
Query : 1998A&AS..128..497I

1998A&AS..128..497I - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 128, 497-505 (1998/March-2)

Lithium and metal abundances in long period Am binaries.


Abstract (from CDS):

High signal-to-noise CCD spectra of three bright, long period Am binaries (HD 108651, HD 116657 and HD 138213) have been obtained and the atmospheric abundances of identified chemical elements were studied. We found HD 116657 to be a new candidate as a Li deficient, long period Am binary, in addition to 16 Ori. While HD 108651 and HD 116657 have pronounced Am characteristics, HD 138213 is just a mild Am star. These stars were further studied in a more general context related to the role of binarity in CP phenomenon. It was found that both Li abundance and the equivalent with ratio CaI6718/FeI6679 are more peculiar in systems with more pronounced eccentricities. Such behaviour is the opposite of what was previously found in Ap binaries and their anomalies. It indicates that tidal effects are of crucial importance in driving CP phenomena.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: chemically peculiar - stars: abundances - stars: individual: HD 108651, HD 116657, HD 138213 - binaries: general

Simbad objects: 4

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Number of rows : 4
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 108561 * 12 28 18.4170033144 +04 23 47.614058916   6.86 6.72     A0/1V 21 1
2 HD 108651 SB* 12 28 44.5650287472 +25 53 57.557921208   6.82 6.61     kA2hA9VmF0 166 0
3 * zet02 UMa SB* 13 23 56.3219129760 +54 55 18.513775632   4.05 3.88     kA1h(eA)mA7IV-V 183 1
4 HD 138213 SB* 15 28 44.3918461272 +47 12 05.436520740   6.231 6.138     A2IV 62 0

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