
Query : 1997A&AS..122..255K

1997A&AS..122..255K - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 122, 255-266 (1997/April-2)

Results of the ESO-SEST key programme: CO in the Magellanic Clouds. VI. The 30 Doradus Complex.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report observations of 12CO(1->0) emission from molecular clouds in a complex extending ∼2kpc south of 30 Dor in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The observations were taken on the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) as part of the Key Programme: CO in the Magellanic Clouds. This paper presents observations of the emission from the Central and Southern parts of that complex. In both parts, the strongest emission has T*A∼4K. This is a factor of ∼3 to 5 weaker than we would expect for Milky Way GMCs observed at a distance of 50 kpc. In the Central region, the emission is dominated by a 600pc long, slightly curved feature, which is clearly seen in peak and integrated intensity maps. When we look at this emission in 5km/s velocity ranges, it breaks into 22 clouds whose sizes and line profiles look like that from Milky Way molecular clouds. The Southern region is clearly separated from the Central region, and its emission can be broken into 5 clouds.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxy: Magellanic Clouds - interstellar medium: molecules - interstellar medium: clouds - interstellar medium: molecules, millimeter lines - radio lines: molecular

Nomenclature: Table 1: [KRB97] 30 Dor Center NNA N=22 (Nos 1-4, 5A-C, 6-14, 15A-C, 16-18), [KRB97] 30 Dor South N (Nos 1-5)

Simbad objects: 32

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Number of rows : 32
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME SMC G 00 52 38.0 -72 48 01   2.79 2.2     ~ 11311 1
2 NAME Magellanic Clouds GrG 03 00 -71.0           ~ 7196 0
3 NAME LMC G 05 23 34.6 -69 45 22     0.4     ~ 17683 0
4 NAME 30 Dor Nebula SFR 05 38 36.0 -69 05 11           ~ 1199 2
5 RMC 136 Cl* 05 38 42.396 -69 06 03.36   5.81 5.40     ~ 2043 2
6 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 2 MoC 05 39 20 -70 06.8           ~ 2 0
7 IRAS 05400-7013 Y*O 05 39 31.172 -70 12 16.63           ~ 18 0
8 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 5B MoC 05 39 46 -70 13.5           ~ 1 0
9 [MMM2008] N171 4 MoC 05 39 51 -70 07.3           ~ 3 0
10 [KRB97] 30 Dor South 3 MoC 05 39 52 -71 09.9           ~ 3 0
11 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 1 MoC 05 39 52 -70 02.9           ~ 2 0
12 [KRB97] 30 Dor South 2 MoC 05 39 53 -71 07.6           ~ 2 0
13 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 5A MoC 05 39 54 -70 14.3           ~ 1 0
14 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 5C MoC 05 39 54 -70 13.3           ~ 2 0
15 [KRB97] 30 Dor South 4 MoC 05 40 00 -71 12.6           ~ 2 0
16 [KRB97] 30 Dor South 1 MoC 05 40 06 -71 06.6           ~ 1 0
17 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 17 MoC 05 40 19 -70 34.6           ~ 1 0
18 [KRB97] 30 Dor South 5 MoC 05 40 25 -71 13.6           ~ 2 0
19 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 14 MoC 05 40 27 -70 30.6           ~ 2 0
20 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 15A MoC 05 40 42 -70 33.3           ~ 1 0
21 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 15C MoC 05 40 42 -70 31.9           ~ 2 0
22 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 12 MoC 05 40 43 -70 27.9           ~ 1 0
23 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 6 MoC 05 40 43 -70 10.3           ~ 3 0
24 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 16 MoC 05 40 46 -70 35.3           ~ 2 0
25 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 18 MoC 05 40 49 -70 37.3           ~ 2 0
26 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 8 MoC 05 40 49 -70 16.6           ~ 2 0
27 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 7 MoC 05 40 53 -70 13.9           ~ 3 0
28 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 15B MoC 05 40 58 -70 33.3           ~ 1 0
29 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 11 MoC 05 41 00 -70 22.6           ~ 2 0
30 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 10 MoC 05 41 00 -70 20.3           ~ 1 0
31 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 13 MoC 05 41 03 -70 29.9           ~ 2 0
32 [KRB97] 30 Dor Center 9 MoC 05 41 17 -70 17.0           ~ 2 0

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