V* V701 Sco , the SIMBAD biblio

V* V701 Sco , the SIMBAD biblio (123 results) C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.8 - 2024.07.02CEST13:24:26

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Title First 3 Authors
1953ApJ...118..362S 162 83 A catalogue of emission nebulae near the galactic plane. SHARPLESS S.
1956PZ.....11..325K 298 14 Variable stars in open clusters. KHOLOPOV P.N.
1959ApJS....4..257S viz 341 890 A catalogue of HII regions. SHARPLESS S.
1961RGOB...27...61E 45 9 Three-colour photometry in the southern hemisphere NGC 6383, NGC 6405 and standard stars. EGGEN O.J.
1963AnAp...26..153S 179 32 Eclipsing variables in galactic clusters. SAHADE J. and DAVILLA B.F.
1966AJ.....71..175P 40 ~ Survey of spectra of Southern eclipsing binaries. POPPER D.M.
1967PASP...79..395K 8 26 On the structure and evolution of W Ursae Majoris stars. KRAFT R.P.
1967MmRAS..70..111E 1 40 248 Contact binaries. II. EGGEN O.J.
1974A&AS...13..315L 67 T                   1 4 10 Binary systems in star clusters. I.
V701 Sco.
1975A&A....44..437V 21 17 The age of the W Ursae Majoris stars. VAN'T VEER F.
1976MNRAS.176..625W 1 8 40 SV Cen: an unusual example of mass transfer. WILSON R.E. and STARR T.C.
1977A&A....61..137W 68 T                   1 11 19
V701 Scorpii and its place among early contact binaries.
1977A&AS...27..215K 14       D               1657 150 UBV, Hbeta and polarization measurements of 1660 southern OB stars. KLARE G. and NECKEL T.
1977ApJ...211..853L 4 6 144 The early-type contact system V1010 Ophiuchi. LEUNG K.-C. and WILSON R.E.
1977PASP...89..187E 14       D               823 79 Is star formation bimodal? II. The nearest early-type stars. EGGEN O.J.
1978AJ.....83..288E 14       D               80 40 Contact binaries. III. Early-type systems. EGGEN O.J.
1978MNRAS.184..661L 110 16 The open cluster NGC 6383. LLOYD EVANS T.
1979AJ.....84..236S 1 5 38 Semidetached systems of spectral type B: BF Aurigae, mu*1 Scorpii and V Puppis. SCHNEIDER D.P., DARLAND J.J. and LEUNG K.-C.
1979ApJ...231..502L 4 10 236 Observational tests of theories of contact binaries. LUCY L.B. and WILSON R.E.
1980A&A....82..225A 69 T                   1 3 15 Dimensions and evolutionary state of the early-type contact binary
V701 Scorpii.
1980AcA....30..501B viz 1055 244 A catalogue of parameters for eclipsing binaries. BRANCEWICZ H.K. and DWORAK T.Z.
1980MmSAI..51..537C 75 0 A catalogue of masses, radii and luminosities of 71 double-lined spectrum eclipsing binaries. CESTER B., GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F., et al.
1981ApJ...245..650M 1 45 318 Contact binary stars. MOCHNACKI S.W.
1981Ap&SS..76...23W 16 17 A note on the statistics of early-type close binaries. WILSON R.E. and RAFERT J.B.
1982A&AS...50...13C 6 0 BR Muscae - A new early-type contact binary. CLARIA J. and PALASSET E.
1983A&AS...54..211G 992 34 Statistics of categorized eclipsing binary systems. Lightcurve shapes, periods, and spectral types. GIURICIN G., MARDIROSSIAN F. and MEZZETTI M.
1983ApJS...51..321S 1242 66 UBV Photometry for southern OB stars. SCHILD R.E., GARRISON R.F. and HILTNER W.A.
1983ApJS...52....1G 61 12 Massive eclipsing binary candidates. GARRISON R.F., SCHILD R.E. and HILTNER W.A.
1983ApJS...52..429W 14       D               302 49 A uvby, beta photometric survey of southern hemisphere eclipsing binary stars. WOLF W.G. and KERN J.T.
