NGC 714

Query : NGC 714

4 parents from 6 bibliographic links
N Identifier dist(asec)
Hierarchy probability of membership
Reference of the hierarchical link
link ref
Origin for this hierarchical link : Biblio/Simbad
Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 ACO 262 546.76 100 2004AJ....128.1558S B ClG 01 52 50.4 +36 08 46           ~ 703 1
2 [CHM2007] LDC 115 42.20 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GrG 01 53 26.8 +36 13 41           ~ 2 0
3 [CHM2007] HDC 99 294.70 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GrG 01 53 36.6 +36 17 59           ~ 3 0
4 [T2015] nest 200003 349.23 100 2015AJ....149..171T B ClG 01 53 09.1 +36 09 11           ~ 2 0
5 [TKT2016] 120 583.03 100 2016A&A...588A..14T B GrG 01 54 15.95 +36 15 58.0           ~ 1 0
6 [TKK2018] 667 298.66 75 2018A&A...618A..81T S GrG 01 53 53.88 +36 14 12.9           ~ 1 0

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