
Query : 2004A&A...414..335W

2004A&A...414..335W - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 414, 335-350 (2004/1-4)

Dust in brown dwarfs. III. Formation and structure of quasi-static cloud layers.


Abstract (from CDS):

In this paper, first solutions of the dust moment equations developed in (Woitke & Helling, 2003A&A...399..297W) for the description of dust formation and precipitation in brown dwarf and giant gas planet atmospheres are presented. We consider the special case of a static brown dwarf atmosphere, where dust particles continuously nucleate from the gas phase, grow by the accretion of molecules, settle gravitationally and re-evaporate thermally. Mixing by convective overshoot is assumed to replenish the atmosphere with condensable elements, which is necessary to counterbalance the loss of condensable elements by dust formation and gravitational settling (no dust without mixing). Applying a kinetic description of the relevant microphysical and chemical processes for TiO2-grains, the model makes predictions about the large-scale stratification of dust in the atmosphere, the depletion of molecules from the gas phase, the supersaturation of the gas in the atmosphere as well as the mean size and the mass fraction of dust grains as function of depth. Our results suggest that the presence of relevant amounts of dust is restricted to a layer, where the upper boundary (cloud deck) is related to the requirement of a minimum mixing activity (mixing time-scale τmix≃106s) and the lower boundary (cloud base) is determined by the thermodynamical stability of the grains. The nucleation occurs around the cloud deck where the gas is cool, strongly depleted, but nevertheless highly supersaturated (S≫1). These particles settle gravitationally and populate the warmer layers below, where the in situ formation (nucleation) is ineffective or even not possible. During their descent, the particles grow and reach mean radii of ≃30µm...400µm at the cloud base, but the majority of the particles in the cloud layer remains much smaller. Finally, the dust grains sink into layers which are sufficiently hot to cause their thermal evaporation. Hence, an effective transport mechanism for condensable elements exists in brown dwarfs, which depletes the gas above and enriches the gas below the cloud base of a considered solid/liquid material. The dust-to-gas mass fraction in the cloud layer results to be approximately given by the mass fraction of condensable elements in the gas being mixed up. Only for artificially reduced mixing we find a self-regulation mechanism that approximately installs phase equilibrium (S≃1) in a limited region around the cloud base.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: atmospheres - stars: low-mass, brown dwarfs - dust, extinction - molecular processes - methods: numerical

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Number of rows : 1
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 DENIS J025503.3-470049 BD* 02 55 03.6927058871 -47 00 51.356903955     22.921 19.906 17.454 L9 147 0

Query : 2004A&A...414..335W

Basic data :
DENIS J025503.3-470049 -- Brown Dwarf
Origin of the objects types :

(Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref"
(acronym) Object type linked to the acronym according to the original reference
() Anterior to 2007, before we can link the objet type to a reference, or given by the CDS team in some particular cases