1984A&AS...58..601P 347 13 Binaires spectroscopiques - 14e catalogue complementaire. PEDOUSSAUT A., GINESTET N. and CARQUILLAT J.M.
1984AISAO..18...64P 1027 15 Catalogue of eclipsing and spectroscopic binary stars in the region of open clusters. POPOVA M. and KRAICHEVA Z.
1984Ap&SS..99..199D 59 4 Observations of binaries and evolutionary implications. DE LOORE C.
1984Ap&SS..99..237L 9 0 A review of early-type close binary systems. LEUNG K.-C.
1984BICDS..26....9M viz 14       D               2 863 3 Bibliography of individual radial velocities for stars in open cluster. II. NGC and IC clusters. MERMILLIOD J.C.
1985AbaOB..58..313Z 290 4 Eclipsing variables in open clusters. I. Preliminary study. ZAKIROV M.M. and SHAIDULLIN R.T.
1985IBVS.2805....1B 4 9 New ephemerides for four southern hemisphere eclipsing binaries. BRUTON J.R. and CHAMBLISS C.R.
1987MNRAS.226..899B 72 T                   1 2 16 A photometric and spectroscopic study of the early-type binary
V701 Scorpii.
1987MNRAS.229..529H 32 77 On OB-type close binary stars. HILDITCH R.W. and BELL S.A.
1987AcASn..28..275L 37 ~ Evolutionary state of contact binaries. LIU Q.-Y.
1987Ap&SS.134..161N 13 8 Case A evolution of massive close binary systems. II. Evolution of the systems belonging to the evolution type 1C(Nc)2COf. NAKAMURA M. and NAKAMURA Y.
1988AnTok..22...31K 8 3 The gravity-darkening of highly distorted stars in close binary systems. VI. Practical analysis of early-type contact systems with spectraltypes later than B1. KITAMURA M. and NAKAMURA Y.
1988Ap&SS.146...99Q 81 3 Angular momenta in binary systems. QUIROGA R.J. and VAZ L.P.R.
1988Ap&SS.149..379P 11 2 Gravitational radiation and spiralling time of close binary systems (II). PADALIA T.D.
1988BAICz..39..329H 1 101 445 Stellar masses and radii based on modern binary data. HARMANEC P.
1989TarOT.107..113P 47 0 Massive close binaries with early-type components, observed characteristics. POLUSHINA T.S.
1990BICDS..38..175K 661 7 Close binaries observed polarimetrically. KOCH R.H.
1990TarOT.106...26S 37 0 Investigation of statistical data for close binary stars. SVETCHNIKOV M.A.
1991Ap&SS.186....7E 21 3 Ultraviolet light curves of V 535 Arae. EATON J.A.
1991IBVS.3629....1L 70 T                   1 4 6 New times of minima for the early-type binaries V 1331 Aql,
V 701 Sco and MY Ser
1992ApJS...81..795G 1543 77 An Einstein Observatory SAO-based catalog of B-type stars. GRILLO F., SCIORTINO S., MICELA G., et al.
1992Ap&SS.187..261O 5 6 EB-type contact binary DO Cas with a large temperature difference. OH K.-D. and AHN Y.-S.
1993AcA....43..249P 2 3 A photometric study of early-type contact binary CT Tauri. PLEWA T. and WLODARCZYK K.J.
1993BICDS..42...27M 119 23 Catalogue of astrophysical parameters of binary systems. MALKOV O.Y.
1994A&A...283..144F 32 13 OB-type binaries: models versus observations. FIGUEIREDO J., DE GREVE J.P. and HILDITCH R.W.
1995A&AS..110..367N viz 82274 137 The Henry Draper Extension Charts: A catalogue of accurate positions, proper motions, magnitudes and spectral types of 86933 stars. NESTEROV V.V., KUZMIN A.V., ASHIMBAEVA N.T., et al.
1995A&AS..114..269D viz 14       D               1 20882 157 Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue. DUFLOT M., FIGON P. and MEYSSONNIER N.
1997A&A...323L..49P viz 14       D               1 118339 2498 The Hipparcos Catalogue. PERRYMAN M.A.C., LINDEGREN L., KOVALEVSKY J., et al.
