
Query : 2001A&A...376..820C

2001A&A...376..820C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 376, 820-824 (2001/9-4)

Planetary nebula candidates in a southern region of M 33.


Abstract (from CDS):

In a search for emission line objects made in a southern region of M 33 using narrow band filters centered on [O III], Hα and adjacent continua, we detect some known and new objects that can be classified as planetary nebulae candidates (PNc). This search, the deepest one made up to now in M 33, has allowed us to detect 48 PNc, from which 14 have a ratio of [O III]-to-Hα fluxes greater than 1. We compare our findings with a previous search and present the list and finding charts of these interesting objects.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): planetary nebulae: general - galaxies: individual: M 33

Nomenclature: Table 3: [CH2001b] NN (Nos 1-48).

Simbad objects: 56

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Number of rows : 56
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 M 32 GiG 00 42 41.82480 +40 51 54.6120 9.51 9.03 8.08     ~ 2164 2
2 M 31 AGN 00 42 44.330 +41 16 07.50 4.86 4.36 3.44     ~ 12790 1
3 [CDL2004] 41 PN 01 33 27.79 +30 34 29.2           ~ 6 0
4 [CDL2004] 43 PN 01 33 28.50 +30 37 45.8           ~ 5 0
5 [CH2001b] 3 PN? 01 33 30.1 +30 32 36           ~ 1 0
6 [CH2001b] 4 PN? 01 33 30.7 +30 31 39           ~ 1 0
7 [CH2001b] 5 PN? 01 33 31.4 +30 37 31           ~ 1 0
8 [CDL2004] 45 PN 01 33 31.88 +30 30 32.6           ~ 6 0
9 [CDL2004] 47 PN 01 33 32.21 +30 31 46.1           ~ 3 0
10 [CH2001b] 8 PN? 01 33 32.7 +30 32 08           ~ 1 0
11 [CDL2004] 50 PN? 01 33 33.15 +30 37 34.4           ~ 2 0
12 [CH2001b] 10 PN? 01 33 33.8 +30 32 15           ~ 1 0
13 [CH2001b] 11 PN? 01 33 33.8 +30 32 59           ~ 1 0
14 [CH2001b] 12 PN? 01 33 34.2 +30 32 45           ~ 1 0
15 [CH2001b] 13 PN? 01 33 34.6 +30 37 01           ~ 1 0
16 [CH2001b] 14 PN? 01 33 34.9 +30 32 24           ~ 1 0
17 [CH2001b] 15 PN? 01 33 35.3 +30 32 54           ~ 1 0
18 [CH2001b] 16 PN? 01 33 36.2 +30 35 20           ~ 1 0
19 [CDL2004] 51 PN 01 33 36.79 +30 31 40.5           ~ 5 0
20 [CH2001b] 18 PN? 01 33 37.8 +30 33 52           ~ 1 0
21 [CH2001b] 19 PN? 01 33 37.9 +30 32 05           ~ 1 0
22 [CDL2004] 54 PN 01 33 38.56 +30 33 02.3           ~ 6 0
23 [CDL2004] 55 PN? 01 33 40.16 +30 37 49.5           ~ 3 0
24 [CH2001b] 22 PN? 01 33 42.3 +30 37 17           ~ 1 0
25 [CDL2004] 56 PN 01 33 42.30 +30 37 39.7           ~ 5 0
26 [CH2001b] 24 PN? 01 33 43.4 +30 35 25           ~ 2 0
27 [CDL2004] 59 PN 01 33 43.75 +30 33 26.6           ~ 3 0
28 [CH2001b] 26 PN? 01 33 44.3 +30 36 22           ~ 1 0
29 [CH2001b] 27 PN? 01 33 47.3 +30 37 11           ~ 1 0
30 [CDL2004] 67 PN 01 33 48.27 +30 33 15.7           ~ 4 0
31 [CDL2004] 68 PN 01 33 48.57 +30 35 47.9           ~ 7 0
32 [CDL2004] 69 PN? 01 33 49.36 +30 32 28.4           ~ 2 0
33 [CDL2004] 70 PN 01 33 49.41 +30 32 06.6           ~ 9 0
34 [CH2001b] 33 PN? 01 33 50.88 +30 37 12.3           ~ 5 0
35 M 33 GiG 01 33 50.8965749232 +30 39 36.630403128 6.17 6.27 5.72     ~ 5890 1
36 [CH2001b] 32 PN? 01 33 50.9 +30 33 43           ~ 1 0
37 [CH2001b] 34 PN? 01 33 51.4 +30 35 51           ~ 1 0
38 [CH2001b] 35 PN? 01 33 51.8 +30 33 00           ~ 1 0
39 [CH2001b] 36 PN? 01 33 52.2 +30 36 04           ~ 1 0
40 [CH2001b] 37 PN? 01 33 52.5 +30 33 59           ~ 1 0
41 [CDL2004] 76 PN 01 33 52.77 +30 37 38.9           ~ 8 0
42 [CH2001b] 39 PN? 01 33 53.1 +30 34 01           ~ 1 0
43 [CH2001b] 40 PN? 01 33 53.6 +30 33 24           ~ 1 0
44 [CDL2004] 78 PN 01 33 54.68 +30 36 05.7           ~ 8 0
45 [CH2001b] 42 PN? 01 33 54.93 +30 37 44.1           ~ 4 0
46 [CH2001b] 43 PN? 01 33 55.7 +30 34 54           ~ 1 0
47 [CDL2004] 83 PN? 01 33 57.18 +30 36 47.2           ~ 5 0
48 [CH2001b] 45 PN? 01 33 57.6 +30 32 23           ~ 1 0
49 CXOU J013358.4+303624 PN? 01 33 58.495 +30 36 24.05           ~ 2 0
50 [CH2001b] 47 PN? 01 33 58.7 +30 35 00           ~ 1 0
51 [CH2001b] 48 PN? 01 33 59.4 +30 34 51           ~ 1 0
52 HD 237287 SB* 04 36 06.2122216156 +55 24 44.091442125   9.24 8.33 7.8   K1 87 0
53 BD+52 913 WD* 05 05 30.6180977592 +52 49 51.919301604 10.25 11.44 11.69 11.93 12.108 DA.8 1098 0
54 NAME LMC G 05 23 34.6 -69 45 22     0.4     ~ 17683 0
55 BD+28 4211 HS* 21 51 11.0221915656 +28 51 50.367627468 8.922 10.25 10.58 10.656 10.831 sdO2VIIIHe5 806 0
56 Feige 110 HS* 23 19 58.3996844256 -05 09 56.171142864 10.360 11.45 11.50 11.970 12.145 sdO8VIIIHe5 640 1

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