
Query : 2002A&A...390...59S

2002A&A...390...59S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 390, 59-64 (2002/7-4)

New abundance measurements in UKS 1927-177, a very metal-poor galaxy in the Local Group.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present new results from optical spectroscopy of the brightest HII region in the dwarf irregular galaxy UKS 1927-177 in Sagittarius (SagDIG). From high signal-to-noise spectra, reddening-corrected line flux ratios have been measured with typical uncertainties of a few percent, from which the oxygen abundance is rediscussed, and new abundance estimates are derived for N and Ne. The O abundance in SagDIG, estimated with the empirical abundance indicator R_ 23_ and other methods, is in the range 12+log(O/H)=7.26 to 7.50 . The fact that SagDIG is ∼10 times closer than IZw18 makes it an ideal target to test the hypothesis of the existence of young galaxies in the present-day universe. Indeed, stellar photometry suggests that this galaxy may harbor a stellar population older than a few Gyr, and possibly an old stellar component as well. The case of SagDIG therefore supports the view that very low chemical abundances can be maintained throughout the life of a dwarf stellar system, even in the presence of multiple star formation episodes.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: individual: SagDIG - galaxies: abundances - galaxies: dwarf - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: irregular - Local Group

CDS comments: In reflist, Skillman et al., 1988 : MNRAS,250.563 is a misprint for A&A,196,31 (1988A&A.3196.31S).

Simbad objects: 10

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Number of rows : 10
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 1705 Sy2 04 54 13.4661493464 -53 21 39.471592428 12.32 12.96 12.56 12.58 12.9 ~ 664 1
2 Mrk 116 PaG 09 34 02.1 +55 14 25           ~ 1114 1
3 NAME Leo A G 09 59 26.46 +30 44 47.0 14.08 13.54 13.26 13.33   ~ 619 0
4 Z 64-73 G 10 08 28.12 +12 18 23.4   11.3 10.0     ~ 1218 1
5 ESO 380-27 H2G 12 25 46.95 -36 14 00.7   17.47   16.52   ~ 102 1
6 NAME CVn I dwA GiC 12 38 40.06 +32 46 00.5 16.91 16.66 16.73 16.62   ~ 232 0
7 UGC 8091 H2G 12 58 40.1930636208 +14 13 00.739589628 15.24 15.16 14.98 14.81   ~ 463 0
8 NAME Sgr dIG G 19 29 59.0 -17 40 41   15.5 13.6     ~ 309 1
9 [SHK91] SagDIG 3 HII 19 30 02.6 -17 41 26           ~ 5 0
10 NAME Local Group GrG ~ ~           ~ 8525 0

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