
Query : 2000A&AS..143..215K

2000A&AS..143..215K - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 143, 215-226 (2000/April-2)

RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster M 5.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present V-band CCD photometry of 65 RR Lyr variables from the globular cluster M 5. We have estimated the basic physical parameters for 16 RRc stars and 26 RRab stars using a Fourier decomposition of the light curves of the variables. The mean values of mass, luminosity, effective temperature and relative helium abundance for the RRc stars are measured to be M=0.54M, log(L/L)=1.69, Teff=7353K and Y=0.28, respectively. For the RRab variables the derived mean values of absolute magnitude, metallicity and effective temperature are: MV=0.81, [Fe/H]=-1.23 and Teff=6465K. We find that the V amplitude of an RRab star for a given period is a function of metal abundance rather than Oosterhoff type. We find significant problems with the calibration of both the zero point and the scale of the luminosities measured with the Fourier technique. The apparent distance modulus derived from RRc stars is equal to 14.47±0.11 and it is in good agreement with recent determinations. On the other hand distance modulus obtained from the sample of RRab stars (calibrated by the Baade-Wesselink observations of field RR Lyr variables) is significantly smaller and equal to 14.27±0.04

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: RR Lyr - stars: variables - globular clusters: individual: M 5

CDS comments: Table 4: V963: Misprint for Cl* NGC 5904 SAW V163 ?

