
Query : 2001A&A...371..393B

2001A&A...371..393B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 371, 393-403 (2001/5-4)

Dust-penetrated morphology in the high-redshift universe: clues from NGC 922.


Abstract (from CDS):

Result. from the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) North and South show a large percentage of high-redshift galaxies whose appearance falls outside traditional classification systems. The nature of these objects is poorly understood, but sub-mm observations indicate that at least some of these systems are heavily obscured (Sanders, 2000, in Toward a New Millemium in Galaxy Morphology, ed. D.L. Block, I. Puerari, A. Stockton & dW. Ferreira (Kluwer Dordrecht), 381). This raises the intriguing possibility that a physically meaningful classification system for high-redshift galaxies might be more easily devised at rest-frame infrared wavelengths, rather than in the optical regime. Practical realization of this idea will become possible with the advent of the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST). In order to explore the capability of NGST for undertaking such science, we present NASA-IRTF and SCUBA observations of NGC 922, a chaotic system in our local Universe which bears a striking resemblance to objects such as HDF 2-86 (z=0.749) in the HDF North. If objects such as NGC 922 are common at high-redshifts, then this galaxy may serve as a local morphological ``Rosetta stone'' bridging low and high-redshift populations. In this paper we demonstrate that quantitative measures of galactic structure are recoverable in the rest-frame infrared for NGC 922 seen at high redshifts using NGST, by simulating the appearance of this galaxy at redshifts z=0.7 and z=1.2 in rest-frame K'. While this object cannot be classified within any optical Hubble bin, simulated NGST images at these redshifts can be readily classified using the dust penetrated z∼0 template of Block & Puerari (1999A&A...342..627B) and Buta & Block (2001ApJ...550..243B). The near-infrared disk of NGC 922 is not peculiar at all; rather, it is remarkably regular, even presenting spiral arm modulation, a characteristic signature of several grand design galaxies. Our results suggest that the capability of efficiently exploring the rest-wavelength IR morphology of high-z galaxies should probably be a key factor in deciding the final choice of instruments for the NGST.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: spiral - galaxies: structure - galaxies: kinematics and dynamics - galaxies: individual (NGC 922) - methods: numerical

CDS comments: HDF 2-86 = [VAE96] 2- 86 in Simbad. In ref. list Cohen 1976ApJ.203.587 instead of 1976AJ.203.587

Simbad objects: 15

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Number of rows : 15
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 3291 * 00 36 20.2407819600 +44 38 20.023981188   7.25 7.30     B8 19 0
2 NGC 309 EmG 00 56 42.6581930088 -09 54 49.952323224   12.7   11.76 12.4 ~ 166 0
3 NGC 718 GiC 01 53 13.2842245224 +04 11 44.843164296   12.52 11.67 11.10 10.29 ~ 154 0
4 NGC 922 EmG 02 25 04.400 -24 47 17.46   12.54 12.21 11.84   ~ 150 1
5 NGC 1365 Sy1 03 33 36.458 -36 08 26.37 10.48 10.08 9.63 8.79 9.7 ~ 1827 2
6 NGC 1637 Sy2 04 41 28.1926876152 -02 51 28.667815488   11.4   11.0 11.3 ~ 419 0
7 RAFGL 618 pA* 04 42 53.6242032600 +36 06 53.400902220   16.32   12.59   C-rich 1004 0
8 NGC 2543 GiP 08 12 57.955 +36 15 16.23   12.70       ~ 167 1
9 NGC 2997 GiG 09 45 38.7542237472 -31 11 27.345810192   9.97 9.41 8.84 9.9 ~ 422 1
10 M 109 GiG 11 57 35.9631479640 +53 22 29.006082336   10.94   9.57   ~ 460 0
11 NGC 4622 Sy2 12 42 37.6277048064 -40 44 39.160537476   13.28 12.44 11.84   ~ 84 0
12 M 64 SyG 12 56 43.696 +21 40 57.57   9.36 8.52     ~ 948 2
13 NGC 5195 GiP 13 29 59.590 +47 15 58.06 10.76 10.45 9.55 9.31   ~ 784 3
14 NGC 5390 LIN 13 55 39.9385716624 +40 27 42.380606592   12.81 11.93 10.04   ~ 356 1
15 NGC 7083 Sy2 21 35 44.6351403840 -63 54 10.199544624   11.93 11.04 10.81 11.5 ~ 183 0

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