[CHM2007] HDC 1160

Query : [CHM2007] HDC 1160

5 children from 5 bibliographic links
N Identifier dist(asec)
Hierarchy probability of membership
Reference of the hierarchical link
link ref
Origin for this hierarchical link : Biblio/Simbad
Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 ESO 107-44 930.63 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B EmG 21 40 03.4554560064 -63 54 32.005295820   13.88   12.67   ~ 25 0
2 ESO 107-39 1424.52 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GiG 21 36 23.7433685976 -64 25 31.915969356   14.53   13.32   ~ 18 0
3 NGC 7096 1318.68 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B Sy2 21 41 19.2445062648 -63 54 31.177626156   12.81 11.58 11.62   ~ 60 0
4 NGC 7083 1289.68 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B Sy2 21 35 44.6351403840 -63 54 10.199544624   11.93 11.04 10.81 11.5 ~ 183 0
5 IC 5120 908.97 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B EmG 21 38 48.2738259024 -64 21 00.587887560   14.15   13.10 13.6 ~ 36 0

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