
Query : 2001A&A...377..241N

2001A&A...377..241N - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 377, 241-241 (2001/10-1)

PN G291.4-00.3: A new type I planetary nebula.


Abstract (from CDS):

In the vicinity of the southern hemisphere giant HII region NGC 3603 we discovered a new planetary nebula: PN G291.4-00.3 located at RAJ2000.0=11h14m32.1s±0.3s, DECJ2000.0=-61°00'02''±1''. Monochromatic images reveal a central ring-like structure accompanied by onsets of arc-like filaments which might outline a bipolar outflow. Analysis of the nebula spectrum shows that helium and nitrogen are enriched, while oxygen, sulphur and argon abundances seem to be solar. The central star must be hot (above 100kK) and having a luminosity of more than 3000L. All evidence shows that PN G291.4-00.3 is a high-excitation, density bounded planetary nebula of the type I, coming from the high-mass end of the intermediate mass stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: individual objects: NGC 3603 - planetary nebulae: general - planetary nebulae: individual: PN G291.4-00.3

CDS comments: RKK 2906 is not a galaxy (2001A&A...377..241N)

Simbad objects: 9

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Number of rows : 9
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 2440 PN 07 41 55.4 -18 12 32   11.469 10.104     ~ 655 2
2 Gaia DR2 5337430973464002176 * 11 14 31.9429997160 -61 00 02.352059856           ~ 1 0
3 PN G291.4-00.3 PN 11 14 32.09064 -61 00 01.4436           ~ 6 0
4 NGC 3603 OpC 11 15 10.8 -61 15 32           ~ 1078 1
5 WRAY 16-156 PN 14 33 17.97 -60 49 36.3   16.3 16.7   15.38 ~ 163 0
6 NAME Car-Sgr Arm PoG 15 00 -40.0           ~ 522 1
7 CVMP 1 PN 15 09 25.16 -55 33 05.7     20.00     ~ 17 0
8 PN Mz 1 PN 15 34 16.6410983544 -59 09 08.105422716   12.8 13.10     ~ 121 0
9 NGC 6537 PN 18 05 13.104 -19 50 34.88     13.58     ~ 427 1

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