
Query : 2005A&A...431..253O

2005A&A...431..253O - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 431, 253-268 (2005/2-3)

The structure and dynamics of the dense cores in the Perseus molecular cloud complex.


Abstract (from CDS):

We have produced wide-field (> 0.1 deg2) images of the molecular gas around the dense cores observed by Ladd et al. (1994ApJ...433..117L) in the Perseus cloud complex in various CO (CO(1-0), 13CO(1-0), C18O(1-0)) and CS (CS(2-1), C34S(2-1)) isotopomers, and N2H+(1-0), using the 16-element focal plane array operating at a wavelength of 3mm at the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory. We also performed mosaic observations in the N2H+(1-0) line and in the adjacent 3mm continuum with the OVRO interferometer. Only within one of the observed cores we unambiguously detected a 3mm continuum compact source with the interferometer. The single-dish large-scale maps of the densest gas, which in Perseus is concentrated within two large filamentary structures roughly aligned along a NE-SW axis, allowed us to analyse the spatial and kinematical properties of the cores and of the surrounding ambient gas. In the PER4/PER5 and PER7 regions we find that the large-scale and core velocity gradients have the same sign and similar magnitudes. In at least three cases we then find pairs of nearby cores with differences in the CS and N2H+ emission and in the line profile, which may have been caused by evolutionary effects. The small fraction of cores with compact continuum sources, the chemical differentiation and the inward motions observed suggest that we are observing objects in a phase preceeding the collapse and the formation of stars.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: molecules - stars: formation - radio lines: ISM

Nomenclature: Table 2: [LMG94] Per NAN (Nos 3A-3C, 3B1-3B2, 4D, 6A-6B, 7A-7C, 9A-9B) added.

Simbad objects: 35

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Number of rows : 35
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 LDN 1448 DNe 03 22.5 +30 35           ~ 517 0
2 [LMG94] Per 1 PoC 03 24.2 +30 26           ~ 3 0
3 LDN 1455 DNe 03 28 00.6480 +30 07 58.800           ~ 187 1
4 [LMG94] Per 3B1 PoC 03 28 30.5 +31 04 20           ~ 1 0
5 [LMG94] Per 3C PoC 03 28 30.9 +31 10 50           ~ 1 0
6 [LMG94] Per 3B2 PoC 03 28 41.1 +31 06 24           ~ 1 0
7 [LMG94] Per 3 PoC 03 28 42.8 +31 05 40           ~ 6 0
8 [LMG94] Per 3B PoC 03 28 44.5 +31 05 40           ~ 1 0
9 [LMG94] Per 3A PoC 03 28 51.4 +31 08 37           ~ 1 0
10 NGC 1333 OpC 03 29 11.3 +31 18 36           ~ 1470 1
11 [LMG94] Per 4C PoC 03 29 15.7 +31 28 21           ~ 2 0
12 [LMG94] Per 4 PoC 03 29 18.0 +31 27 31           ~ 10 0
13 SCOPE G158.19-20.25 cor 03 29 23.3 +31 36 08           ~ 10 0
14 SSTc2d J032923.5+313330 Y*O 03 29 23.47 +31 33 29.5           ~ 39 1
15 [LMG94] Per 4D PoC 03 29 26.0 +31 28 20           ~ 2 0
16 IRAS 03267+3128 cor 03 29 51.82 +31 39 06.0           ~ 55 0
17 [LMG94] Per 6B PoC 03 30 08.1 +30 23 19           ~ 1 0
18 JCMTSF J033014.2+302314 PoC 03 30 14.9 +30 23 19           ~ 3 0
19 [LMG94] Per 6 PoC 03 30 14.9 +30 22 48           ~ 13 0
20 [LMG94] Per 7C PoC 03 32 29.1 +31 02 10           ~ 2 0
21 [LMG94] Per 7A PoC 03 32 29.1 +30 59 13           ~ 2 0
22 [LMG94] Per 7B PoC 03 32 42.7 +30 59 56           ~ 2 0
23 [LMG94] Per 7 PoC 03 32 45.1 +30 59 56           ~ 10 0
24 [LMG94] Per 9B PoC 03 33 11.8 +31 20 18           ~ 1 0
25 Barnard 1 MoC 03 33 16.3 +31 07 51           ~ 325 0
26 [LMG94] Per 9 PoC 03 33 16.5 +31 20 18           ~ 6 0
27 JCMTSF J033332.4+312013 PoC 03 33 32.6 +31 20 17           ~ 2 0
28 NAME Perseus Cloud SFR 03 35.0 +31 13           ~ 1386 0
29 6C 033321+320838 Bla 03 36 30.10760267 +32 18 29.3422162     17.50 16.6   ~ 661 1
30 [LMG94] Per 10 PoC 03 40.6 +31 45           ~ 2 0
31 IC 348 OpC 03 44 31.7 +32 09 32           ~ 1403 1
32 NAME [BM89] B5 DNe 03 47 38.3 +32 52 43           ~ 224 0
33 LDN 1471 DNe 03 48.0 +32 54           ~ 329 0
34 3C 273 BLL 12 29 06.6998257176 +02 03 08.597629980   13.05 14.830 14.11   ~ 5837 1
35 3C 454.3 Bla 22 53 57.7480438728 +16 08 53.561508864   16.57 16.10 15.22   ~ 2876 2

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