
Query : 2002ApJ...566..435S

2002ApJ...566..435S - Astrophys. J., 566, 435-441 (2002/February-2)

Effective temperatures of late L dwarfs and the onset of methane signatures.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present a spectral analysis of a sample of late L dwarfs. We use our latest model atmospheres and synthetic spectra and optical and K-band spectra to determine effective temperatures. We derive effective temperatures of 1400-1700 K for L8-L6 dwarfs. The analysis demonstrates that our recent models that rain out the formed dust completely are applicable to optical spectra of late L dwarfs and that more consistent models are needed for intermediate L dwarfs and for infrared spectra. We compare the results for the effective temperatures with the temperatures of the onset of methane formation. Our models predict methane absorption at 3.3 µm to occur at temperatures about 400 K higher than methane absorption at 2.2 µm. This is consistent with our data and previous observations, which show methane absorption at 3.3 µm, but not at 2.2 µm, in late L dwarfs.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Molecular Processes - Stars: Atmospheres - Stars: Fundamental Parameters - Stars: Low-Mass, Brown Dwarfs

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Number of rows : 8
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 2MASSI J0328426+230205 BD* 03 28 42.65592 +23 02 05.1900           L9.5 47 0
2 HD 42581B BD* 06 10 34.80 -21 52 00.0           T6.5 509 0
3 2MASSI J0825196+211552 BD* 08 25 19.6125672818 +21 15 51.549358145       21.97 19.22 L7.5V 127 0
4 2MASS J08503593+1057156 BD* 08 50 35.93400 +10 57 15.6168       22.466 20.349 L6.5+L8.5 78 0
5 2MASSW J0920122+351742 BD* 09 20 12.23664 +35 17 42.9684           L5.5+L9 48 0
6 2MASSW J0929336+342952 BD* 09 29 33.64992 +34 29 52.7496           L8V 24 0
7 * eta CrB C BD* 15 23 22.63488 +30 14 56.2092           L8V 108 1
8 2MASS J16322911+1904407 BD* 16 32 29.11416 +19 04 40.7136       22.42 19.98 L8V 133 0

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