
Query : 2002A&A...381..825G

2002A&A...381..825G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 381, 825-833 (2002/1-3)

A search for radio supernovae and supernova remnants in the region of NGC 1569's super star clusters.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have used MERLIN, at 1.4 and 5 GHz, to search for radio supernovae (RSNe) and supernova remnants (SNRs) in the unobscured irregular dwarf galaxy NGC 1569, and in particular in the region of its super star clusters (SSCs) A and B. Throughout NGC 1569 we find some 5 RSNe and SNRs but the SSCs and their immediate surroundings are largely devoid of non-thermal radio sources. Even though many massive stars in the SSCs are expected to have exploded already, when compared with M82 and its many SSCs the absence of RSNe and SNRs in and near A and B may seem plausible on statistical arguments. The absence of RSNe and SNRs in and near A and B may, however, also be due to a violent and turbulent outflow of stellar winds and supernova ejected material, which does not provide a quiescent environment for the development of SNRs within and near the SSCs.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: individual: NGC 1569 - galaxies: ISM

Nomenclature: Table 2: [GTH2002] M-N (Nos M-1 to M-6). Table 3: [GTH2002] M-a (Nos M-a to M-d).

CDS comments: In ref list, O'Connell, 1995: L10 is a misprint for L1 (1995ApJ...446L...1O). Objects cited as 'VLA-NN'are not in SIMBAD (van der Hulst+ in preparation, not published in 2008), but VLA-1 = [GTH2002] M-1, VLA-6 = [GTH2002] M-5, VLA-7 = [GTH2002] M-4, VLA-8 = EQ J043048.0+645056, VLA-10 = [GTH2002] M-2, VLA-11 = EQ J043045.7+645058, VLA-15 = [GTH2002] M-3, VLA-16 = EQ J043047.2+645104, VLA-19 = [GTH2002] M-1.

Simbad objects: 45

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Number of rows : 45
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NVSS J040749+682132 Rad 04 07 49.16564354 +68 21 31.6344651           ~ 13 1
2 HK NGC 1569 50 HII 04 30 44.4 +64 51 15           ~ 4 0
3 EQ J043045.7+645058 Rad 04 30 45.79 +64 50 58.3           ~ 2 0
4 [THK99] 1 MoC 04 30 45.8 +64 50 54           ~ 6 0
5 [THK99] 2 MoC 04 30 46.1 +64 50 55           ~ 7 0
6 [SB76] NGC 1569 A SR? 04 30 46.5 +64 50 52           ~ 4 0
7 [GTH2002] M-a Rad 04 30 46.64 +64 51 04.7           ~ 2 0
8 [HOG2000] 5 Cl* 04 30 46.67 +04 30 46.7           ~ 2 0
9 [GTH2002] M-b Rad 04 30 46.68 +64 51 00.1           ~ 3 0
10 HK NGC 1569 45 MoC 04 30 46.7 +64 50 59           ~ 23 1
11 [HOG2000] 6 Cl* 04 30 46.89 +64 51 00.6           ~ 5 0
12 [TOT2006] MIR 1 SR? 04 30 46.94 +64 51 00.6           ~ 8 1
13 [HOG2000] 7 Cl* 04 30 46.96 +64 50 59.5           ~ 5 0
14 [SB76] NGC 1569 B SR? 04 30 47.02 +64 51 06.7           ~ 6 0
15 [HOG2000] 8 Cl* 04 30 47.04 +64 51 06.6           ~ 3 0
16 [GTH2002] M-c Rad 04 30 47.08 +64 51 00.9           ~ 3 0
17 [GTH2002] M-d Rad 04 30 47.11 +64 51 00.7           ~ 3 0
18 EQ J043047.2+645104 Rad 04 30 47.2 +64 51 04           ~ 5 0
19 NAME NGC 1569 CL* C Cl* 04 30 47.26 +64 51 02.3   18.85 17.41     ~ 19 1
20 EQ J043048.0+645056 Rad 04 30 48.0 +64 50 56           ~ 6 0
21 [HOG2000] 18 Cl* 04 30 48.07 +64 50 57.3           ~ 2 0
22 NAME NGC 1569 CL* A1 Cl* 04 30 48.1 +64 50 59           ~ 25 1
23 NAME NGC 1569 CL* A2 Cl* 04 30 48.11 +64 50 58.8           ~ 23 1
24 NAME NGC 1569 CL* A Cl* 04 30 48.2 +64 50 59   15.45 15.22     ~ 104 1
25 NAME NGC 1569 CL* B Cl* 04 30 49.0 +64 50 53           ~ 76 0
26 NGC 1569 IG 04 30 49.186 +64 50 52.52 11.72 11.86 11.03     ~ 1249 3
27 [TOT2006] MIR 5 SR? 04 30 49.20 +64 51 04.3           ~ 4 0
28 [GTH2002] M-5 SR? 04 30 49.20 +64 51 04.3           ~ 4 0
29 HK NGC 1569 36 HII 04 30 49.3 +64 51 05           ~ 5 0
30 HK NGC 1569 29 HII 04 30 50.5 +64 50 46           ~ 3 0
31 HK NGC 1569 23 HII 04 30 52.1 +64 50 48           ~ 13 0
32 CXOU J043054.0+645043 HXB 04 30 54.13 +64 50 43.5           ~ 8 0
33 [HOG2000] 45 Cl* 04 30 54.53 +64 50 43.2           ~ 2 0
34 HK NGC 1569 7 HII 04 30 55.3 +64 50 39           ~ 4 0
35 NGC 1705 Sy2 04 54 13.4661493464 -53 21 39.471592428 12.32 12.96 12.56 12.58 12.9 ~ 664 1
36 NAME LMC G 05 23 34.6 -69 45 22     0.4     ~ 17683 0
37 NAME 30 Dor Nebula SFR 05 38 36.0 -69 05 11           ~ 1199 2
38 LHA 120-N 159 HII 05 39 46.650 -69 45 39.94           ~ 277 2
39 LHA 120-N 160 EmO 05 39 47.9 -69 37 08           ~ 119 1
40 7C 055201.39+394824.00 Bla 05 55 30.80561419 +39 48 49.1649683     18.30 17.5   ~ 512 2
41 SN 1993J SN* 09 55 24.77476 +69 01 13.7026   10.8 12.0     SNIIb 1430 1
42 M 81 Sy2 09 55 33.1726556496 +69 03 55.062505368   7.89 6.94     ~ 4489 3
43 [OM78] C PoG 09 55 50.55 +69 40 39.2           ~ 24 0
44 M 82 AGN 09 55 52.430 +69 40 46.93 9.61 9.30 8.41     ~ 5898 6
45 [OM78] A PoG 09 55 52.66 +69 40 45.2           ~ 24 0

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