
Query : 1998A&AS..131..483B

1998A&AS..131..483B - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 131, 483-497 (1998/September-0)

Integrated spectral study of reddened globular clusters and candidates.


Abstract (from CDS):

This paper presents integrated spectra in the range 6700-9500Å for 20 Galactic globular clusters (and candidates) in the bulge and 5 others projected on the Galactic disk (|l|>30° and |b|<5°). Most of them are considerably reddened and are among those least studied in the literature. We derive reddening and metallicity from flux-calibrated spectra, thus providing independent information of that derived through colour-magnitude studies. For some clusters in the sample, these parameters have been determined for the first time, and for others a considerable revision is given. We indicate the globular clusters which definitely belong to the bulge metal-rich and intermediate metallicity families. Among the objects projected on the disk, we find that the integrated spectral properties of Lyngå 7, BH 176 and Palomar 10 are compatible with those of metal-rich globular clusters. Finally, ESO93-SC08 is an old open cluster, and UKS2 is an open cluster with age ≃1Gyr.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): (Galaxy:) globular clusters: general - Galaxy: evolution

Simbad objects: 30

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Number of rows : 30
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME UKS 2 OpC 09 25 15.4 -54 43 08           ~ 40 0
2 ESO 93-8 GlC 11 19 41.9 -65 13 11           ~ 24 0
3 CD-32 9927 * 14 11 46.3227735768 -33 03 14.373268704   10.793 10.444 10.12 10.106 A4 98 0
4 ESO 224-8 OpC 15 39 05.4 -50 03 02           ~ 70 0
5 Cl Lynga 7 OpC 16 11 03.65 -55 19 04.0           ~ 118 0
6 NGC 6256 GlC 16 59 32.68 -37 07 17.1           ~ 162 0
7 PK 357+05 1 PN? 17 18 49.6 -27 52 02           ~ 7 0
8 ESO 454-29 GlC 17 27 33.24 -30 48 07.8           ~ 259 0
9 GCl 66.1 GlC 17 30 38.90 -31 35 44.0           ~ 125 0
10 ESO 455-11 GlC 17 31 05.20 -29 58 54.0           ~ 180 0
11 Liller 1 Cl* 17 33 24.50 -33 23 20.0           ~ 275 0
12 NGC 6380 GlC 17 34 28.00 -39 04 09.0           ~ 149 0
13 ESO 455-23 GlC 17 35 47.80 -30 28 11.0           ~ 263 0
14 HD 160233 bC* 17 38 40.6357996296 +04 20 09.783566016 8.2 9.00 9.04     B1II 44 0
15 ESO 520-21 GlC 17 43 42.20 -26 13 21.0           ~ 188 0
16 NAME cl Djorgovski 1 GlC 17 47 28.30 -33 03 56.0           ~ 84 0
17 Cl Terzan 5 Cl* 17 48 05.00 -24 46 48.0           ~ 864 1
18 ESO 455-49 GlC 17 50 46.40 -31 16 31.0           ~ 195 0
19 NAME UKS 1 GlC 17 54 27.20 -24 08 43.0           ~ 100 0
20 GCl 80.1 GlC 18 01 38.80 -26 50 23.0           ~ 129 0
21 ESO 456-38 GlC 18 01 49.10 -27 49 33.0           ~ 101 0
22 ESO 521-16 GlC 18 02 57.40 -26 04 00.0           ~ 107 0
23 NGC 6528 GlC 18 04 49.61 -30 03 20.8   12.12 10.65     ~ 532 0
24 ESO 522-1 GlC 18 12 15.80 -22 44 31.0     14.86     ~ 103 1
25 NGC 6624 GlC 18 23 40.51 -30 21 39.7           ~ 899 1
26 CD-44 12736 PM* 18 36 25.9502475648 -44 18 36.907592904   10.83 10.22     G0 213 0
27 ESO 591-12 GlC 18 41 29.90 -19 49 33.0           ~ 122 0
28 NGC 6717 GlC 18 55 06.04 -22 42 05.3           ~ 252 0
29 GCl 111 GlC 19 18 02.10 +18 34 18.0           ~ 120 0
30 CD-30 17706 WD* 20 10 56.8486912016 -30 13 06.627142663 11.654 12.286 12.242 12.311 12.381 DA3.1 252 0

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