
Query : 1983MNRAS.205..859B

1983MNRAS.205..859B - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 205, 859-873 (1983)

Infrared observations of RS CVn stars.


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Number of rows : 15
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 * bet And PM* 01 09 43.92388 +35 37 14.0075 5.58 3.62 2.05 0.81 -0.19 M0+IIIa 556 1
2 V* UX Ari RS* 03 26 35.3756804760 +28 42 54.226408428 7.76 7.28 6.37     K0IV 703 0
3 HD 22468 RS* 03 36 47.2904292073 +00 35 15.943692002 7.09 6.79 5.90     K2:Vnk 1174 0
4 * alf Tau LP? 04 35 55.23907 +16 30 33.4885 4.32 2.40 0.86 -0.37 -1.31 K5+III 1262 2
5 * pi.04 Ori SB* 04 51 12.3657730111 +05 36 18.373859886 2.700 3.500 3.680 3.74 3.90 B2III 309 0
6 V* RS CVn RS* 13 10 36.9077924448 +35 56 05.584994412 8.57 8.51 7.93 7.7   F6IV+G8IV 731 0
7 * alf Boo RG* 14 15 39.67207 +19 10 56.6730 2.46 1.18 -0.05 -1.03 -1.68 K1.5IIIFe-0.5 2338 1
8 * sig Boo PM* 14 34 40.8173867232 +29 44 42.457673940 4.76 4.84 4.47 4.13 3.94 F4VkF2mF1 606 0
9 V* Z Her RS* 17 58 06.9789710832 +15 08 21.908719500   7.86 7.30     F8V 287 0
10 * nu. Her LP* 17 58 30.1496073102 +30 11 21.387652276 4.95 4.80 4.41 4.01 3.78 F2II 180 0
11 V* MM Her RS* 17 58 38.5191368904 +22 08 46.780356588   9.24 9.563 8.01 8.574 G0 136 0
12 * alf Lyr dS* 18 36 56.33635 +38 47 01.2802 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.10 A0Va 2696 1
13 * eta Cyg * 19 56 18.3718373206 +35 05 00.322387793 5.800 4.910 3.880 3.19 2.66 K0III 283 0
14 V* AR Lac RS* 22 08 40.8182089680 +45 44 32.107863120 7.09 6.83 6.11     K0IVe+G5IV 728 0
15 * alf Peg PM* 23 04 45.65345 +15 12 18.9617 2.38 2.44 2.48 2.47 2.50 B9III 355 0

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