
Query : 1997A&AS..122..571M

1997A&AS..122..571M - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 122, 571-580 (1997/May-1)

Mass determination of astrometric binaries with Hipparcos. I. Theory and simulation.


Abstract (from CDS):

The analysis of the observations of double stars made by the ESA satellite Hipparcos has involved a very specific processing to derive the relevant astrometric parameters. This required to distinguish between several categories of double stars according to the separation and orbital motion. We show that for close pairs with orbital period less than about 20-years, the concept of photocentric orbit of an astrometric binary needs to be generalized to benefit fully from the accuracy of Hipparcos. We introduce a point more naturally associated with the Hipparcos observations, the hippacentre, whose orbital path is not longer similar to the relative keplerian orbit of the components, unlike that of the photocentre. For systems with separation larger than about 0.3", it is possible to determine separately the mass and the intensity ratio of the components from the absolute path of the hippacentre on the sky. For smaller separations the scale of the photocentric orbit is recovered as a limiting case. The scope of this paper is to set forth the principles of the method and to explore its possibilities and limitations from extensive simulations.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): methods: data analysis - binaries: visual - stars: fundamental parameters

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Number of rows : 38
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 * 85 Peg SB* 00 02 10.3487193861 +27 04 54.599101714 6.47 6.42 5.75 5.16 4.73 G5VbFe-2 549 0
2 * 13 Cet RS* 00 35 14.87968 -03 35 34.2367   5.75 5.21     F7V+G4V 298 0
3 HD 3443 ** 00 37 20.71960 -24 46 02.1843   6.28 5.57     K1V+G 240 0
4 HD 10307 SB* 01 41 47.1268541099 +42 36 48.221567818 5.69 5.58 4.96 4.43 4.10 G1V 504 0
5 HD 15285 SB* 02 27 45.86150 +04 25 55.7489 11.398 10.101 8.673 7.797 6.972 M2V 138 0
6 * eps Cet SB* 02 39 33.7974128402 -11 52 19.551632148   5.33 4.87     F5V 208 0
7 * 12 Per SB* 02 42 14.9145674304 +40 11 38.221732500 5.65 5.51 4.92 4.42 4.12 F9V 186 0
8 * tau Per SB* 02 54 15.4777208304 +52 45 44.882735292 5.17 4.71 3.96 3.33 2.89 G8III+A7V 168 0
9 * gam Per SB* 03 04 47.8201112829 +53 30 23.262605954 4.08 3.63 2.93 2.34 1.89 G9III+A2-III: 215 0
10 * bet Per SB* 03 08 10.1324535 +40 57 20.328013 1.70 2.07 2.12 2.08 2.11 B8V 1225 1
11 * 46 Tau ** 04 13 33.0904461000 +07 42 58.017467664 5.65 5.65 5.29 4.94 4.75 F2V 167 0
12 * alf Aur SB* 05 16 41.35871 +45 59 52.7693 1.33 0.88 0.08 -0.52 -0.96 G3III: 1183 0
13 * l Ori ** 06 17 06.6198800712 +09 56 32.614989288   5.482 5.386     A2V 96 0
14 * 9 Pup ** 07 51 46.30295 -13 53 52.9169           G0V 245 0
15 * 53 Cam a2* 08 01 42.4403874648 +60 19 27.806833200   6.177 6.008     A3VpSrSiCrEu 400 0
16 * 10 UMa SB* 09 00 38.38067 +41 46 58.6051 4.440 4.390 3.960 3.57 3.35 F3V+G5V 349 0
17 * pi.01 Cnc SB* 09 12 17.5474052342 +14 59 45.776204103 7.49 7.24 6.51 5.90 5.52 G9V 225 0
18 * 128 Car ** 09 17 17.2424584176 -68 41 22.535261160   5.79 5.39     F5VFe-0.7CH-0.5 76 0
19 BD-12 2918 ** 09 31 19.41603 -13 29 18.9355 12.734 11.568 10.067 9.000 7.682 M3V 144 0
20 * p Vel SB* 10 37 18.1504398154 -48 13 32.398269222 4.19 4.13 3.84 3.57 3.41 A3/5 128 0
21 * chi01 Hya ** 11 05 19.9025488416 -27 17 37.046751540   5.281 4.912 6.50   F3IV/V 90 0
22 * alf Com ** 13 09 59.28520 +17 31 46.0389 4.71 4.77 4.32 4.1   F5V+F6V 206 0
23 * bet CrB a2* 15 27 49.7540595700 +29 06 20.494640434 4.08 3.97 3.68 3.50 3.45 F2VpSrCrEuSi 688 0
24 * del Sco SB* 16 00 20.00528 -22 37 18.1431 1.30 2.20 2.32 2.36 2.49 B0.3IV 744 0
25 G 202-45 SB* 16 24 09.3137145795 +48 21 11.107573476   12.099       M3.0V 183 1
26 * c Her ** 17 08 02.0616892056 +35 56 06.679215960   5.70 5.39     kA5hF0VmF2 151 0
27 HD 155876 ** 17 12 07.91174 +45 39 57.2157   10.250 9.523 9.3   M3V 210 0
28 * alf Oph ** 17 34 56.06945 +12 33 36.1346 2.32 2.22 2.07 1.93 1.85 A5IVnn 481 0
29 HD 163840 SB* 17 57 14.3391768182 +23 59 44.647993135   6.965 6.323     G2V+K2V 125 0
30 * chi Dra SB* 18 21 03.38255 +72 43 58.2518 4.010 4.070 3.580 3.14 2.83 F7V 406 1
31 * zet Sgr ** 19 02 36.73024 -29 52 48.2279   2.69 2.59     A2.5Va 175 0
32 * chi01 Sgr ** 19 25 16.4906536621 -24 30 30.841584088   5.238 5.009 6.67   A3/5IV/V 74 0
33 BD+40 883 ** 21 00 05.3871460816 +40 04 12.650850610   11.59 9.97 9.63 7.96 M2.0V+M0.5V 182 0
34 HD 202128 ** 21 13 28.7887833408 +15 58 56.719538400   6.496 6.252     A7Vn 106 0
35 * del Equ SB* 21 14 28.8153077 +10 00 25.125878 4.98 4.99 4.49 4.06 3.78 F7(V)+G0(V) 326 0
36 HD 203345 ** 21 21 21.5865231096 +10 19 56.166839688   7.222 6.711     F5 113 0
37 HD 206804 ** 21 46 35.78179 -57 42 12.1799   10.38 9.38 9.10 8.61 K6.5Vk 64 0
38 * eta Peg SB* 22 43 00.1288449480 +30 13 16.372969392 4.38 3.81 2.95 2.31 1.83 G8II+F0V 202 0

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