1998A&AS..129..431H viz 14       D               38801 586 uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue. HAUCK B. and MERMILLIOD M.
1999A&A...345..531L 19 21 V606 Centauri: an early-type eclipsing contact binary. LORENZ R., MAYER P. and DRECHSEL H.
2000A&AS..146..251B viz 1362 96 Absolute proper motions of open clusters. I. Observational data. BAUMGARDT H., DETTBARN C. and WIELEN R.
2001A&A...367..521P viz 6127 101 Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics. PASINETTI FRACASSINI L.E., PASTORI L., COVINO S., et al.
2001BaltA..10..589A viz 2043 9 Stars with the largest Hipparcos photometric amplitudes. ADELMAN S.J.
2002IBVS.5293....1M 74 T       O           1 4 A possible periodic term in the period of the eclipsing binary
V701 Sco.
2002ARep...46..900P 6 3 Analysis of brightness variations in the massive close binary system UU Cassiopeia. POLUSHINA T.S.
2003CoSka..33...38P viz 367 120 Catalogue of the field contact binary stars. PRIBULLA T., KREINER J.M. and TREMKO J.
2004A&A...424..727P viz 15       D               3575 525 SB9: The ninth catalogue of spectroscopic binary orbits. POURBAIX D., TOKOVININ A.A., BATTEN A.H., et al.
2004A&A...426.1001C viz 162 82 On the properties of contact binary stars. CSIZMADIA S. and KLAGYIVIK P.
2004AcA....54..207K viz 15       D               1 2058 238 Up-to-date linear elements of eclipsing binaries. KREINER J.M.
2004IBVS.5498....1M         O           7 3 The database ASAS and the periods of several early-type binaries. MAYER P.
2005A&A...442..365J viz 316 83 Astrometric orbits of SB9^_ stars. JANCART S., JORISSEN A., BABUSIAUX C., et al.
2006A&A...446..785M viz 6377 171 A catalogue of eclipsing variables. MALKOV O.Y., OBLAK E., SNEGIREVA E.A., et al.
2006AJ....131.2986P viz 190 275 Contact binaries with additional components. I. The extant data. PRIBULLA T. and RUCINSKI S.M.
2006NewA...11..339Z 7 5 WZ And, a probable contact system with mass ratio very close to unity. ZHANG X.B. and ZHANG R.X.
2006NewA...12..117Q 74 T                   15 19 Orbital period investigations of two short-period early-type overcontact binaries BH Cen and
V701 Sco in two extremely young galactic clusters IC 2944 and NGC 6383.
2007A&A...474..653V viz 15       D               1 118083 3051 Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction. VAN LEEUWEN F.
2007AstL...33..251V 46 11 Mass-luminosity relation for massive stars. VITRIVHENKO E.A., NADYOZHIN D.K. and RAZINKOVA T.L.
2008MNRAS.387...97L 38           X         1 66 52 The evolutionary status of W Ursae Majoris-type systems. LI L., ZHANG F., HAN Z., et al.
2008ApJ...689L..49Q 39           X         1 9 26 Magnetic braking and the evolution of the HW Vir-like binary stars. QIAN S.-B., DAI Z.-B., ZHU L.-Y., et al.
2008AJ....136.2493Q 39           X         1 14 39 A new photometric investigation of the W UMa-type binary BI CVn. QIAN S.-B., HE J.-J., LIU L., et al.
2009PASJ...61..707X 38           X         1 10 2 Period changes of DF Hydrae: evidence of mass transfer and the presence of a cool tertiary companion. XIANG F., XIE W., TIAN Y., et al.
2009A&A...507.1141L 15       D               1 584 17 A systematic study of variability among OB-stars based on Hipparcos photometry. LEFEVRE L., MARCHENKO S.V., MOFFAT A.F.J., et al.
2010MNRAS.401L..34Q 40           X         1 12 51 A giant planet in orbit around a magnetic-braking hibernating cataclysmic variable. QIAN S.-B., LIAO W.-P., ZHU L.-Y., et al.
2010AN....331..349H viz 15       D               1 2355 95 Masses and luminosities of O- and B-type stars and red supergiants. HOHLE M.M., NEUHAUSER R. and SCHUTZ B.F.
