
Query : 1999A&AS..134..129K

1999A&AS..134..129K - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 134, 129-133 (1999/January-1)

Photometry and spectroscopy of the central star of the Trifid nebula.


Abstract (from CDS):

UBV photometry of the central star of the Trifid nebula - HD 164492, which has so far been suspected of photometric as well as of radial velocity variability - is presented. The results of our photometry do not confirm any variability. Moreover, based on new high resolution CCD spectra any radial velocity variability can be discarded. Photometry of several other members of the multiple stellar system is included; according to this photometry, the system is a physical one. Equivalent widths for the main component of HD 164492 are given. Positions measured on CCD exposures are presented too.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): binaries: visual - stars: early-type - stars: individual: HD 164492 - ISM: Trifid nebula

Nomenclature: Table 5: [KML99] NN (Nos 1-10).

Simbad objects: 8

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Number of rows : 8
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 35921 ** 05 29 42.6497086888 +35 22 30.097742031 6.23         O9II 245 0
2 NGC 6514 149 * 18 02 21.9929175720 -23 02 25.560942180       13.13   ~ 7 0
3 NGC 6514 147 Y*? 18 02 23.0573846112 -23 02 05.974579176           F3V 10 0
4 EM* LkHA 123 Em* 18 02 23.13015 -23 01 59.9462   8.72 6.80 9.37   B1V 47 0
5 HD 164492 Y*O 18 02 23.5527520992 -23 01 50.999556180 6.49 7.49 6.80 7.52   O7.5Vz 230 0
6 HD 164492B sg* 18 02 23.7095503200 -23 01 45.155769456   8.0 12.06     B2Vnn 22 0
7 NGC 6514 148 Y*O 18 02 25.8632041824 -23 01 42.420957888       15.87   ~ 9 0
8 M 20 OpC 18 02 42 -22 58.3           ~ 435 1

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