
Query : 2003A&A...412..495M

2003A&A...412..495M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 412, 495-512 (2003/12-3)

The photospheric abundances of active binaries. II. Atmospheric parameters and abundance patterns for 6 single-lined RS CVn systems.


Abstract (from CDS):

Photospheric parameters and abundances are presented for a sample of single-lined chromospherically active binaries from a differential LTE analysis of high-resolution spectra. Abundances have been derived for 13 chemical species, including several key elements such as Li, Mg, and Ca. Two methods have been used. The effective temperatures, surface gravities and microturbulent velocities were first derived from a fully self-consistent analysis of the spectra, whereby the temperature is determined from the excitation equilibrium of the FeI lines. The second approach relies on temperatures derived from the (B-V) colour index. These two methods give broadly consistent results for the stars in our sample, suggesting that the neutral iron lines are formed under conditions close to LTE. We discuss the reliability in the context of chromospherically active stars of various colour indices used as temperature indicators, and conclude that the (V-R) and (V-I) colours are likely to be significantly affected by activity processes. Irrespective of the method used, our results indicate that the X-ray active binaries studied are not as metal poor as previously claimed, but are at most mildly iron-depleted relative to the Sun (-0.41≲[Fe/H]≲+0.11). A significant overabundance of several chemical species is observed (e.g., the α-synthezised elements). These abundance patterns are discussed in relation to stellar activity.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: fundamental parameters - stars: abundances

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/412/495): tablea1.dat>

Simbad objects: 8

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Number of rows : 8
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 V* UV For RS* 01 46 41.6467823784 -24 00 50.310583488   9.05 8.064   7.022 K0IV 66 0
2 V* VX Pyx RS* 08 32 58.5001559256 -34 38 02.540585832   7.318 6.366     G8III 77 0
3 V* IN Vel RS* 09 37 12.9608447520 -42 01 14.490830892   10.26 9.08   7.767 K2IIIp 64 0
4 * 12 Mus ** 11 39 29.5660962396 -65 23 52.099447484   5.863 5.095 6.31   G5/8IIIp+A0/1V 172 1
5 V* IS Vir RS* 13 06 26.0092106448 -04 50 45.306856248   9.50 8.432   7.175 K0III 56 1
6 V* V764 Cen RS* 13 36 08.3188135536 -33 28 44.807017116   10.28 8.912   7.612 K3III 46 0
7 V* V851 Cen RS* 13 44 00.9212469648 -61 21 59.173175844   8.74 7.798   6.638 K0III 88 0
8 * alf Boo RG* 14 15 39.67207 +19 10 56.6730 2.46 1.18 -0.05 -1.03 -1.68 K1.5IIIFe-0.5 2338 1

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