
Query : 2003A&A...405..455F

2003A&A...405..455F - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 405, 455-471 (2003/7-2)

Minor axis kinematics of 19 S0-Sbc bulges.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present minor axis kinematic profiles for a well-studied sample of 19 early- to intermediate-type disk galaxies. We introduce, for the first time, the use of single-burst stellar population (SSP) models to obtain stellar velocities, velocity dispersions and higher order Gauss-Hermite moments (h3, h4) from galaxy spectra in the near-infrared Caii triplet region. SSP models, which employs the synthetic spectra of Vazdekis (2003MNRAS.340.1317V), provide a means to address the template-mismatch problem, and are shown to provide as good or better fits as traditional stellar templates. We anticipate the technique to be of particular use for high-redshift galaxy kinematics. We give the measurement of a recently defined CaT* index Cenarro (2001MNRAS.326..959C), and describe the global properties of the bulge kinematics as derived from the kinematic profiles. We detect small-amplitude minor-axis rotation, generally due to inner isophotal twists as a result of slightly triaxial bulges or misaligned inner disks; such inner features do not show peculiar colors or distinct CaT* index values. Velocity dispersion profiles, which extend well into the disk region, show a wide range of slopes. Flattened bulges tend to have shallower velocity dispersion profiles. The inferred similarity of bulge and disk radial velocity dispersions supports the interpretation of these bulges as thickened disks.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: bulges - galaxies: kinematics and dynamics - galaxies: structure - methods: data analysis

Simbad objects: 19

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Number of rows : 19
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 5326 GiP 13 50 50.7086232072 +39 34 29.516857680   12.9   11.38   ~ 86 0
2 NGC 5389 GiG 13 56 06.2870964720 +59 44 31.363711692   13.2       ~ 76 0
3 NGC 5422 GiG 14 00 42.0190513968 +55 09 51.863031684   13.1       ~ 157 0
4 NGC 5443 Sy2 14 02 11.7987915648 +55 48 50.358916044   13.2       ~ 100 0
5 NGC 5475 GiG 14 05 12.4060318056 +55 44 30.694106112   13.4       ~ 101 0
6 NGC 5587 LIN 14 22 10.7116072992 +13 55 04.956410460   14.0       ~ 91 0
7 NGC 5689 GiP 14 35 29.7025058208 +48 44 29.759376048   12.7       ~ 126 0
8 NGC 5707 GiP 14 37 30.7766689296 +51 33 42.558357240   13.3       ~ 79 0
9 NGC 5719 GiP 14 40 56.3690411016 -00 19 05.854225080   13.10   12.061   ~ 174 1
10 NGC 5746 GiP 14 44 56.005 +01 57 17.06   12.3       ~ 359 0
11 NGC 5838 GiP 15 05 26.2447857696 +02 05 57.349108392   12.1   10.26   ~ 240 0
12 NGC 5854 GiG 15 07 47.6993537544 +02 34 07.059522288   13.1   11.23   ~ 150 0
13 NGC 5879 AGN 15 09 46.7271710112 +57 00 00.538947900   11.9       ~ 248 1
14 NGC 5965 LIN 15 34 02.3002830024 +56 41 08.509684740   13.4       ~ 123 0
15 NGC 6010 AG? 15 54 19.1553713880 +00 32 34.949952168   13.3       ~ 89 0
16 NGC 6504 AG? 17 56 05.7198487440 +33 12 30.466444032   13.4       ~ 51 0
17 NGC 7331 LIN 22 37 04.0506038088 +34 24 56.800076508 10.65 10.35 9.48     ~ 1232 2
18 NGC 7332 GiP 22 37 24.5373044952 +23 47 53.830708800   12.0       ~ 377 0
19 NGC 7457 AG? 23 00 59.9263288440 +30 08 41.764398792   11.04 11.87     ~ 444 0

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