
Query : 2005A&A...431..963S

2005A&A...431..963S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 431, 963-978 (2005/3-1)

The evolution of planetary nebulae. II. Circumstellar environment and expansion properties.


Abstract (from CDS):

We investigate and discuss the expansion properties of planetary nebulae by means of 1D radiation-hydrodynamics models computed for different initial envelope configurations and central star evolutionary tracks. In particular, we study how the expansion depends on the initial density gradient of the circumstellar envelope and show that it is possible to derive information on the very last mass-loss episodes during the star's final evolution along and off the asymptotic giant branch. To facilitate the comparison of the models with real objects, we have also computed observable quantities like surface brightness and emission-line profiles. With the help of newly acquired high-resolution emission-line profiles for a sample of planetary nebulae we show that models with initial envelopes based on the assumption of a stationary wind outflow fail to explain the observed expansion speeds of virtually all of the observed planetary nebulae. Instead it must be assumed that during the very last phase of evolution along the final asymptotic giant branch evolution the mass-loss rate increases in strength, resulting in a much steeper slope of the circumstellar radial density distribution. Under these conditions, the expansion properties of the nebular gas differ considerably from the self-similar solutions found for isothermal conditions. Furthermore, the mass loss must remain at a rather high level until the stellar remnant begins to evolve quickly towards the central star regime. Current theoretical computations of dust-driven mass-loss which are restricted to rather low temperatures cannot be applied during the star's departure from the asymptotic giant branch.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): hydrodynamics - radiative transfer - ISM: planetary nebulae: general - stars: AGB and post-AGB

Simbad objects: 14

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Number of rows : 14
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 UGC 17 AG? 00 03 43.118 +15 13 04.71 14.78 14.80 14.19     ~ 69 1
2 NGC 1535 PN 04 14 15.7689913368 -12 44 21.932484324   12.01 12.82     sdO3: 514 1
3 IC 418 PN 05 27 28.2059533560 -12 41 50.282287764   9.405 9.010 10.118   O7fp 1035 2
4 NGC 2022 PN 05 42 06.1904253312 +09 05 10.585995576   14.9 14.2     [WC] 363 1
5 HD 56126 pA* 07 16 10.2590823192 +09 59 47.954735376   9.20 8.32     F0/5Ia 320 0
6 NGC 2610 PN 08 33 23.4238416720 -16 08 57.796735596   9.02   11.23   ~ 184 0
7 IC 2448 PN 09 07 06.3191779848 -69 56 30.692677668   11.1 11.10     O(H)3III-V 232 0
8 NGC 3242 PN 10 24 46.1335521792 -18 38 32.296857792   11.83 12.15     ~ 824 1
9 PN My 60 PN 10 31 33.4335093912 -55 20 50.821580400     13.30     ~ 77 0
10 NGC 5882 PN 15 16 49.9562553264 -45 38 58.616280132   11.9 10.9     ~ 275 1
11 NGC 6629 PN 18 25 42.4541775576 -23 12 10.551587436   11.90 9.9     [WC5/6] 265 0
12 PN M 1-46 PN 18 27 56.3175434256 -15 32 54.434037264     12.83     O(H)7I(fc) 125 0
13 NGC 6826 PN 19 44 48.1500225888 +50 31 30.249034932   9.779 9.359 10.775   O3f(H) 723 0
14 NGC 7662 PN 23 25 53.8318792825 +42 32 05.835828380       11.427   ~ 928 1

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