
Query : 2003A&A...398..169K

2003A&A...398..169K - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 398, 169-180 (2003/1-4)

Probing the structure of a birthplace of intermediate-mass stars: Ammonia cores in Lynds 1340.


Abstract (from CDS):

Lynds 1340, a molecular cloud forming intermediate-mass stars, has been mapped in the NH3(1,1) and (2,2) transitions with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. We observed the whole area of the cloud where C18O emission was detected earlier, at a 40" grid, with additional positions towards the C18O peaks and optically invisible IRAS point sources. Our observations covered an area of 170 arcmin2, corresponding to about 5.15pc2 at a distance of 600pc, and revealed 10 ammonia cores. The cores, occupying some 7% of the mapped area, probably represent the highest density regions of L 1340. Their total mass is ∼80 M, about 6% of the mass traced by C18O. Six cores are associated with optically invisible IRAS point sources. Their average nonthermal line width is 0.78km/s, while the same quantity for the four starless cores is 0.28km/s. We suggest that the narrow-line cores are destined to form low-mass stars, whereas small groups of intermediate-mass stars are being formed in the turbulent cores. The features traced by NH3, 13CO, C18O and HI obey the line width-size relation ΔvNT∝R1/20.41. Comparison of sizes, densities and nonthermal line widths of ammonia cores with those of C18O and 13CO structures supports the scenario in which core formation has been induced by turbulent fragmentation. The typical physical properties of the NH3 cores of L 1340, <R1/2≥0.08pc, <Tkin≥13.8K, <Δvtotal≥0.64km/s, and <M≥9M are close to those of the high-mass star forming Perseus and Orion B clouds.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: formation - ISM: molecules - ISM: individual objects: L 1340

Nomenclature: Table 1: [KWT2003] L 1340 AN (Nos A1-A4, B1-B2, C1-C3), [KWT2003] L 1340 ANw (Nos C3e, C3w).

Status at CDS : All or part of tables of objects will not be ingested in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 36

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Number of rows : 36
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 LDN 1333 DNe 02 26 04 +75 28.5           ~ 60 0
2 HH 488 HH 02 28 00.4 +72 35 56           ~ 8 0
3 NAME Majaess 29 OpC 02 28 18 +72 37.8           ~ 19 1
4 [KWT2003] L 1340 A1 PoC 02 28 20.8 +72 43 22           ~ 2 0
5 IRAS 02238+7222 mul 02 28 33.2 +72 35 30           ~ 5 0
6 [KWT2003] L 1340 A2 PoC 02 28 47.7 +72 38 02           ~ 1 0
7 [KWT2003] L 1340 A3 PoC 02 29 10.2 +72 43 22           ~ 2 0
8 LBN 130.06+11.55 RNe 02 29 11 +72 59.5           ~ 8 0
9 IRAS 02249+7230 IR 02 29 43.223 +72 43 59.35           ~ 10 0
10 [KWT2003] L 1340 A4 PoC 02 29 46.0 +72 43 42           ~ 2 0
11 [KWT2003] L 1340 B1 PoC 02 30 13.0 +73 03 02           ~ 2 0
12 IRAS 02257+7249 Y*O 02 30 20.6130220896 +73 02 33.848699100           ~ 4 0
13 2MASS J02303247+7259177 TT* 02 30 32.4807823008 +72 59 17.750135184 16.619 16.308 15.536 15.053 14.489 G7 15 0
14 [KWT2003] L 1340 B2 PoC 02 30 35.5 +73 03 22           ~ 2 0
15 LDN 1340 DNe 02 30 40 +72 57.3           ~ 34 0
16 IRAS 02263+7251 FIR 02 31 06.4 +73 04 58           ~ 2 0
17 IRAS 02267+7226 IR 02 31 27.19224 +72 40 15.9996           ~ 7 0
18 [KWT2003] L 1340 C1 PoC 02 31 33.8 +72 39 02           ~ 1 0
19 GSC 04320-00320 * 02 31 40.3082071296 +72 41 41.914420512 16.083 15.544 14.515 13.646 12.909 F4 13 0
20 [KOS94] IRAS 20 Y*O 02 32 23.73336 +72 39 52.6032 17.340 16.338 14.977 14.095 13.162 K4 5 0
21 [KWT2003] L 1340 C2 PoC 02 32 27.7 +72 40 22           ~ 2 0
22 [KWT2003] L 1340 C3w PoC 02 32 32.3 +72 38 42           ~ 1 0
23 IRAS 02276+7225 TT* 02 32 38.9735508792 +72 39 03.880739628 18.879 17.552 15.935 14.898 13.813 K0 7 0
24 [KWT2003] L 1340 C3e PoC 02 32 45.8 +72 39 22           ~ 1 0
25 NAME Perseus Cloud SFR 03 35.0 +31 13           ~ 1386 0
26 NAME Taurus Complex SFR 04 41.0 +25 52           ~ 4492 0
27 NAME Orion-KL SFR 05 35 14.16 -05 22 21.5           ~ 2309 1
28 M 42 HII 05 35 17 -05 23.4           ~ 4115 0
29 NAME Ori A MoC 05 38 -07.1           ~ 3035 0
30 NAME Flame Nebula HII 05 41 42.7 -01 54 44           ~ 706 1
31 NAME Ori B MoC 05 41 43.0 -01 54 44           ~ 1390 0
32 NAME Oph Cloud Complex DNe 16 30 -24.3           ~ 64 1
33 SH 2-140 OpC 22 19 07.8 +63 17 07           ~ 660 2
34 IRAS 22176+6303 Y*O 22 19 18.23 +63 18 47.5           ~ 595 0
35 HH 489 HH ~ ~           ~ 7 0
36 HH 487 HH ~ ~           ~ 8 0

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