CHM2007 HDC 159

Query : CHM2007 HDC 159

null children from 8 bibliographic links
N Identifier dist(asec)
Hierarchy probability of membership
Reference of the hierarchical link
link ref
Origin for this hierarchical link : Biblio/Simbad
Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 993 1409.23 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GiG 02 36 46.0601447712 +02 03 01.361470572   14.9       ~ 25 0
2 NGC 1016 103.78 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GiG 02 38 19.5696395016 +02 07 09.482594448   13.3       ~ 92 0
3 NGC 1004 813.14 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GiG 02 37 41.7814621344 +01 58 31.117228536   14.3       ~ 62 1
4 NGC 1008 406.67 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GiG 02 37 55.2858654120 +02 04 47.250841440   14.9       ~ 29 0
5 NGC 1019 872.78 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B Sy1 02 38 27.4157281584 +01 54 27.757234728   15.71 14.95     ~ 74 0
6 IC 241 737.12 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GiG 02 37 54.4880975064 +02 19 40.808786808   14.5       ~ 18 0
7 NGC 1020 508.61 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GiG 02 38 44.3296802088 +02 13 52.481748036   15.0       ~ 15 0
8 IC 246 2304.32 100 2007ApJ...655..790C B GiG 02 40 28.6002216648 +02 28 43.393377036   15.5       ~ 16 0

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