2010MNRAS.405.1930L viz 15       D               1 281 117 The most plausible explanation of the cyclic period changes in close binaries: the case of the RS CVn-type binary WW Dra. LIAO W.-P. and QIAN S.-B.
2010ARep...54..940A 2 0 Analysis of photometric light curves for massive contact binary OB stars. V701 Scorpii. AVVAKUMOVA E.A.
2011MNRAS.414.2602D viz 2566 132 Random forest automated supervised classification of Hipparcos periodic variable stars. DUBATH P., RIMOLDINI L., SUVEGES M., et al.
2010RAA....10..438Z 38           X         1 9 5 Mass transfer and loss of the massive semi-detached binary AI Crucis. ZHAO E.-G., QIAN S.-B., FERNANDEZ LAJUS E., et al.
2011RAA....11.1158Y 38           X         1 8 4 A multicolor photometric study of the neglected eclipsing binary FT Ursae Majoris. YUAN J.-Z.
2012A&A...546A..61D viz 15       D               1 88080 48 Radial velocities for the HIPPARCOS-Gaia Hundred-Thousand-Proper-Motion project. DE BRUIJNE J.H.J. and EILERS A.-C.
2012MNRAS.427..343M viz 15       D               1 95692 216 Fundamental parameters and infrared excesses of Hipparcos stars. McDONALD I., ZIJLSTRA A.A. and BOYER M.L.
2013ApJ...771..112A 16       D               1 156 8 Dusty OB stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. II. Extragalactic disks or examples of the Pleiades phenomenon? ADAMS J.J., SIMON J.D., BOLATTO A.D., et al.
2013ApJS..209...13Q 41           X         1 12 66 BI Vulpeculae: a siamese twin with two very similar cool stars in shallow contact. QIAN S.-B., LIU N.-P., LI K., et al.
2013AN....334..860A viz 16       D               1 7254 65 Eclipsing variables: Catalogue and classification. AVVAKUMOVA E.A., MALKOV O.Yu. and KNIAZEV A.Yu.
2014NewA...26..112E 94       D       C       2 6 ~ LY Aurigua: a mass-transferring O-type contact binary with a tertiary stellar companion. ERGANG Z., SHENGBANG Q., LINJIA L., et al.
2014NewA...31...65L viz 39           X         1 9 3 First photometric study of W UMa binary star LU Lac. LIAO W.-P., QIAN S.-B., ZHAO E.-G., et al.
2015A&A...580A..23P viz 16       D               2 60854 134 A new catalogue of Stroemgren-Crawford uvbyβ photometry. PAUNZEN E.
2016A&A...590A..45L viz 201           X         5 24 5 GU Monocerotis: A high-mass eclipsing overcontact binary in the young open cluster Dolidze 25. LORENZO J., NEGUERUELA I., VILARDELL F., et al.
2018A&A...615A..49C viz 16       D               1 224764 54 Characterising open clusters in the solar neighbourhood with the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution. CANTAT-GAUDIN T., VALLENARI A., SORDO R., et al.
2018A&A...618A..93C viz 16       D               1 87620 517 A Gaia DR2 view of the open cluster population in the Milky Way. CANTAT-GAUDIN T., JORDI C., VALLENARI A., et al.
2019ApJ...871L..10E 85           X         2 11 11 Two massive twins in a deep-contact binary with a black hole candidate. ER-GANG Z., SHENG-BANG Q., SOONTHORNTHUM B., et al.
2019AJ....157...78J viz 17       D               1 11564 44 A catalog of wide binary and multiple systems of bright stars from Gaia-DR2 and the Virtual Observatory. JIMENEZ-ESTEBAN F.M., SOLANO E. and RODRIGO C.
2018PASP..130h4205Z 82           X         2 10 ~ RZ Pyx: a special short period detached massive binary with two cool stellar companions in a quadruple system. ZHAO E., QIAN S., LI L., et al.
2019MNRAS.484.5102K viz 42           X         1 66 ~ Classical T-Tauri stars with VPHAS+: II: NGC 6383 in Sh 2-012. KALARI V.M.
