
Query : 2004A&A...428..121U

2004A&A...428..121U - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 428, 121-129 (2004/12-2)

A search for very young Planetary Nebulae.


Abstract (from CDS):

Despite numerous efforts, the transition from Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars to Planetary Nebulae (PN) is a poorly understood phase of stellar evolution. We have therefore carried out interferometric (VLA) radio observations of a sample of hot post-AGB stars, selected on the basis of their optical and infrared properties. Ten sources out of the 16 observed were detected. This indicates that most of our targets are surrounded by a nebula where the ionization has already started. This definitively determines the evolutionary status of the selected sources and provides us with a unique sample of very young Planetary Nebulae (yPNe). A comparison with another sample of yPNe confirms our working hypothesis that our targets are indeed very young, probably just in the transition toward PN. Finding transition objects is extremely important as they can provide unique clues for a better understanding of this important phase of stellar evolution.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: AGB and post-AGB - planetary nebulae: general - radio continuum: stars

Simbad objects: 18

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Number of rows : 18
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 257761 * 06 28 18.6007543656 +15 59 44.535319584   11.23 11.130 11.02   OB- 10 0
2 HD 51585 pA? 06 58 30.4066932552 +16 19 26.138751492   11.48 11.20     B:eI/BQ[] 76 0
3 BD-18 4436 pA* 17 10 24.1453877400 -18 49 00.649851744   11.96 11.46     B5Ibe 31 0
4 LS IV -15 3 pA* 17 23 11.9082133464 -15 37 15.108664584   12.40 12.01     B1IIIpe 27 0
5 LS 4331 pA* 17 41 00.0445083192 -16 18 12.446093340   13.57 13.22 13.22   B1Ibe 21 0
6 Hen 3-1475 PN 17 45 14.1819342984 -17 56 46.778166204       12.733   B7e 198 0
7 HD 161853 ** 17 49 16.5582018192 -31 15 18.068754204 7.48 8.11 7.97 8.81   O8V(n)z+B 74 2
8 HD 341617 pA* 18 08 20.0857525920 +24 10 43.321447236   11.41 11.39     B1IIIe 87 0
9 LSE 63 pA* 18 40 22.0184404776 -31 56 48.812592804   12.09 11.97 12.05 11.77 B1Iabe 21 0
10 LS 5112 pA* 18 40 48.6170341896 -17 04 38.331604560 11.94 12.38 11.93 11.88   B1IIIep 29 0
11 IRAS 18435-0052 pA* 18 46 06.850 -00 48 55.26     11.0     B2II 5 0
12 EM* AS 321 PN 18 47 03.9857595552 -11 41 11.952467520   15.47 14.67 15.06 13.86 ~ 32 1
13 BD-11 4747 * 18 47 04.8038873952 -11 41 02.249926728   12.04 11.26 11.08   A5V 18 1
14 BD-02 4931 pA* 19 18 22.7165647344 -02 42 10.880466588   11.55 10.78     B1III 35 0
15 SS 441 PN 19 36 17.5186695504 -03 53 25.098587124   13.456 13.054 13.114   B1Iaep 35 0
16 LS II +23 17 Be* 19 42 05.5316879904 +23 18 59.582109564 11 11.20 10.42     B0IVe 26 0
17 BD-13 5550 pA* 20 01 49.8291561312 -12 41 17.767855176 10.62 11.3 11.4     B1Ibe 74 0
18 LS II +34 26 PN 20 48 16.6321353648 +34 27 24.344529588 10.48 11.11 10.9     B1.5Ia/Iabe 72 0

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