
Query : 2003A&A...405..591M

2003A&A...405..591M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 405, 591-596 (2003/7-2)

The faint supernova remnant G 34.7-0.4 (W44).


Abstract (from CDS):

Flux calibrated images of the known supernova remnant G 34.7-0.4 in basic optical emission lines are presented. The low ionization images show a relatively flat flux distribution. The diffuse and patchy morphology of the detected optical emission may indicate the presence of turbulent magnetic fields. Typical observed Hα+[NII] fluxes are ∼8x10–17erg/s/cm2/arcsec2, while the [SII] fluxes are lower around 4x10–17erg/s/cm2/arcsec2. Emission in the medium ionization line of [OIII] 5007Å is not detected within our sensitivity limits, probably due to the heavy extinction towards the remnant. The long-slit spectra reveal strong [SII] and [NII] emission relative to Hα and moderate [OI] 6300Å emission. Shock velocities in the range of 110-150km/s and low electron densities are estimated. Archival MSX infrared data show emission in the south and west areas of the remnant matching rather well the optical and radio emission.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: general - ISM: supernova remnants - ISM: individual objects: G 34.7-0.4

Simbad objects: 7

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Number of rows : 7
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 * 29 Psc V* 00 01 49.4481127032 -03 01 39.011820024 4.47 4.98 5.10     B7III-IV 226 0
2 * 108 Vir * 14 45 30.2044637184 +00 43 02.180202816   5.656 5.665     B9.5V 159 0
3 SNR G034.6-00.5 SNR 18 56 10.650 +01 13 21.30           ~ 973 2
4 PSR B1853+01 Psr 18 56 10.65 +01 13 21.3           ~ 200 1
5 * 58 Aql * 19 54 44.7948526968 +00 16 25.050363384   5.703 5.631     B9IV 219 0
6 * eps Aqr * 20 47 40.5495728200 -09 29 44.796936843 3.79 3.77 3.77 3.70 3.70 B9.5V 284 0
7 * 42 Peg PM* 22 41 27.7207176 +10 49 52.907917 3.10 3.33 3.41 3.43 3.50 B8V 310 0

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