
Query : 2002A&A...395.1031Y

2002A&A...395.1031Y - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 395, 1031-1044 (2002/12-1)

A comprehensive investigation on the formation of organo-sulfur molecules in dark clouds via neutral-neutral reactions.


Abstract (from CDS):

Fifteen reactions on the doublet HCnS and singlet/triplet H2CnS (n=1,2) potential energy surfaces have been investigated theoretically via electronic structure calculations to unravel the formation of hydrogen deficient, sulfur bearing molecules via bimolecular reactions of two neutral species in cold molecular clouds. Various barrierless reaction pathways to synthesize astronomically observed CnS and hitherto undetected HCnS (n=1,2) isomers are offered. These data present important guidance to search for rotational transitions of the elusive thioformyl HCS(X2A') and thioketenyl HCCS(X2Π) radicals in the interstellar medium.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): astrochemistry - ISM: molecules - molecular processes - methods: miscellaneous

Simbad objects: 8

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Number of rows : 8
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 TMC-1 MoC 04 41 45.9 +25 41 27           ~ 1698 0
2 RAFGL 618 pA* 04 42 53.6242032600 +36 06 53.400902220   16.32   12.59   C-rich 1004 0
3 NAME OMC-1 MoC 05 35 14 -05 22.4           ~ 1180 2
4 * alf Ori s*r 05 55 10.30536 +07 24 25.4304 4.38 2.27 0.42 -1.17 -2.45 M1-M2Ia-Iab 1689 0
5 IRC +10216 C* 09 47 57.40632 +13 16 43.5648           C9,5e 2357 0
6 NAME Sgr B2 MoC 17 47 20.4 -28 23 07           ~ 2284 1
7 LDN 663 DNe 19 36 55 +07 34.4           ~ 652 0
8 V* V1610 Cyg pA* 21 02 18.27 +36 41 37.0           F5Iae 874 1

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