2019AJ....157..111Y viz 2341 T K A D S   X C       54 18 ~ A comprehensive study of three early-type contact twin binaries: CT Tau, GU Mon, and
V701 Sco.
2018RAA....18...59Z 165           X C       3 13 4 New CCD photometric investigation of the early-type overcontact binary BH Cen in the young star-forming Galactic cluster IC 2944. ZHAO E.-G., QIAN S.-B., ZEJDA M., et al.
2019A&A...623A..72K viz 17       D               1 117373 256 Stellar and substellar companions of nearby stars from Gaia DR2. Binarity from proper motion anomaly. KERVELLA P., ARENOU F., MIGNARD F., et al.
2019RAA....19...37D 42           X         1 27 ~ A word about the Teacher. DRYOMOVA G.N., ERETNOVA O.V. and POLUSHINA T.S.
2019MNRAS.490.3158C viz 17       D               1 465837 28 A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry. CRUZALEBES P., PETROV R.G., ROBBE-DUBOIS S., et al.
2020A&A...633A..99C viz 17       D               1 257585 169 Clusters and mirages: cataloguing stellar aggregates in the Milky Way. CANTAT-GAUDIN T. and ANDERS F.
2020AJ....160..120J viz 17       D               1 365761 238 APOGEE data and spectral analysis from SDSS Data Release 16: seven years of observations including first results from APOGEE-South. JONSSON H., HOLTZMAN J.A., ALLENDE PRIETO C., et al.
2020A&A...640A...1C viz 17       D               1 235399 241 Painting a portrait of the Galactic disc with its stellar clusters. CANTAT-GAUDIN T., ANDERS F., CASTRO-GINARD A., et al.
2020A&A...641A..43B 18       D               1 47 63 Is HR 6819 a triple system containing a black hole?. An alternative explanation. BODENSTEINER J., SHENAR T., MAHY L., et al.
2021AJ....161...35L 44           X         1 26 2 The investigation of seven Kepler contact binaries in the field of NGC 6819. LI X.-Z. and LIU L.
2021A&A...645L...8X viz 17       D               1 9595 36 Local spiral structure based on the Gaia EDR3 parallaxes. XU Y., HOU L.G., BIAN S.B., et al.
2020RAA....20..203Y 60       D     X         2 26 ~ A photometric-spectroscopic study of the infrared-excess eclipsing binary V2364 Cyg. YUAN H.-Y., JIANG L.-Q., DAI H.-F., et al.
2021A&A...647A..19T viz 17       D               1 24814 55 3D kinematics and age distribution of the open cluster population. TARRICQ Y., SOUBIRAN C., CASAMIQUELA L., et al.
2021AJ....162...13L viz 17       D               1 194 33 Photometric study and absolute parameter estimation of six totally eclipsing contact binaries. LI K., XIA Q.-Q., KIM C.-H., et al.
2021ApJS..254...42B viz 17       D               1 115488 112 The Hipparcos-Gaia Catalog of Accelerations: Gaia EDR3 edition. BRANDT T.D.
2021MNRAS.507.5013M 279       D     X   F     6 33 21 Detailed evolutionary models of massive contact binaries - I. Model grids and synthetic populations for the Magellanic Clouds. MENON A., LANGER N., DE MINK S.E., et al.
2022ApJ...924...30L 18       D               1 19 8 V606 Cen: a newly formed massive contact binary in a hierarchical triple system. LI F.-X., LIAO W.-P., QIAN S.-B., et al.
2022ApJ...932...14L 45           X         1 13 4 Two Massive Close Binaries with Twin Components in the Nearby Galaxy M31. LI F.-X., QIAN S.-B., JIAO C.-L., et al.
2023A&A...674A..16M viz 19       D               1 36209 19 Gaia Data Release 3 The first Gaia catalogue of eclipsing-binary candidates. MOWLAVI N., HOLL B., LECOEUR-TAIBI I., et al.
2023ApJ...956...49L 93           X         2 17 ~ Five Massive Contact Binaries with Twin Components in LMC. LI F.-X., QIAN S.-B., WU C.-Q., et al.

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