
Query : 2001A&A...376.1054M

2001A&A...376.1054M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 376, 1054-1063 (2001/9-4)

Deuterium fractionation along the TMC-1 ridge.


Abstract (from CDS):

In this paper, we present a model to predict and explain the observed gradients in deuterium fractionation and molecular abundance along the TMC-1 ridge. In TMC-1, gradients in the level of deuterium fractionation are observed for all the molecular species for which the measurement has been made; HCO+, HC3N, C3H2 and HNC. The model is based on the assumption that the chemical evolution of the TMC-1 ridge has been affected by Alfven waves. The structure of the model and its comparison with observations are discussed. We find that the model qualitatively and somewhat quantitatively reproduces the observations of the aforementioned molecular species. We present predictions of the fractionation gradients along the TMC-1 ridge for other molecules of observational interest.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): MHD: waves - ISM: abundances - ISM: molecules - ISM: individual: Taurus Molecular Cloud - molecular processes

CDS comments: in ref list Brown 1989MNRAS.240p..25B instead of 240.25

Simbad objects: 5

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Number of rows : 5
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Taurus Complex SFR 04 41.0 +25 52           ~ 4492 0
2 IRAS 04381+2540 Y*O 04 41 12.67920 +25 46 35.4216           K0-M2 129 1
3 TMC-1 MoC 04 41 45.9 +25 41 27           ~ 1698 0
4 W 33a Y*O 18 14 39.56547 -17 52 02.2260           ~ 701 0
5 IRAS 23118+6110 Y*O 23 14 02.09473 +61 27 18.8460           ~ 377 0

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