
Query : 2004A&A...414..163S

2004A&A...414..163S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 414, 163-174 (2004/1-4)

The age of the oldest open clusters.


Abstract (from CDS):

We determine ages of 71 old Open Clusters by a two-step method: we use main-squence fitting to 10 selected clusters, in order to obtain their distances, and derive their ages from comparison with our own isochrones used before for Globular Clusters. We then calibrate the morphological age indicator δ(V), which can be obtained for all remaining clusters, in terms of age and metallicity. Particular care is taken to ensure consistency in the whole procedure. The resulting Open Cluster ages connect well to our previous Globular Cluster results. From the Open Cluster sample, as well as from the combined sample, questions regarding the formation process of Galactic components are addressed. The age of the oldest open clusters (NGC 6791 and Be 17) is of the order of 10Gyr. We determine a delay by 2.0±1.5Gyr between the start of the halo and thin disk formation, whereas thin and thick disk started to form approximately at the same time. We do not find any significant age-metallicity relationship for the open cluster sample. The cumulative age distribution of the whole open cluster sample shows a moderately significant (∼ 2σ level) departure from the predictions for an exponentially declining dissolution rate with timescale of 2.5Gyr. The cumulative age distribution does not show any trend with galactocentric distance, but the clusters with larger height to the Galactic plane have an excess of objects between 2-4 and 6Gyr with respect to their counterpart closer to the plane of the Galaxy.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxy: disk - evolution - open clusters and associations: general - stellar content

