
Query : 1998A&AS..133...51S

1998A&AS..133...51S - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 133, 51-59 (1998/November-2)

New spectroscopic binaries among classical Cepheids. II.


Abstract (from CDS):

Radial velocity measurements of classical Cepheids obtained by the CORAVEL and ELODIE spectrographs have been analysed. The comparison with earlier radial velocity data resulted in the discovery of eight new spectroscopic binaries (in the 9.7-12.4mag interval of mean V-brightness). An updated value of the pulsation period is also determined for the new SB-Cepheids.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Cepheids - binaries: spectroscopic

Simbad objects: 8

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Number of rows : 8
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 V* UX Per cC* 02 13 07.4861939616 +58 04 47.828042508   12.14 11.26     F5 91 0
2 V* YZ Aur cC* 05 15 21.9827588256 +40 04 40.880491572   11.77 10.24     G5 110 0
3 V* AS Aur cC* 06 05 24.4364647728 +28 47 22.937441136   12.34 11.75     F6 31 0
4 V* AA Gem cC* 06 06 34.9460908656 +26 19 45.202120572   11.0 9.91   8.540 K0 128 0
5 V* CS Ori cC* 06 07 25.4652889368 +11 09 07.112104380   11.96 11.29   10.239 F5 85 0
6 V* V495 Mon cC* 06 37 03.3840074280 -02 49 26.758525188   13.69       ~ 48 0
7 V* TX Mon cC* 06 50 52.2684114720 -01 25 45.228530964   11.76 10.67   9.619 F6 102 0
8 V* VW Pup cC* 07 31 49.0895527488 -20 08 58.801627752   12.12 11.15     F5 80 0

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