
Query : 2003A&A...408...95M

2003A&A...408...95M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 408, 95-99 (2003/9-2)

A limit on nuclear activity in Leo A.


Abstract (from CDS):

ROSAT HRI observations of Leo A are analysed in order to complement a recent X-ray survey of the centres of Local Group galaxies (Zang & Meurs, 2001ApJ...556...24Z). It is likely that high-energy cores in galaxies are indicative of some level of nuclear activity. The upper limit 0.1-2.4 keV luminosity determined for Leo A (logLX<35.77) is consistent with the results that were obtained for other small Local Group systems. Leo A represents the lowest optical luminosity Irregular galaxy in the Local Group that has been studied at X-rays. Also the ROSAT All Sky Survey data allow to derive a (less constraining) upper limit flux for this galaxy.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: nuclei - galaxies: individual: Leo A - galaxies: Local Group - X-rays: galaxies - X-rays: individual: Leo A

Nomenclature: Fig.1, Tables 1, 2: [M2003c] 1-NN (Nos 1-1 to 1-13) = [M2003c] JHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS.s. Fig.2, Table 2: [M2003c] 2-N (Nos 2-1 to 2-6) = [M2003c] JHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS.s.

Simbad objects: 19

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Number of rows : 19
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 [M2003c] J095839.63+305057.6 X 09 58 39.63 +30 50 57.6           ~ 1 0
2 [M2003c] J095844.03+305459.6 X 09 58 44.03 +30 54 59.6           ~ 1 0
3 [M2003c] J095852.84+303624.8 X 09 58 52.84 +30 36 24.8           ~ 1 0
4 [M2003c] J095855.94+304941.5 X 09 58 55.94 +30 49 41.5           ~ 1 0
5 [M2003c] J095856.34+305237.1 X 09 58 56.34 +30 52 37.1           ~ 1 0
6 [M2003c] J095859.04+305904.8 X 09 58 59.04 +30 59 04.8           ~ 1 0
7 [M2003c] J095859.29+304205.1 X 09 58 59.32 +30 42 10.1           ~ 1 0
8 NAME Leo A G 09 59 26.46 +30 44 47.0 14.08 13.54 13.26 13.33   ~ 619 0
9 [M2003c] J095941.65+303346.5 X 09 59 41.65 +30 33 46.5           ~ 1 0
10 [M2003c] J095944.21+305619.1 X 09 59 44.29 +30 56 22.8           ~ 1 0
11 [M2003c] 1-10 X 09 59 45.33 +30 46 42.3           ~ 1 0
12 [M2003c] J095953.76+305308.1 X 09 59 53.84 +30 53 12.6           ~ 1 0
13 [M2003c] J095957.40+305658.6 X 09 59 57.40 +30 56 58.6           ~ 1 0
14 [M2003c] J095959.93+303508.0 X 09 59 59.93 +30 35 08.0           ~ 1 0
15 [M2003c] J100010.95+304718.7 X 10 00 10.95 +30 47 18.7           ~ 1 0
16 NGC 3109 AG? 10 03 06.877 -26 09 34.46 11.10 10.42 10.04 9.91   ~ 779 2
17 NAME Sgr A* X 17 45 40.03599 -29 00 28.1699           ~ 4464 3
18 NGC 6822 G 19 44 56.199 -14 47 51.29   18 8.1     ~ 1580 0
19 NAME Local Group GrG ~ ~           ~ 8525 0

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