
Query : 2000A&AS..145..229F

2000A&AS..145..229F - Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 145, 229-242 (2000/August-0)

A search for LSB dwarf galaxies in the M81 group on digitally stacked Schmidt plates.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present a search for low surface brightness (LSB) dwarf galaxies in a region of 10 square degrees around M 81. The survey is based on the digital co-addition of Schmidt plates where algorithms for sub-arcsecond co-centering, quality-weighting and sigma-clipping ``bad pixel'' rejection are applied. The 3σ surface brightness limit is µlim=25.6mag/''2. In a substantial fraction of the surveyed area, the detection of LSB objects is limited by ``Galactic cirrus'' rather than by the limiting magnitude of the stacked image. Optimum search parameters for an automated detection of dwarf galaxies are derived from simulations. The final selection of LSB dwarf candidates relies on a combination of automated detection and visual inspection. We present six new dwarf galaxy candidates with µB(0)≥23mag/''2. Photometric data and best fitting parameters for the exponential model are derived both for the new candidates and for some previously known LSB dwarf galaxies in the field. For the most likely new dwarf member of the M81 group, a central surface brightness of µB(0)=25.4mag/''2 and a scale-length of 0.3kpc are derived.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: clusters: individual: M81 group - galaxies: general - galaxies: photometry - galaxies: fundamental parameters

Nomenclature: Table 1: [FM2000b] cand N (Nos 1-6).

Simbad objects: 19

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Number of rows : 19
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 LEDA 3097963 GiG 09 39 02.0 +69 25 01           ~ 3 0
2 LEDA 3097962 GiG 09 43 15.86 +68 24 45.7           ~ 3 0
3 NAME F6D1 GiG 09 45 10.0 +68 45 54   17.5       ~ 50 0
4 LEDA 27949 AG? 09 45 16.726 +69 23 31.78   16.9       ~ 22 0
5 NGC 2976 GiP 09 47 15.458 +67 54 58.97 11.77 11.03 10.16 9.51   ~ 678 1
6 LEDA 28163 G 09 47 53.9 +69 16 05   18.0       ~ 8 0
7 LEDA 213630 GiG 09 47 55.43016 +67 54 36.7487           ~ 4 0
8 LEDA 28529 G 09 53 48.8 +68 58 09   18.89       ~ 93 1
9 NAME M 81-82 Group GrG 09 55 +69.1           ~ 721 0
10 M 81 Sy2 09 55 33.1726556496 +69 03 55.062505368   7.89 6.94     ~ 4489 3
11 M 82 AGN 09 55 52.430 +69 40 46.93 9.61 9.30 8.41     ~ 5898 6
12 LEDA 28731 G 09 57 03.0 +68 35 31   15.17       ~ 114 1
13 LEDA 3097961 GiG 09 58 07.0 +69 36 01           ~ 2 0
14 NGC 3077 GiP 10 03 19.0965510921 +68 44 01.556166166 11.23 10.85 10.14 9.74   ~ 774 0
15 LEDA 29231 G 10 04 40.3 +68 15 20   17.43 16.72     ~ 74 0
16 UGC 5442 AG? 10 07 01.90 +67 49 39.0 17.09 15.73 15.07 14.81   ~ 89 1
17 LEDA 3097964 GiG 10 09 41.0 +68 47 12           ~ 2 0
18 LEDA 39468 LSB 12 17 52.848 +05 01 37.15   15.7       ~ 34 0
19 NAME Local Group GrG ~ ~           ~ 8525 0

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