Simbad objects: 73

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Number of rows : 73
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 2298 GlC 06 48 59.41 -36 00 19.1     8.89     ~ 505 0
2 M 68 GlC 12 39 27.98 -26 44 38.6     7.96     ~ 1010 0
3 M 3 GlC 13 42 11.62 +28 22 38.2     6.39     ~ 2498 0
4 NGC 5904 218 RR* 15 18 08.0427591768 +02 03 45.751735152   15.47 15.20     ~ 20 0
5 NGC 5904 227 RR* 15 18 10.2318868776 +02 04 29.735374692   14.91 15.03     ~ 22 0
6 NGC 5904 257 RR* 15 18 16.1281152504 +02 04 33.327207768   15.27 14.61     ~ 15 0
7 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 82 RR* 15 18 16.1461198536 +02 04 26.899506480   15.18 14.96     ~ 16 0
8 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 126 RR* 15 18 20.0705706432 +02 07 30.372231900   15.44 15.023   14.435 ~ 18 0
9 NGC 5904 297 RR* 15 18 21.4184811504 +02 01 50.723189184   15.06 14.80     B/A 21 0
10 NGC 5904 298 RR* 15 18 21.4947933240 +02 04 38.361897192   14.84 15.106   14.648 ~ 24 0
11 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 146 RR* 15 18 22.3762913184 +02 03 21.405016440     14.53   14.652 ~ 13 0
12 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 159 RR* 15 18 23.0955226872 +02 06 19.230452352   15.374 14.996   14.422 ~ 22 0
13 NGC 5904 314 RR* 15 18 23.17 +02 04 19.4   14.99 14.977   14.427 ~ 20 0
14 NGC 5904 330 RR* 15 18 23.7398649552 +02 06 37.996914852     15.038   14.609 ~ 22 0
15 NGC 5904 336 RR* 15 18 24.2552979000 +02 04 22.049784781   15.23 15.003   14.515 ~ 17 0
16 NGC 5904 338 RR* 15 18 24.3723251136 +02 00 44.085353040   14.94 14.99     ~ 21 0
17 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 203 RR* 15 18 25.5881898792 +02 05 59.156729556   15.494 15.102   14.460 ~ 15 0
18 NGC 5904 385 RR* 15 18 26.4772509384 +02 05 24.060156828   15.16 15.025   14.596 ~ 13 0
19 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 276 RR* 15 18 28.1892835896 +02 02 50.434305432   15.509 15.096   14.531 ~ 20 0
20 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 284 RR* 15 18 28.41 +02 05 50.3     15.109   14.611 ~ 11 0
21 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 292 RR* 15 18 28.83 +02 05 04.6   15.498 15.111   14.511 ~ 12 0
22 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 297 RR* 15 18 28.8581522496 +02 06 28.378052388     15.124   14.603 ~ 20 0
23 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 310 RR* 15 18 29.3416037688 +02 00 42.698470932   15.45 15.06     ~ 22 0
24 NGC 5904 480 RR* 15 18 29.99 +02 03 39.6   15.68 15.195   14.670 ~ 12 0
25 NGC 5904 492 RR* 15 18 30.2400470736 +02 06 42.703189884   15.42 15.047   14.608 ~ 13 0
26 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 392 RR* 15 18 30.5452573104 +02 06 48.267094068     15.096   14.629 ~ 15 0
27 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 415 RR* 15 18 30.9401950152 +02 05 26.005697988           ~ 15 0
28 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 447 RR* 15 18 31.4265055584 +02 06 30.305893932   15.326 15.098   14.724 ~ 13 0
29 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 462 RR* 15 18 31.6095796920 +02 05 34.774009656   15.75 14.942   14.451 ~ 10 1
30 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 502 RR* 15 18 32.1085342368 +02 06 57.625561980   15.35 15.066   14.585 ~ 13 0
31 NGC 5904 560 RR* 15 18 32.2228850448 +02 02 55.493183220   15.234 15.08   14.615 ~ 18 0
32 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 536 RR* 15 18 32.6016019923 +02 06 03.707563403     15.070   14.657 ~ 14 0
33 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 541 RR* 15 18 32.6900605968 +02 03 50.893403400   15.50 14.996   14.515 ~ 20 0
34 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 551 RR* 15 18 32.8498049713 +02 05 41.550401003     15.103   14.628 ~ 13 0
35 M 5 GlC 15 18 33.22 +02 04 51.7     5.95     ~ 1997 0
36 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 622 RR* 15 18 33.89 +02 03 44.2     14.966   14.488 ~ 13 0
37 NGC 5904 619 RR* 15 18 34.3644775176 +02 01 16.315905360   15.468 15.058     ~ 25 0
38 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 692 RR* 15 18 34.9981156890 +02 04 02.142294236     15.011   14.496 ~ 15 0
39 Cl* NGC 5904 MSB 6 RR* 15 18 35.0260828080 +02 08 40.098777432   15.42 14.91     ~ 19 0
40 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 723 RR* 15 18 35.4081607194 +02 05 45.717650614     15.168   14.662 ~ 12 0
41 NGC 5904 655 RR* 15 18 35.4570262032 +02 07 29.454988152   14.81 15.107   14.614 ~ 17 0
42 NGC 5904 662 RR* 15 18 35.6531334768 +02 14 53.043737316   15.46 14.75     B/A 21 0
43 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 832 RR* 15 18 37.4134902432 +02 05 52.274581980   16.13 15.083   14.555 ~ 16 0
44 NGC 5904 722 RR* 15 18 37.6938715896 +01 57 54.534919968   15.62 15.01     kA6.5hF4.5 23 0
45 NGC 5904 728 RR* 15 18 37.7567919432 +02 05 49.254713376   15.73 15.021   14.629 ~ 13 0
46 NGC 5904 736 RR* 15 18 37.9680589536 +02 07 26.889231504   15.332 15.106   14.772 ~ 18 0
47 NGC 5904 733 RS* 15 18 38.0338837824 +01 59 38.068866816   15.11 14.73     ~ 15 0
48 NGC 5904 742 RR* 15 18 38.2995400992 +02 02 03.858712728   15.340 15.049     ~ 15 0
49 Cl* NGC 5904 REID 365 RR* 15 18 38.5892306664 +02 05 44.440118448           ~ 10 0
50 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 886 RR* 15 18 39.0242054712 +02 05 46.269726324     15.037   14.494 ~ 12 0
51 NGC 5904 776 RR* 15 18 39.5299972080 +02 06 10.399444992   15.13 14.814   14.342 ~ 16 0
52 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 926 RR* 15 18 40.5636747045 +02 05 21.387072505     15.128   14.624 ~ 14 0
53 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 948 RR* 15 18 41.2301034960 +02 11 07.371692952     14.63     ~ 16 0
54 NGC 5904 817 RR* 15 18 41.4287680200 +02 04 43.678748424   15.35 14.915   14.323 ~ 15 0
55 NGC 5904 825 RR* 15 18 41.8481293728 +02 06 38.803005324   15.38 15.042   14.650 ~ 16 0
56 NGC 5904 823 RR* 15 18 41.8671523032 +02 02 44.352529296   15.436 15.106   14.576 ~ 41 0
57 NGC 5904 826 RR* 15 18 41.9561012736 +02 02 32.136582552   15.419 15.085   14.558 ~ 42 0
58 NGC 5904 843 RR* 15 18 43.1238147504 +02 02 22.952490468   15.269 14.77     ~ 20 0
59 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 978 RR* 15 18 43.1929490952 +02 02 56.780790396   15.309 15.068     ~ 22 0
60 NGC 5904 855 RR* 15 18 43.9896686376 +02 01 07.549726332   15.288 14.92     ~ 19 0
61 NGC 5904 857 RR* 15 18 44.2142070816 +02 06 37.791821088   15.36 15.063   14.522 ~ 20 0
62 NGC 5904 880 RR* 15 18 46.1285754504 +02 04 46.846406424   15.339 14.86     ~ 20 0
63 NGC 5904 883 RR* 15 18 46.4693170680 +02 02 12.448640184   15.250 14.998     ~ 25 0
64 NGC 5904 886 RR* 15 18 46.4975635104 +02 06 10.966828788   15.15 15.06     ~ 18 0
65 Cl* NGC 5904 KUST 1029 RR* 15 18 47.18 +02 07 25.6   14.32 13.27     ~ 11 0
66 NGC 5904 896 RR* 15 18 47.6072985600 +02 05 34.247494500   15.64 15.26     ~ 14 0
67 NGC 5904 908 RR* 15 18 48.7051895616 +02 11 28.522184208   15.42 14.75     ~ 17 0
68 NGC 5904 907 RR* 15 18 48.7981381992 +02 02 32.168043168   15.338 15.074     ~ 27 0
69 NGC 5904 945 RR* 15 18 54.9987853296 +02 05 52.652329116   15.31 14.97     ~ 22 0
70 M 107 GlC 16 32 31.86 -13 03 13.6           ~ 796 0
71 M 9 GlC 17 19 11.78 -18 30 58.5   9.36 8.42     ~ 326 0
72 M 55 GlC 19 39 59.71 -30 57 53.1     6.49     ~ 867 0
73 M 15 GlC 21 29 58.33 +12 10 01.2           ~ 3167 0

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