
Query : 2004A&A...415..941E

2004A&A...415..941E - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 415, 941-957 (2004/3-1)

Double-barred galaxies. I. A catalog of barred galaxies with stellar secondary bars and inner disks.


Abstract (from CDS):

I present a catalog of 67 barred galaxies which contain distinct, elliptical stellar structures inside their bars. Fifty of these are double-barred galaxies: a small-scale, inner or secondary bar is embedded within a large-scale, outer or primary bar. I provide homogenized measurements of the sizes, ellipticities, and orientations of both inner and outer bars, along with global parameters for the galaxies. The other 17 are classified as inner-disk galaxies, where a large-scale bar harbors an inner elliptical structure which is aligned with the galaxy's outer disk. Four of the double-barred galaxies also possess inner disks, located in between the inner and outer bars. While the inner-disk classification is ad-hoc - and undoubtedly includes some inner bars with chance alignments (five such probable cases are identified) - there is good evidence that inner disks form a statistically distinct population, and that at least some are indeed disks rather than bars. In addition, I list 36 galaxies which may be double-barred, but for which current observations are ambiguous or incomplete, and another 23 galaxies which have been previously suggested as potentially being double-barred, but which are probably not. False double-bar identifications are usually due to features such as nuclear rings and spirals being misclassified as bars; I provide some illustrated examples of how this can happen. A detailed statistical analysis of the general population of double-bar and inner-disk galaxies, as represented by this catalog, will be presented in a companion paper.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: structure - galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD - galaxies: spiral - galaxies: kinematics and dynamics

