIOVANELLI R., et al.
2011MNRAS.416.2840L viz 15       D               1 72554 178 The 2M++ galaxy redshift catalogue. LAVAUX G. and HUDSON M.J.
2012ApJS..199...26H viz 15       D               1 48924 517 The 2MASS Redshift Survey - Description and data release. HUCHRA J.P., MACRI L.M., MASTERS K.L., et al.
2015AJ....149..171T viz 16       D               1 49218 119 Galaxy groups: a 2MASS catalog. TULLY R.B.
2015ApJS..218...10V viz 16       D               1 1016 69 Hunting for supermassive black holes in nearby galaxies with the Hobby-Eberly telescope. VAN DEN BOSCH R.C.E., GEBHARDT K., GULTEKIN K., et al.
2016A&A...588A..14T viz 16       D               2 84076 35 Friends-of-friends galaxy group finder with membership refinement. TEMPEL E., KIPPER R., TAMM A., et al.
2017ApJ...837..120G viz 16       D               1 14403 66 LOSS revisited. I. Unraveling correlations between supernova rates and galaxy properties, as measured in a reanalysis of the Lick Observatory Supernova Search. GRAUR O., BIANCO F.B., HUANG S., et al.
2017ApJ...843...16K viz 16       D               1 12390 133 Galaxy groups within 3500 km s–1. KOURKCHI E. and TULLY R.B.
2018A&A...618A..81T viz 16       D               1 50418 14 Bayesian group finder based on marked point processes. Method and feasibility study using the 2MRS data set. TEMPEL E., KRUUSE M., KIPPER R., et al.
2019ApJS..244...24L viz 17       D               2 15505 136 A z = 0 Multiwavelength Galaxy Synthesis. I. A WISE and GALEX atlas of local galaxies. LEROY A.K., SANDSTROM K.M., LANG D., et al.
2020MNRAS.494.1784A viz 17       D               1 47437 9 Local AGN survey (LASr): I. Galaxy sample, infrared colour selection, and predictions for AGN within 100 Mpc. ASMUS D., GREENWELL C.L., GANDHI P., et al.
2021ApJ...914..121A viz 17       D               1 43539 20 The NANOGrav 11 yr data set: limits on supermassive black hole binaries in galaxies within 500 Mpc. ARZOUMANIAN Z., BAKER P.T., BRAZIER A., et al.

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