
Query : 2003A&A...401.1101T

2003A&A...401.1101T - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 401, 1101-1109 (2003/4-3)

GZ Cancri: A cataclysmic variable at the lower edge of the period gap.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present calibrated photometry and time-resolved spectroscopy of the cataclysmic variable GZ Cnc. Radial velocities of the Hα emission line reveal an orbital period of 0.08825(28)d, or 2.118(07)h, placing the system at the lower edge of the period gap. One of our observations catches the system on the rise to an overlooked, possibly small-amplitude, outburst. At certain phases during this stage the profiles of the emission lines are distorted by a high velocity absorption component. We discuss this phenomenon in the context of the recent suggestion that the long-term lightcurve of GZ Cnc resembles those of intermediate polars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: individual: GZ Cnc - stars: novae - cataclysmic variables - stars: fundamental parameters - binaries: general

Simbad objects: 5

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Number of rows : 5
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 EGB 4 CV* 06 29 33.9600353880 +71 04 36.394613580   13.29 13.27 13.04   ~ 157 0
2 V* GZ Cnc CV* 09 15 51.6769229568 +09 00 49.657853448           ~ 41 0
3 V* EX Hya CV* 12 52 24.2222471899 -29 14 55.999766523   13.51 13.49 13.55   M5-6V 703 0
4 V* V426 Oph CV* 18 07 51.6919772928 +05 51 47.804055084           ~ 172 0
5 V* FO Aqr CV* 22 17 55.3796835600 -08 21 03.754995948   13.533 13.445 13.414   ~ 363 0

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