Simbad objects: 70

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Number of rows : 70
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 151 LIN 00 34 02.7914552616 -09 42 18.979473168 12.44 12.31 11.59 12.2 11.5 ~ 139 2
2 UGC 524 Sy1 00 51 35.0180816832 +29 24 04.648846716   14.5       ~ 112 1
3 NGC 357 EmG 01 03 21.8777769984 -06 20 21.083951004   12   11.62   ~ 69 0
4 NGC 414 GiG 01 11 17.4737946144 +33 06 49.894676568   14.5       ~ 31 0
5 NGC 470 GiP 01 19 44.8526263032 +03 24 36.027176544 12.63 12.53 11.78     ~ 276 1
6 Mrk 573 Sy2 01 43 57.7777898304 +02 20 59.531401716   14.90 14.07     ~ 538 1
7 NGC 718 GiC 01 53 13.2842245224 +04 11 44.843164296   12.52 11.67 11.10 10.29 ~ 154 0
8 M 77 Sy2 02 42 40.7091669408 -00 00 47.859690204 9.70 9.61 8.87 10.1 9.9 ~ 4638 2
9 NGC 1097 LIN 02 46 19.059 -30 16 29.68 10.46 9.97 9.48 8.72 9.8 ~ 1358 3
10 NGC 1241 Sy2 03 11 14.6195456232 -08 55 18.775959888 12.07 12.84 11.99 12.7 12.5 ~ 211 2
11 NGC 1269 EmG 03 17 18.5785534752 -41 06 28.628735184 9.85 9.83 8.81 8.72   ~ 426 1
12 NGC 1317 GiP 03 22 44.2823209512 -37 06 13.180903956 12.20 11.78 11.02 10.22   ~ 215 1
13 NGC 1398 GiG 03 38 52.130 -26 20 16.22   10.37   8.90 10.1 ~ 235 0
14 NGC 1433 Sy2 03 42 01.4847418992 -47 13 18.929092656   10.84 9.99 9.61 10.2 ~ 391 0
15 Z 487-4 G 03 59 29.9193067560 +21 47 49.769884896   15.3       ~ 26 0
16 NGC 1543 EmG 04 12 43.1692212984 -57 44 16.333531440   10.67 10.60 9.74 10.7 ~ 140 0
17 NGC 1808 Sy2 05 07 42.343 -37 30 46.98 11.05 10.80 9.94 9.36 10.2 ~ 729 3
18 NGC 2217 Sy2 06 21 39.7505036352 -27 14 01.654973556   11.04 11.93 9.78 10.5 ~ 167 0
19 IC 454 AG? 06 51 06.3178825440 +12 55 19.047410220   14.5       ~ 52 0
20 NGC 2442 LIN 07 36 23.7700545576 -69 31 50.997856332 11.47 11.15 10.42 9.71 10.4 ~ 223 1
21 NGC 2642 Sy1 08 40 44.3751778920 -04 07 18.044937444   12.6   11.79 12.3 ~ 78 0
22 NGC 2646 GiG 08 50 21.9692739864 +73 27 46.721927484   13.0       ~ 43 0
23 NGC 2681 LIN 08 53 32.7183058512 +51 18 49.159212120 11.40 11.09 10.29     ~ 320 1
24 NGC 2787 LIN 09 19 18.6046606656 +69 12 11.630716128   12.92 11.79     ~ 357 0
25 NGC 2859 AG? 09 24 18.5266762368 +34 30 48.561305832   11.8       ~ 259 0
26 NGC 2880 GiG 09 29 34.5699581472 +62 29 26.020090572   12.6       ~ 159 0
27 NGC 2962 GiP 09 40 53.9321546928 +05 09 57.032828496   13.1       ~ 203 0
28 NGC 2950 AG? 09 42 35.1484995048 +58 51 04.584956904   11.8       ~ 209 0
29 NGC 3081 Sy2 09 59 29.5437024336 -22 49 34.747341960   13.06 13.55 11.67 12.1 ~ 472 0
30 NGC 3275 EmG 10 30 51.7808470128 -36 44 13.204971312   12.54   11.12   ~ 62 1
31 NGC 3266 GiG 10 33 17.6098160184 +64 44 57.720597360   13.5       ~ 64 0
32 NGC 3358 GiG 10 43 33.0219141120 -36 24 38.573516556   12.44 11.53 11.01 11.6 ~ 72 0
33 M 96 GiP 10 46 45.744 +11 49 11.78 10.42 10.15 9.25 8.99   ~ 826 1
34 NGC 3384 GiG 10 48 16.8855574392 +12 37 45.371165844   10.0       ~ 599 1
35 NGC 3393 Sy2 10 48 23.4653152920 -25 09 43.487648784   13.10 13.95 11.67 12.2 ~ 431 1
36 NGC 3412 GiG 10 50 53.2803559464 +13 24 43.721664876 11.84 11.45 10.54     ~ 240 1
37 UGC 6062 AG? 10 58 37.5665096616 +09 03 01.587767868   13.7       ~ 70 0
38 ESO 215-31 EmG 11 10 34.7671718832 -49 06 09.493483356   13.44 12.88 12.19 12.9 ~ 52 3
39 ESO 378-20 GiG 11 47 16.4105049576 -37 32 58.157394684   13.58   12.41   ~ 42 0
40 NGC 3941 Sy2 11 52 55.3609498656 +36 59 10.716212904   11.45 11.62 9.97   ~ 250 0
41 ESO 320-30 EmG 11 53 11.722 -39 07 48.72   13.30   11.86   ~ 190 1
42 NGC 3945 GiG 11 53 13.6081388304 +60 40 32.125024704   11.6       ~ 246 0
43 NGC 4262 GiG 12 19 30.5694336288 +14 52 39.517143276 13.00 12.49 11.55     ~ 360 1
44 NGC 4274 LIN 12 19 50.5930710456 +29 36 53.238538764 11.78 11.34 10.41     ~ 248 1
45 M 61 Sy2 12 21 54.9282582888 +04 28 25.597367184 10.07 10.18 9.65     ~ 1006 1
46 NGC 4314 LIN 12 22 32.0223000912 +29 53 43.814812200 11.72 11.43 10.58     ~ 481 1
47 M 100 AGN 12 22 54.9299993592 +15 49 20.296257960 10.04 10.05 9.35     ~ 1857 2
48 NGC 4340 GiP 12 23 35.2816311336 +16 43 20.443217952   12.4       ~ 280 0
49 NGC 4386 GiG 12 24 28.3881987336 +75 31 44.306606316   12.6       ~ 84 1
50 NGC 4503 GiP 12 32 06.2324986032 +11 10 34.960071396 12.66 12.05 11.07     ~ 218 1
51 NGC 4612 GiG 12 41 32.7539216616 +07 18 53.535354804   11.90       ~ 216 1
52 NGC 4725 Sy2 12 50 26.5716367992 +25 30 02.733090588   13.45 12.44     ~ 701 2
53 M 94 SyG 12 50 53.0737971432 +41 07 12.900884628 9.15 8.96 8.24 7.78   ~ 1401 2
54 NGC 4754 GiP 12 52 17.563 +11 18 49.18   11.6       ~ 287 0
55 NGC 4785 Sy2 12 53 27.3416048448 -48 44 57.213423456   13.22 12.09 12.8 12.5 ~ 69 0
56 ESO 443-17 AGN 12 57 44.949 -29 45 59.04   13.84 13.73 12.52   ~ 50 0
57 ESO 443-39 EmG 13 03 02.8586372160 -30 47 34.781224632   13.74   12.33   ~ 32 0
58 NGC 4984 Sy1 13 08 57.2555329728 -15 30 58.743722520   12   10.92   ~ 135 0
59 NGC 5365 EmG 13 57 50.6471346672 -43 55 52.412864052   12.20 11.14 10.57   ~ 60 0
60 ESO 447-30 AG? 14 39 46.3511088696 -32 40 09.353154756   13.36   11.95   ~ 30 0
61 NGC 5728 Sy2 14 42 23.8918506576 -17 15 11.240783784   14.34 13.40     ~ 601 1
62 NGC 5850 LIN 15 07 07.6828131840 +01 32 39.513281352   11.5   10.79 11.1 ~ 318 1
63 NGC 6654 AG? 18 24 07.6171148928 +73 10 59.672609364   12.70       ~ 83 0
64 NGC 6684 GiG 18 48 57.8758832976 -65 10 24.324323808   11.34 10.45 9.94   ~ 122 4
65 NGC 6782 Sy2 19 23 57.9062029800 -59 55 20.952769044   12.70 11.84 11.27 11.7 ~ 125 1
66 NGC 7007 Sy2 21 05 27.9140607744 -52 33 07.159314492   12.89 12.04 11.43   ~ 64 0
67 NGC 7098 AG? 21 44 16.1497974000 -75 06 40.864242528   12.33 11.37 10.84 11.5 ~ 84 0
68 NGC 7187 EmG 22 02 44.4963458880 -32 48 11.441366748   13.43   12.24   ~ 50 0
69 NGC 7280 GiP 22 26 27.5758899936 +16 08 53.421593496   13.6       ~ 162 0
70 NGC 7716 AG? 23 36 31.4564531712 +00 17 50.183061252   12.9   13.0 12.6 ~ 169 0

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