
Query : 1999A&AS..137...93G

1999A&AS..137...93G - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 137, 93-99 (1999/May-2)

Lithium abundances in metal-poor stars. I. New observations.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present the lithium measurements of a continuing programme of light element abundances in metal-poor stars. New equivalent widths of the LiI λ670.8 nm resonance line in 67 metal-poor stars covering the metallicity range -3.5≤[Fe/H]≤-0.4 are reported. For about half of this sample, the observations presented here represent the first measurement of the LiI line. The sample allowed a statistical comparison with previous measurements from other authors and a study of the consistency and reliability of the quoted error bars. This paper shows that for most of the stars these error bars are good estimates of the true uncertainties associated with the determination of the equivalent widths of the LiI line. However, about 20% of the stars with two or more independent measurements show discrepancies in the LiI equivalent widths; in these cases, other sources of uncertainty not properly taken into account (binarity effects, cosmic rays, imperfect flat-field correction, continuum determination, etc.) could also be important.
Conclusion. on the possible lithium abundance trends versus effective temperature or metallicity and on any intrinsic scatter should be treated cautiously until their robustness vis-a-vis these additional uncertainties is proved.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxy: evolution - stars: abundances - stars: late-type - stars: Population II

Simbad objects: 66

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Number of rows : 66
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 3266 ** 00 36 02.36294 +29 59 34.8139           G4V 76 0
2 HD 3266B PM* 00 36 02.5432176168 +29 59 40.605585597   9.67 8.97 8.5   G7V 30 0
3 HD 4906 PM* 00 51 14.0527959514 +18 47 25.165533686   9.52   8.3   G0 61 0
4 BD+04 302 PM* 01 43 31.7383481219 +04 51 30.657915686   10.92   10.1   sdF5 23 0
5 BD+29 366 PM* 02 10 24.5274364299 +29 48 23.663397433 9.27 9.35 8.77 8.24 7.85 G3 139 0
6 CD-24 1782 Pe* 03 38 41.4850201416 -24 02 50.292102948   10.54 9.97 9.246 8.811 ~ 82 0
7 HD 24289 Pe* 03 51 54.5431655808 -03 49 10.687742472   10.48 10.0     F0V 73 0
8 BD+38 1456 PM* 06 20 03.8445695544 +38 20 44.100473100   11.4   10.2   G5 41 0
9 HD 45282 Pe* 06 26 40.7720940072 +03 25 29.792391024 8.71 8.69 8.03     Gwl 155 0
10 G 192-43 PM* 06 47 44.9352596626 +58 38 34.532968179   10.75   10.1   F2 70 0
11 BD+19 1730 PM* 07 27 02.3445261816 +19 05 55.443428700 10.99 11.174 10.727 10.418 10.094 sdF8 60 0
12 G 90-3 Pe* 07 29 50.8459373520 +32 51 58.309757856   11.0 10.4 10.2   sd:F8 77 0
13 BD+24 1676 Pe* 07 30 41.2662525096 +24 05 10.248524088   11.15 10.7 10.4   F 130 0
14 HD 61770 * 07 41 09.8545320744 +05 35 36.102409980   7.92 8.03     B8V 7 0
15 BD+09 2190 Pe* 09 29 15.5615542183 +08 38 00.467004388   11.54   10.8   sdA5 136 0
16 BD+44 1910 PM* 09 49 30.6346611456 +44 17 19.224450204   11.5   10.6   A5s 55 0
17 HD 88725 PM* 10 14 08.3343804089 +03 09 04.671822250 8.34 8.33 7.73 7.24 6.89 G3/5V 204 0
18 HD 101063 PM* 11 37 40.4028065084 -28 51 04.858747344   10.21 9.45     K5/M0III 71 0
19 BD-13 3442 Pe* 11 46 50.6525751264 -14 06 43.458063768   10.662 10.274     CEMP 108 0
20 HD 103912 PM* 11 58 00.0818432640 +48 12 12.437298792   9.25   7.8   G5V: 70 0
21 HD 105861 Pe* 12 10 55.3590882038 +44 00 11.823912855       9.9   G5 27 0
22 HD 106038 PM* 12 12 01.3688687080 +13 15 40.618559661 10.45 10.630 10.162 9.851 9.539 F6wl 194 0
23 HD 108976 * 12 31 03.0979192032 +27 43 49.221073380   9.03 8.57     F6V 106 0