Other object types:
PM* (2016ApJ), * (2MUCD,Gaia), NIR (2MASS,DENIS), BD* (2018MNRAS), C* (2008AJ), MIR (WISEA), IR (2MASSI)
Syntax of coordinates is : "ra dec (wtype) [error ellipse] quality bibcode" :
  • ra dec : right ascension and declination (unit and frame defined according to your Output Options)
    Grey values are increasing the original precision due to the computation of frame transformations
  • (wtype) : wavelength class for the origin of the coordinates (Rad, mm, IR, Optical, UV, Xray, Gam)
  • [error ellipse] : measurement uncertainty, on (ra,dec) if the positional angle is 90 degrees, on (majaxis,minaxis) otherwise (in mas at defined epoch in the original catalogue),
    position angle (in degrees North celestial pole to East)
  • quality : flag of quality
    • E ≥ 10"
    • D : 1-10" (and some old data)
    • C : 0.1-1"
    • B : 0.01-0.1" + 2MASS, Tyc
    • A : VLBI, Hipparcos
  • bibcode : bibcode of the coordinates reference
ICRS coord. (ep=J2000) :
02 55 03.6927058871 -47 00 51.356903955 (Optical) [ 0.1547 0.1670 90 ] A 2020yCat.1350....0G
Syntax of coordinates is : "ra dec (wtype) [error ellipse] quality bibcode" :
  • ra dec : right ascension and declination (unit and frame defined according to your Output Options)
    Grey values are increasing the original precision due to the computation of frame transformations
  • (wtype) : wavelength class for the origin of the coordinates (Rad, mm, IR, Optical, UV, Xray, Gam)
  • [error ellipse] : measurement uncertainty, on (ra,dec) if the positional angle is 90 degrees, on (majaxis,minaxis) otherwise (in mas at defined epoch in the original catalogue),
    position angle (in degrees North celestial pole to East)
  • quality : flag of quality
    • E ≥ 10"
    • D : 1-10" (and some old data)
    • C : 0.1-1"
    • B : 0.01-0.1" + 2MASS, Tyc
    • A : VLBI, Hipparcos
  • bibcode : bibcode of the coordinates reference
FK4 coord. (ep=B1950 eq=1950) :
02 53 14.5348481303 -47 12 30.570414897 [ 0.1547 0.1670 90 ]
Syntax of coordinates is : "ra dec (wtype) [error ellipse] quality bibcode" :
  • ra dec : right ascension and declination (unit and frame defined according to your Output Options)
    Grey values are increasing the original precision due to the computation of frame transformations
  • (wtype) : wavelength class for the origin of the coordinates (Rad, mm, IR, Optical, UV, Xray, Gam)
  • [error ellipse] : measurement uncertainty, on (ra,dec) if the positional angle is 90 degrees, on (majaxis,minaxis) otherwise (in mas at defined epoch in the original catalogue),
    position angle (in degrees North celestial pole to East)
  • quality : flag of quality
    • E ≥ 10"
    • D : 1-10" (and some old data)
    • C : 0.1-1"
    • B : 0.01-0.1" + 2MASS, Tyc
    • A : VLBI, Hipparcos
  • bibcode : bibcode of the coordinates reference
Gal coord. (ep=J2000) :
260.5894808493139 -58.6727507981152 [ 0.1547 0.1670 90 ]
Syntax of proper motions is : "pm-ra pm-dec [error ellipse] quality bibcode"
  • pm-ra : mu-ra*cos(dec) (expressed in the ICRS system in mas/yr)
  • pm-dec : mu-dec (expressed in the ICRS system in mas/yr)
  • [error ellipse] : error major axis and minor axis (in mas), orientation angle (in deg)
  • quality : flag of quality (A=best quality -> E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality)
  • bibcode : bibcode of the proper motion reference
Proper motions mas/yr :
1012.445 -554.031 [0.182 0.241 90] A 2020yCat.1350....0G
Syntax of parallax is : 'value quality [error] bibcode'
  • value : parallax value
  • quality : flag of quality (A=best quality -> E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality)
  • [error] : mean error
  • bibcode : bibcode of the parallax reference
Parallaxes (mas):
205.4251 [0.1857] A 2020yCat.1350....0G
Spectral type is made of 3 parts: %coding is composed of 4 parts :
  • the spectral type, which is made of a temperature class, eventually a luminosity class (roman number) and/or spectral peculiarities;
  • a quality letter: A=best quality→E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality %
  • a quality letter: A=best quality -> E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality
  • bibcode : bibcode of the spectral type reference
Spectral type:
L9 C 2014AJ....147...34S
Syntax of fluxes (or magnitudes) is : "filter-name (System) flux-value [error] quality MultVarFlags bibcode"
  • filter-name : U, B, V, R, I, G, J, H, K, u, g, r, i, z
  • (System) : may be AB (default is Vega)
  • flux-value : value of flux or magnitude
  • [error] : error value
  • quality : flag of quality of the flux value ( A=best quality -> E=worst quality, {� } =unknown quality)
  • MultVarFlags : Mult is zero or one char (J) for joined photometry ; Var can be zero or two chars (V[0-4])
  • bibcode : bibcode of the flux reference
Fluxes (7) :
V 22.921 [0.121] D 2006AJ....132.1234C
R 19.906 [0.039] C 2006AJ....132.1234C
G 18.598427 [0.003844] C 2020yCat.1350....0G
I 17.454 [0.031] C 2006AJ....132.1234C
J 13.246 [0.027] C 2003yCat.2246....0C
H 12.204 [0.024] C 2003yCat.2246....0C
K 11.558 [0.024] C 2003yCat.2246....0C
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2MASS J02550357-4700509 2MASSI J0255035-470050 TIC 146692032 Gaia DR2 4752399493622045696
DENIS J0255.0-4700 2MUCD 10158 WISEA J025504.75-470057.3
DENIS J025503.3-470049 NAME DENIS 0255-4700 Gaia DR3 4752399493622045696

References (147 between 1850 and 2024) (Total 147)
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2MASS J02550357-4700509 DENIS J0255.0-4700 DENIS J025503.3-470049 2MASSI J0255035-470050 WISEA J025504.75-470057.3
Gaia DR3 4752399493622045696 Gaia DR2 4752399493622045696

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