ADS 7251

Query : ADS 7251

Number of rows : 1
N Identifier typed ident Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 79210 ADS 7251 SB* 09 14 22.7748624830 +52 41 11.791503353   9.388   6.8   K7V 312 0
2 MCC 541 ADS 7251 ** 09 14 27.2 +52 41 18           ~ 27 0
3 HD 79211 ADS 7251 Er* 09 14 24.6828466599 +52 41 10.902471910   7.966   6.8   M0V 305 0
4 UCAC3 286-107066 ADS 7251 * 09 14 35.4639833976 +52 42 09.463798332   14.99 14.53 14.58   ~ 4 0
5 TYC 3806-1033-1 ADS 7251 * 09 14 33.6272993112 +52 39 35.267781708   12.16 11.72     ~ 4 0

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