
Query : 2006A&A...445..907I

2006A&A...445..907I - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 445, 907-913 (2006/1-3)

CI and CO in the center of M 51.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present J=2-1, J=3-2, J=4-3 12CO maps as well as J=2-1, J=3-2 3co and 492 GHz [CI] measurements of the central region in M 51. The distribution of CO is strongly concentrated towards the spiral arms. The center itself is poor in, though not devoid of, CO emission. The observed line intensities require modelling with a multi-component molecular gas. A dense component must be present (n(H2)≃103) with kinetic temperature Tkin≃100K, combined with either a less dense (≃102cm–3) component of the same temperature, or a more dense (n(H2)≃3x103cm–3) and much cooler (Tkin=10-30K) component. Atomic carbon amounts are between 5 and 10 times those of CO. Much of the molecular gas mass is associated with the hot PDR phase. The center of M 51 has a face-on gas mass density of about 40±20M/pc2, and a well-established CO-to-H2 conversion ratio X four to five times lower than the standard Galactic value.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: individual: M 51 - galaxies: spiral - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: nuclei - submillimeter

Simbad objects: 11

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Number of rows : 11
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 253 SyG 00 47 33.134 -25 17 19.68   8.03   6.94 8.1 ~ 3371 2
2 UGCA 39 GiG 02 41 55.092 +59 36 14.73   16       ~ 351 1
3 IC 342 SBG 03 46 48.514 +68 05 45.98   10.5       ~ 1524 1
4 ESO 495-21 bCG 08 36 15.190 -26 24 33.66 12.04 11.93 11.45 11.09 12.3 ~ 578 3
5 M 82 AGN 09 55 52.430 +69 40 46.93 9.61 9.30 8.41     ~ 5898 6
6 NGC 4945 Sy2 13 05 27.279 -49 28 04.44   9.31 14.40 7.55   ~ 1495 2
7 M 51 Sy2 13 29 52.698 +47 11 42.93   9.26 8.36 8.40   ~ 4362 4
8 M 83 SBG 13 37 00.91920 -29 51 56.7400 8.85 8.11 7.52 7.21   ~ 2606 2
9 NGC 6946 H2G 20 34 52.332 +60 09 13.24   10.5       ~ 2546 2
10 NGC 7331 LIN 22 37 04.0506038088 +34 24 56.800076508 10.65 10.35 9.48     ~ 1232 2
11 [RK90] A1 PoG ~ ~           ~ 4 0

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