Simbad objects: 72

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Number of rows : 72
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 104 GlC 00 24 05.359 -72 04 53.20     4.09     ~ 3954 0
2 NGC 188 OpC 00 47 11.5 +85 14 38           ~ 930 0
3 Cl King 2 OpC 00 50 57.8 +58 11 17   21.39 19.78     ~ 63 0
4 IC 166 OpC 01 52 22.6 +61 51 25   13.0 11.7     ~ 90 0
5 NGC 752 OpC 01 56 53.5 +37 47 38           ~ 647 0
6 Cl Berkeley 66 OpC 03 04 07.2 +58 43 52           ~ 69 0
7 NGC 1193 OpC 03 05 56.6 +44 22 59     12.6     ~ 90 0
8 Cl King 5 OpC 03 14 43.7 +52 41 42           ~ 76 0
9 NGC 1245 OpC 03 14 45.8 +47 14 06   9.16 8.4     ~ 152 0
10 Cl Melotte 25 OpC 04 29 47.3 +16 56 53           ~ 3113 0
11 NGC 1798 OpC 05 11 39.4 +47 41 28           ~ 74 0
12 NGC 1817 OpC 05 12 33.4 +16 41 46           ~ 184 0
13 Cl Berkeley 17 OpC 05 20 31.2 +30 34 26           ~ 176 0
14 Cl King 22 OpC 05 22 07.4 +45 26 31           ~ 72 0
15 Cl Berkeley 20 OpC 05 32 36.5 +00 11 06           ~ 121 0
16 Cl Berkeley 21 OpC 05 51 43.2 +21 48 43   12.26 11.1     ~ 119 0
17 Cl Berkeley 22 OpC 05 58 28.3 +07 45 47           ~ 85 0
18 NGC 2141 OpC 06 02 56.2 +10 27 04           ~ 146 0
19 NGC 2158 OpC 06 07 26.9 +24 05 56           ~ 296 0
20 NGC 2194 OpC 06 13 45.6 +12 48 47   9.03 8.5     ~ 84 1
21 NGC 2192 OpC 06 15 17 +39 50.8     10.9     ~ 47 0
22 NGC 2204 OpC 06 15 31.7 -18 40 12   9.35 8.6     ~ 154 0
23 NGC 2243 OpC 06 29 34.8 -31 16 55   10.12 9.4     ~ 274 0
24 NGC 2236 OpC 06 29 39.8 +06 50 02   9.08 8.5     ~ 54 0
25 Cl Trumpler 5 OpC 06 36 30.2 +09 27 54           ~ 123 0
26 NGC 2266 OpC 06 43 19.7 +26 58 34     9.5     ~ 76 0
27 Cl Berkeley 29 OpC 06 53 04.2 +16 55 39   14.3       ~ 175 0
28 Cl Berkeley 31 OpC 06 57 37.4 +08 17 06           ~ 128 0
29 Cl Berkeley 30 OpC 06 57 45.1 +03 13 44           ~ 47 0
30 Cl Berkeley 32 OpC 06 58 07.2 +06 25 59           ~ 147 0
31 Cl Haffner 2 OpC 07 03 05.5 -20 49 12           ~ 131 0
32 NGC 2324 OpC 07 04 07.9 +01 02 46   8.83 8.4     ~ 160 0
33 NGC 2354 OpC 07 14 00.7 -25 43 26   7.28 6.5     ~ 98 0
34 NGC 2355 OpC 07 16 59.3 +13 46 19     9.7     ~ 109 0
35 NGC 2360 OpC 07 17 46.3 -15 37 52           ~ 195 0
36 Cl Haffner 6 OpC 07 19 59.5 -13 09 04   9.97 9.2     ~ 42 0
37 Cl Melotte 66 OpC 07 26 17.5 -47 41 06   8.73       ~ 197 0
38 Cl Melotte 71 OpC 07 37 31.9 -12 03 54   7.44 7.1     ~ 134 0
39 NGC 2420 OpC 07 38 24.5 +21 34 30   9.0 8.3     ~ 484 0
40 ESO 368-7 OpC 07 38 44 -33 50.7           ~ 52 0
41 Cl Berkeley 39 OpC 07 46 48.5 -04 39 54           ~ 192 1
42 NGC 2477 OpC 07 52 11.0 -38 32 13   6.64 5.8     ~ 295 0
43 NGC 2506 OpC 08 00 02.4 -10 46 23   8.28 7.6     ~ 282 0
44 Cl Pismis 2 OpC 08 17 54.5 -41 40 26           ~ 44 0
45 Cl VDBH 33 OpC 08 31 20.2 -38 38 24           ~ 39 0
46 NGC 2627 OpC 08 37 14.2 -29 57 07     8.4     ~ 61 0
47 NGC 2632 OpC 08 40 13.0 +19 37 16           ~ 1586 0
48 NGC 2660 OpC 08 42 40.1 -47 12 04   9.05 8.8     ~ 152 0
49 NGC 2682 OpC 08 51 23.0 +11 48 50           ~ 2368 0
50 NGC 2849 OpC 09 19.4 -40 31     12.5     ~ 29 0
51 ESO 92-18 OpC 10 14 55 -64 36.7           ~ 34 0
52 ESO 93-8 GlC 11 19 41.9 -65 13 11           ~ 24 0
53 NGC 3680 OpC 11 25 34.1 -43 14 24   8.40 7.6     ~ 321 0
54 Cl Collinder 261 OpC 12 38 04.6 -68 22 37     10.7     ~ 196 0
55 NGC 4815 OpC 12 57 59.8 -64 57 36   9.61 8.6     ~ 99 0
56 NGC 5822 OpC 15 04 12.2 -54 21 58           ~ 210 0
57 ESO 224-8 OpC 15 39 05.4 -50 03 02           ~ 70 0
58 IC 4651 OpC 17 24 50.9 -49 55 01           ~ 351 0
59 IC 4756 OpC 18 38 35.8 +05 26 06           ~ 243 0
60 NGC 6749 OpC 19 05 15.36 +01 54 00.0     12.4     ~ 164 0
61 NGC 6791 OpC 19 20 53.0 +37 46 41   10.52 9.5     ~ 1047 0
62 NGC 6802 OpC 19 30 36.2 +20 15 43   10.07 8.8     ~ 105 0
63 NGC 6819 OpC 19 41 18.5 +40 11 24   8.21 7.3     ~ 642 0
64 NGC 6827 OpC 19 48 52.8 +21 12 47           ~ 21 0
65 NGC 6939 OpC 20 31 40.1 +60 39 11           ~ 160 0
66 Cl Berkeley 54 OpC 21 02 58.8 +40 25 59           ~ 33 0
67 NGC 7044 OpC 21 13 08.2 +42 29 38     12.0     ~ 65 0
68 Cl Berkeley 56 OpC 21 17 42.0 +41 54 00           ~ 21 0
69 NGC 7142 OpC 21 45 09.6 +65 46 55   10.36 9.3     ~ 144 0
70 Cl King 9 OpC 22 15 30.5 +54 24 18           ~ 24 0
71 Cl King 11 OpC 23 47 38.9 +68 38 10   16.7       ~ 68 0
72 NGC 7789 OpC 23 57 20.2 +56 43 34   7.68 6.7     ~ 532 0

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