
Query : 2002A&A...392..377B

2002A&A...392..377B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 392, 377-391 (2002/9-3)

Far infrared and radio emission in dusty starburst galaxies.


Abstract (from CDS):

We revisit the nature of the far infrared (FIR)/radio correlation by means of the most recent models of star forming galaxies, focusing in particular on the case of obscured starbursts. We model the IR emission with our population synthesis code, GRASIL (Silva et al., 1998ApJ...509..103S). For the radio emission, we revisit the simple model of Condon & Yin (1990ApJ...357...97C). We find that a tight FIR/radio correlation is natural when the synchrotron mechanism dominates over the inverse Compton, and the electron cooling time is shorter than the fading time of the supernova (SN) rate. Observations indicate that both these conditions are met in star forming galaxies, from normal spirals to obscured starbursts. However, since the radio non-thermal (NT) emission is delayed, deviations are expected both in the early phases of a starburst, when the radio thermal component dominates, and in the post-starburst phase, when the bulk of the NT component originates from less massive stars. We show that this delay allows the analysis of obscured starbursts with a time resolution of a few tens of Myrs, unreachable with other star formation (SF) indicators. We suggest a strategy to complement the analysis of the deviations from the FIR/radio correlation with the radio slope (q-radio slope diagram) to obtain characteristic parameters of the burst, e.g. its intensity, age and fading time scale. The analysis of a sample of compact ULIRGs shows that they are intense but transient starbursts, to which one should not apply usual SF indicators devised for constant SF rates. We also discuss the possibility of using the q-radio slope diagram to assess the presence of obscured AGN. A firm prediction of the models is an apparent radio excess during the post-starburst phase, which seems to be typical of a class of star forming galaxies in rich cluster cores. Finally we discuss how deviations from the correlation, due to the evolutionary status of the starburst, affect the technique of photometric redshift determination widely used for high-z sources.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: dust, extinction - galaxies: stellar content - infrared: galaxies - radio continuum: galaxies

CDS comments: In table 3 : A11010+4107 = IRAS 11010+4107, UGC0bright is a misprint for UGC 05101.

Simbad objects: 33

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Number of rows : 33
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 34 Sy2 00 11 06.612 -12 06 28.33   14.14 13.52     ~ 355 1
2 Z 436-30 LIN 01 20 02.654 +14 21 41.73   14.9       ~ 155 1
3 IRAS 01364-1042 LIN 01 38 52.890 -10 27 11.35   16.77   15.74   ~ 119 0
4 ZW III 35 Sy2 01 44 30.516 +17 06 09.18   15.24 14.81     ~ 250 1
5 UGC 2369 PaG 02 54 00.9 +14 58 31   14.6       ~ 115 1
6 UGC 2369 S GiP 02 54 01.80 +14 58 14.0           ~ 102 1
7 IRAS 03359+1523 G 03 38 47.1918750504 +15 32 53.853117504   16.3       ~ 107 0
8 LEDA 14940 Sy2 04 21 19.9880011632 -18 48 39.107512656   15.24   13.54   ~ 48 0
9 ESO 550-25 PaG 04 21 20.1 -18 48 45           ~ 60 1
10 LEDA 17155 Sy2 05 21 01.3994605776 -25 21 45.321827832   15.47 14.75     ~ 508 0
11 NGC 2623 LIN 08 38 24.016 +25 45 16.29 14.10 13.99 13.36     ~ 505 2
12 NAME IRAS F08572+3915 NW LIN 09 00 25.364 +39 03 54.23     16.66     ~ 422 1
13 UGC 4881 IG 09 15 55.5 +44 19 58   14.9       ~ 170 0
14 UGC 5101 Sy2 09 35 51.6045544584 +61 21 11.589382368   15.20 15.50     ~ 580 4
15 M 82 AGN 09 55 52.430 +69 40 46.93 9.61 9.30 8.41     ~ 5898 6
16 NVSS J102000+081335 rG 10 20 00.1849825704 +08 13 33.648546108   17.5       ~ 158 1
17 LEDA 33083 LIN 10 59 18.128 +24 32 34.74   15.7       ~ 278 1
18 APG 148 IG 11 03 54.0 +40 51 00   14.29       ~ 180 1
19 LEDA 39024 LIN 12 13 46.107 +02 48 41.50           ~ 359 1
20 Mrk 231 Sy1 12 56 14.2341182928 +56 52 25.238373852   14.68 13.84     ~ 2003 3
21 UGC 8335 PaG 13 15 32.5 +62 07 37           ~ 64 0
22 IC 883 SBG 13 20 35.4 +34 08 22   14.8       ~ 402 1
23 Mrk 273 Sy2 13 44 42.1781 +55 53 12.819   15.68 14.91     ~ 920 3
24 LEDA 52270 Sy1 14 37 38.2867288488 -15 00 24.087592692   16.58 16.40     ~ 280 2
25 Z 221-50 SyG 15 18 06.1187 +42 44 45.086   15.0 15     ~ 222 1
26 2MASX J15265942+3558372 LIN 15 26 59.442 +35 58 37.01   15.61       ~ 273 1
27 IC 4553 SyG 15 34 57.22396 +23 30 11.6084   14.76 13.88     ~ 2975 4
28 LEDA 59896 G 17 14 20.4740967144 +53 10 31.495916892           ~ 91 1
29 NAME Super Antennae Sy2 19 31 21.4272801984 -72 39 21.442847832   17.39 16.37 14.65   ~ 305 3
30 [VV2000] J201329.8-414735 QSO 20 13 29.509 -41 47 35.48   17.0       ~ 129 2
31 NAME South America H2G 22 51 49.307 -17 52 23.96   16.97       ~ 330 3
32 IC 5298 Sy2 23 16 00.6756811155 +25 33 24.081139422   15.0       ~ 195 0
33 Mrk 331 GiP 23 51 26.731 +20 35 10.22   14.9       ~ 229 0

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