
Query : 2001A&A...377..425D

2001A&A...377..425D - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 377, 425-427 (2001/10-2)

The enigma in the heart of Ursa Minor.


Abstract (from CDS):

To investigate the physical nature of the observed deficiency of stars in the very center of the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal galaxy, we recently obtained JCMT-SCUBA 850µm photometry of this region. The observed void could be explained by ≃0.5mag of extinction. While the amount of dust needed to produce such absorption (under certain assumptions for the dust temperature and the β exponent in the dust emissivity term) would yield a 5mJy signal - easily detectable by SCUBA - we found no signal at 850µm, after 256min of integration. This finding rules out the presence of a few solar masses of cold dust cloud as the explanation for the central lack of stars observed in Ursa Minor. We discuss possible explanations.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: individual: Ursa Minor - galaxies: ISM - ISM: dust, extinction

Simbad objects: 7

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Number of rows : 7
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 104 GlC 00 24 05.359 -72 04 53.20     4.09     ~ 3954 0
2 NAME Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy G 01 00 09.4 -33 42 32   9.79 8.6 8.81   ~ 1382 4
3 NAME Phoenix Dwarf Galaxy Sy1 01 51 06.3 -44 26 41   13.48 13.2 12.69   ~ 533 2
4 NAME Fornax H1 Cl* 02 37 02.1 -34 11 00     16.59     ~ 105 0
5 NAME Carina dSph G 06 41 36.7 -50 57 58   22.14 11.0 19.47   ~ 1136 0
6 NAME UMi Galaxy G 15 09 08.0 +67 13 21   13.60 10.6     ~ 1374 0
7 NGC 6356 GlC 17 23 34.99 -17 48 46.9   10.01 7.42     ~ 357 1

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