24 BD+28 2137 SB* 12 36 39.4525105848 +27 28 28.155760104   11.29   10.4   sdF2 93 0
25 BD+13 2567 ** 12 39 59.3743514632 +12 38 32.066390258   10.46   9.4   G5 60 0
26 HD 111721 RG* 12 51 25.1948519215 -13 29 28.166947989   8.78 7.97     G6V 165 0
27 HD 112573 SB* 12 57 31.9618985904 +18 41 36.397569516   9.66   8.6   G7V 38 1
28 BD+13 2698 ** 13 39 59.57275 +12 35 21.6837   9.914 9.384 9.355   F9V 85 0
29 Wolf 1492 Pe* 13 40 02.4921849768 -00 02 18.750053436 11.601 11.832 11.451 11.184 10.892 sdF0: 287 0
30 Ross 841 Pe* 14 02 30.0900761861 -05 39 05.181979951   11.508 11.149 10.866 10.576 sdA3 152 0
31 BD-13 3834 Pe* 14 10 27.0760325911 -13 56 04.295346820   11.261 10.681 10.305 9.908 G0: 87 0
32 HD 126681 PM* 14 27 24.9094012952 -18 24 40.454425566   9.939 9.535     G3V 192 0
33 BD+06 2932 PM* 14 43 17.9691516998 +05 49 39.761109950   11.33 10.51     G6V 108 0
34 BD+26 2606 SB* 14 49 02.3593347728 +25 42 09.192358874 9.92 10.16 9.73 9.27 8.95 A5 373 0
35 HD 134440 PM* 15 10 12.9678589986 -16 27 46.522175847 10.69 10.217 9.426 8.913 8.441 K2V 284 0
36 BD+05 3080 RS* 15 45 52.4007911712 +05 02 26.560949532   9.99   8.5   K2 66 0
37 G 180-58 PM* 16 28 16.8722964664 +44 40 38.256976267   11.97   10.6   G5 79 0
38 HD 149414 SB* 16 34 42.3538551709 -04 13 44.635969732 10.48 10.37 9.63     G5Ve 201 0
39 HD 157948 SB* 17 24 42.4258922448 +38 02 10.529569464   9.06 8.18 7.6   G5 66 0
40 HD 158226 PM* 17 26 43.1968765468 +31 04 37.895885806   9.09   8.1   G1V 112 0
41 BD-08 4501 PM* 17 47 27.9712915686 -08 46 47.733112329   11.18 10.59     sdF8 129 0
42 BD+36 2964 Pe* 17 52 18.0525471888 +36 24 06.619879188     10.3 10.2   sd:F8 38 0
43 HD 163810 ** 17 58 38.4538029750 -13 05 49.654844460 10.15 10.23 9.63     G3V 150 0
44 BD+05 3640 PM* 18 12 21.8774787073 +05 24 04.408187063   11.16   9.9   G8 87 0
45 BD+13 3683 SB* 18 33 16.8450962112 +13 09 25.493753160   11.19 10.5 10.0   F5 104 0
46 Ross 711 SB* 18 35 19.1686289616 +28 41 55.415394492   11.83 11.4 11.2   A8 96 0
47 HD 174912 PM* 18 51 25.1792851207 +38 37 35.654019974       6.8   F8 126 0
48 BD+10 3711 SB* 18 53 16.5323615976 +10 37 26.152149288   11.0   10.0   sd?F8 30 0
49 BD+42 3187 RG* 18 54 16.9544655840 +42 59 00.384912816   10.495 9.939 10.086   G2 86 0
50 HD 179626 PM* 19 13 20.7189797919 -00 35 42.325251766   9.701 9.187 8.844 8.489 F5V 128 0
51 G 125-13 PM* 19 31 09.2290684806 +36 09 10.176410214   10.68   9.9   sdF7 68 0
52 HD 184448 PM* 19 32 02.5281231589 +50 10 53.561886252   8.70 8.05 7.7   F8 66 0
53 G 24-3 Pe* 20 05 44.3170407024 +04 02 52.812418452   10.92   10.2   sdF8 97 0
54 BD+42 3607 Pe* 20 09 01.4132638739 +42 51 54.930960323     10.1 9.9   F3 87 0
55 LP 815-43 Pe* 20 38 13.2998605176 -20 26 10.850795808   11.31 10.72     ~ 78 0
56 HD 199476 PM* 20 51 44.9430122960 +74 46 49.180344645 8.64 8.51 7.81 7.25 6.86 G8 110 0
57 HD 200580 SB* 21 04 07.3930420137 +02 59 40.129822016 7.82 7.85   7.0   F9V 168 0
58 HD 204155 PM* 21 26 42.9050916792 +05 26 29.902289568   9.03   8.1   F7V 135 0
59 V* HZ Aqr RS* 21 32 11.9273343357 +00 13 18.131686536   10.85   9.2   K3V 146 1
60 Wolf 1143 PM* 21 55 16.1462515842 +32 38 41.150257734   11.69   10.6   G2V 78 0
61 HD 215065 PM* 22 40 54.7139749239 +66 31 24.355452878   8.05   7.1   K1 70 0
62 HD 215257 PM* 22 43 50.7183081145 +03 53 12.631454280   7.93   7.1   F5V 155 0
63 HD 216588 * 22 54 05.4808623672 +06 28 04.367471376   10.70 9.50     K0 8 0
64 HD 218209 PM* 23 05 06.0914711839 +68 25 01.432343968 8.21 8.13 7.48 6.94 6.57 G8 140 0
65 BD+02 4651 PM* 23 19 40.4500387773 +03 22 16.694733495   10.67   9.9   sdF6 114 0
66 HD 221613 SB* 23 33 24.0668684567 +42 50 47.754577571   7.741 7.154 6.8   G0 62 0

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