
Query : 2003A&A...412..349P

2003A&A...412..349P - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 412, 349-371 (2003/12-3)

Spectroscopic follow-up of FIRBACK-South bright galaxies.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have performed optical spectroscopy of the brightest 170µm sources in the FIRBACK South Marano (FSM) field. The spectroscopic sample is 90% complete at the 4σ level. Analysis of spectra and comparison with spectra of a faint IRAS (60µm selected) reference sample is conducted simultaneously. The sources in both samples are characterized by a predominance of emission-line spectra and moderate IR luminosities (1010.5<LIR<1012L) The fraction of AGN's is low (about 15%) and the majority of sources are nearby (z<0.3), dusty, star forming galaxies, with moderate star formation rates (a few 10M per year). The infrared emission of the FSM galaxies shows a colder spectral energy distribution than was expected. The galaxies in both samples (IRAS faint sources and FSM) are essentially undistinguishable with the available data, and seem to represent a population of closeby, cold, star forming galaxies rather neglected up to now. Although their contribution to the far-IR background seems to be low, they deserve a more detailed study on their own to assess their importance in the chemical evolution of the local universe. The contribution of fainter, presumably more distant, galaxies to the far-IR background will be discussed when we will have completed the follow-up of the fainter part of this 170µm survey.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: infrared - galaxies: evolution - cosmology: observations

Nomenclature: Table 1: FIRBACK CFSM NN (No. 39) added (No. 38 missing). Table 2, Figs: [PDL2003] FSM NNN N, [PDL2003] CFSM NNN N, N=31.

CDS comments: Table 2: FSM NNNA, B: partition of IR emission, not in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 47

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Number of rows : 47
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 FIRBACK FSM 019 G 03 07 28 -55 09.1           ~ 2 0
2 2MFGC 2548 G 03 07 59.532 -54 34 45.36           ~ 7 0
3 [VV2006] J030809.0-550907 QSO 03 08 11.3793146448 -55 09 41.094843228           ~ 5 1
4 FIRBACK FSM 017 G 03 08 24 -54 28.1           ~ 2 0
5 LEDA 410289 Sy2 03 08 38.3414239488 -55 20 37.858511256   16.75       ~ 10 0
6 FIRBACK FSM 009 G 03 08 42 -54 27.5           ~ 2 0
7 2MASX J03092716-5452242 G 03 09 27.1698771624 -54 52 24.759947280   16.91   15.80   ~ 6 0
8 FIRBACK FSM 020 G 03 09 31 -55 25.1           ~ 2 0
9 2MASX J03094250-5443031 G 03 09 42.5425926648 -54 43 03.044457588           ~ 3 0
10 FIRBACK FSM 018 IR 03 10 01 -55 11.8           ~ 2 0
11 FIRBACK FSM 010 IR 03 10 16 -55 01.6           ~ 2 1
12 FIRBACK FSM 005 IR 03 10 22 -54 31.9           ~ 2 1
13 FIRBACK CFSM 039 IR 03 10 22 -54 13.1           ~ 1 1
14 LEDA 419456 Sy2 03 10 37.046 -54 26 09.77   16.75   15.81   ~ 5 0
15 FIRBACK FSM 006 G 03 10 45 -54 32.1           ~ 2 0
16 FIRBACK FSM 003 G 03 11 59.3 -55 14 30           ~ 3 0
17 FIRBACK FSM 007 G 03 12 08.5 -55 08 55           ~ 3 0
18 FIRBACK FSM 001 G 03 12 10.4 -55 17 07           ~ 4 0
19 FIRBACK FSM 002 G 03 12 28.9 -55 16 41           ~ 3 0
20 FIRBACK FSM 008 G 03 12 33.3 -54 57 06           ~ 3 0
21 FIRBACK FSM 011 G 03 12 53.9 -55 09 05           ~ 3 0
22 2MASX J03130754-5449431 G 03 13 07.546 -54 49 43.13           ~ 2 0
23 FIRBACK FSM 014 IR 03 14 50.0 -54 59 34           ~ 3 1
24 FIRBACK FSM 013 IR 03 15 18.9 -55 01 37           ~ 3 1
25 [PDL2003] FSM 019 1 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
26 [PDL2003] FSM 018 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
27 [PDL2003] FSM 018 1 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
28 [PDL2003] FSM 017 3 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
29 [PDL2003] FSM 000 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
30 [PDL2003] FSM 017 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
31 [PDL2003] FSM 014 3 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
32 [PDL2003] FSM 014 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
33 [PDL2003] FSM 014 1 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
34 [PDL2003] FSM 013 1 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
35 [PDL2003] FSM 013 3 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
36 [PDL2003] FSM 013 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
37 [PDL2003] FSM 012 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
38 [PDL2003] FSM 010 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
39 [PDL2003] FSM 010 1 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
40 [PDL2003] FSM 009 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
41 [PDL2003] FSM 006 1 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
42 [PDL2003] FSM 005 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
43 [PDL2003] FSM 005 1 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
44 [PDL2003] CFSM 039 1 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
45 [PDL2003] FSM 001 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0
46 [PDL2003] CFSM 039 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 1
47 [PDL2003] FSM 020 2 G ~ ~           ~ 1 0

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