
Query : 2001A&A...379..557B

2001A&A...379..557B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 379, 557-563 (2001/11-4)

An ISO investigation of the MWC 297 circumstellar region.


Abstract (from CDS):

The ISO-SWS full grating spectrum (2.3-45µm) of the Herbig Be star MWC 297 is presented. The spectrum is dominated by a strong continuum with superimposed emission lines and features both in absorption and in emission. In particular, we detect in emission 23 HI recombination lines of the Brackett, Pfund and Humphreys series and four PAH features, while in absorption two broad silicate bands at 9.7 and 16.4µm, solid CO2 at 4.27µm and solid H2O at 2.96µm have been observed. The ISO-SWS spectrum has been combined with ISO-LWS data and ground based photometry to derive the spectral energy distribution (SED) from optical to radio wavelengths. The observed SED has been fitted with a model that assumes a spherical dusty envelope parametrized by density and temperature power laws, deriving suitable values for the spectral type (B2), the visual extinction (7.5mag) and the distance (280pc). Consistent determination of the extinction and estimates of both the source mass loss rate (9x10–7M/yr) and the size of the emitting ionized region (30 stellar radii) have been derived by the analysis of the HI recombination lines of the Brackett, Pfund and Humphreys series observed by ISO-SWS together with Paschen and Brackett lines observed from the ground. Some peculiarities have been observed in the ISO-SWS spectrum of this source: i) the ratio between the column density of the solid CO2 and H2O (2.0±1.5) higher than the values usually observed and ii) the presence of a silicate broad absorption band at 16.4µm stronger than the 9.7µm absorption. The observed silicate absorption features are probably due to the extended dusty cloud in which the star is embedded and their relative strengths could be evidence that they are composed by processed grains.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: circumstellar matter - stars: individual: MWC 297 - infrared: ISM: lines and bands

Simbad objects: 5

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Number of rows : 5
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 CD-42 11721 Be* 16 59 06.7629322176 -42 42 08.404228224 12.16 12.28 11.00     B0IVe 170 0
2 EM* MWC 297 Ae* 18 27 39.5265500160 -03 49 52.133050776 15.57 14.34 12.31 11.34   B1.5Ve 301 0
3 BD+40 4124 Ae* 20 20 28.2413946720 +41 21 51.529070088 11.11 11.36 10.62 10.510   B2Ve 293 0
4 EM* LkHA 225 Ae* 20 20 30.5955531672 +41 21 26.370826704   18.2 19.17     A4:Ve 84 0
5 EM* MWC 1080 Ae* 23 17 25.5895018656 +60 50 43.444557384   13.24 11.85 11.251   B0eq 324 0

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